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Show 15,216 EGGS FROM -100 HENS IN A YEAR Record-Breaking Poultry Owned iy These Hustling Farmeis In Illinois. CHIC C.), Keb 27 Isaao Jl Cleaver, a ponllry-rnlser of MontRnmety countj, lecelved 37M dozen eggs last ear from Kt chickens, besides those he used for hitching nnd family use llo sold them nt nn average of Is cents per dozen realizing J675 13. s Tho hmner month of tho ear wns Mai, when tho hens pro- ducel M doen eggs. Jonithin Mnser nnd O K. bchulti of Jlontgomery county, are two of iho largest milk-pro- dining faimers Mr Mixer Bent to his creamers Hfd3 pounds of milk during Januarj, nnd Mr. hchulli 13 Un pounds lo the same creamery during tho same 1 month |