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Show LINCOLN'S BIRTHPLACE. Property in Kentucky Advertised at Sheriff's Sate for Taxes Hodgentllle, Ks , March 1 -Tho birthplace birth-place of Abraham Lincoln near Ilodgen-tlllo, Ilodgen-tlllo, Is advertised at Sheriffs salt for taxes A few scars ago the placo promised to bo a properly upon which Ihe Ootern-rnent Ootern-rnent wouli spent thousands of dollars Hut it was bought by a cnmpinyof Eist-em Eist-em capitalists with tho Intention ot mi king It a public park This Bchemo fell through when the cabin In whlrh Lin-coin Lin-coin was born was carried to Central pnrk In New Sork cits lhe plice has been unrarel for and has grsdualls gone down till lis laltie Is not more lhan enough to meet tho taxes on it |