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Show I FARMER AND STOCKMAN If i Hot Debate Between Two Interests in Irriga- !' tlon Convention Yesterday. 1 hsuc Raised by Resolution on Control of Watersheds, md Spirited Mi Arguments Made on Both SidesSecond Meeting Called for ;' April 2nd to Perfect Permanent Organization. i i " , P-iturdnv'. nsllj ) ,1 . :V f What the Convention Did Yes- K . terday. . ir A i tM a resolution offered b s ' s t i' Fwcndsen of Cachn rnun i , l I mm tiding the Investigations ' I rrlM on by the tlepiirl- r r f the Interior f ;' s t 1 a resolution offered bv c, . r . .f- A F Iiiircmtis of ftnlt J 1 h I rlnrlng thai the n iter s ft- fir the Mate should anil mml 1 i m I r the absolute control of ! the i ,ple resident on the system 1 of Ml I. h the shed In a part I A itfl rc.-iliitlon "Here I hv tit I rart of Mich ren m men ii t. In it oni incrrber from I s c II ountv bo appointed In re D r rl 111 ollii existing In his urn p . 1 iid n resolution offered bv 1 rrl u 1 fi Nell of Uintah, dcclir PS , In, ih it the parsmnunt Issue he f re the lonventlon If to serurr V. nll fr un the general Onvernment Ail I'1 " resolution offered by " P li-nt" flegg of Tooele, thai It il le il senre of the convention it i le, Ihit nil Inwrliltn Involving rights Jl V. to the hit of water now pen ling J1 t Ill Ih rt i.r Ihe Suite l pout 7 V, r t I imill after l lie nxl l.mlf ' V. Iilur. rlull him mol !. t' I H IMollillop nrffrril by . Dil k ile ClfSK of Tonolo lomUmn i . InK the irfK'nt polli i of nelllnft . 6, puhll land In fori) ncro irici on jj iMitirthrda of the Blatp V f .liti.,i i rrnoliitinn offrtil bv I DrlfBali IVarl of Hlrh anklni; Iho " nmirn r and Ihi Klalc Unalnerr : lo ronfi- ltt- flmllur niilrrrr In t ft Iho Halo of oinlnr to fcriiro f odjudlr illnn o( Ihi ulr rlshti In f Ihi llpar IlKcr dlalrlrt JLI . Ilcjcclfd a rmoltulon offi-red by SJl ". Di legate I'ase that no water ner . J.J. l fihill uiie more water than la ni V nn for IrrleallnK till lind K ij , llejeeted a reeolullon oftctt.l by . i DelrRite How irrt ol l"mer that . y ea h rU r or mreuin need wholly . I, e In ono counl be Imotporaitil and !' & conlrollfd by one general board of . U . illreelora. elected by the plockhold. ft era of Iho cerul canal i j i , panlea i , ItcJecKil a roeoliillon offered by fi, V. DeleKato Pack of Bummll re . I I wirMIng the Ooernor to call nn i extru iculon of Ihe IRUInlure to . i, . . draft a I in In the Iniercata of Ir i' ' ". rlnallon !, llfjected a rejolullon offereil by . DelrRiite (. rer of Utah InHrnctlnn . . the permanent orxintzatton com V. mlltto to fnrniulale i till rrqillr . ! Inn erri peraon u.tnx water In J. i record hla water light In hl own . T county . t riejected a reeolntlon offered by K . K Delegate Damherty of Halt Iike. , ft tt In appoint n Ifgltlalho commllteo t ". of fMen member In draft it bill . K for pretentalloti In Ihe Utah ia-iila. , laiuro t y Hejecled a reeoliitlon offered hy . Delegate Flfher Harrlti of Rait J . Lake anklnc the Legislature to . e create a board of Irrigation . Appointed a special commltleeof . r a, seven men to draw iip a plan foi , 1 , the permanent organisation of u le . Male Irrigation ussoclation t ! K Decided to hold another onen K I . lion April Slid lo pcrlect perm ment . IK organization 'A ' ' 'A 'A A 'A A A A A 'A A 'A A A A .The rlneh between the repreaenlnlUea I nf lto atock and of nKrlcultiinil Inter- eats, anticipated from Ihe fit nt, i line In the afternoon eeaslon of the Irrlg i 1 tlon comentlon )esterila, iiml for I thirty minutes the ussembl) wua In nn uproar while Impassioned sptoclioa ere made h the mUocatea of clthir interest In the end Ihe fannein prt alled and carried out the mensitte thej desired against Hit determined but fu tile oppoIUon of the fheep and cattle I men I I co.NTitoi, of Tnrtsin:nt The contri)crs arose oiei u lesolu-lion lesolu-lion Intiodueed by A I' Dnreniiia of t-alt Luke etpresslnit It ns the sense ' of the comentlon that ihe waieisheila of the Btnto were an essentia' put of . the Irrigation systems and ns suili should be under the contiol of the res), dents of the district of which the sjs-tenia sjs-tenia were n pin In Ihli tilt slnei men fan a menace tn their otcupntlon of mnn eo,uun miles i if lind deslrab.e for the pastuinBe ami Malirlng; of sheep. The nit,ueil IniiB nnd e unesllj to proie that the sheep OiiX ml riestroj the cgetntlnti nn the lilgli phtenus or If thej did It was lint detrimental u th wuterslmls in It line nn opporiunltj for the snow in drift Into the ennjons whire It could lie iroperl piesered for futuio use. iioAHii i inn mii:hp The ndora(es nf 'lie rernltuion on , the other hnnd malntiilned Unit tho shep lllemllj ileastnleil eer renlnn thej entered nlpplns oft the nr.iss and low un.lerbiiish ilose to the Kiuun.l i und destrojlnK Ireea by fclrdllng us fat t tip is thyoiilrt teau, JudKe Irfilrand I ' oune ditw ii palhelle picture of the scene nf desolation lo be t levied wher- I I eer herds of sheep had pastured i I through the winter I tuii'uKii me winter A lars:- Brlst of resolutions was passed I through the comentlon mill mil Ihe 1 ret meisuiei nf many dclegites weie consigned to lastlnR obllMon At Hie tireent insistence of the members from the southern counties the imiveiitlon vas continued until tcHlu when the business piobablj will be eompMed ' SECOND SIHUTiNCl IN Al'ltll. i Bteps were taken toward nifeitlnir n permanent ornanliatlon of u rtali irrigation conuress bj the appointment of a committee to take the neiessari preliminary steps and report at u - ond meetlns of this convention to be held in this city April 2nd fOrt PKRMANKNT OHOAMS5ATION' The committee on peimunent orKanl- ration, appointed at Thursday s sea I , alon. reported tho prcllmlnarj draft uf I ""nMltutlon for n permanent btntc I rrlgntlon HssociJiion to be kmmn ns i the Utah IrriRiition Congress The en tire matter was refeird to a special ) committee, wlilcli was Instrum I to re. this city April 2nd The personnel of it f,a't Lakes a L. Bwendsen (ache J ' J'. Holmgren, Box Klder W I) Lllns-. Lllns-. ton. Sanpele, Caleb Tanner Utah I Oeoree IJaherson, Weber. Pimon Chris, tiansen. Sevier. |