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Show ACHIEVE BIG sjjjj(jj - British Make Combined M6 Against Boers. NEWS READ IN THE COMMOi Boer Losses In tha Two Days j., v Ing ABgregnte Six HundrH " On Killed or Captured Two Thou iforses nnd Twenty-tlght Tk sand Head of Cattle Fall IB(.t Hands of British Troopjjriui Selects Anniversary of Bam Majubt Hill to Win Great Vitu tv London Teh 21 -Following tbj ,. Im cedent or Lord Roberts, who anno Oen Cronjes Mirrend r at raartld, ihe on the unnlversary ot the bain, .. .Majuba hill (February !7 11,51,! ' Kitchener lppnrentlj selc Id t,i,, " nniilversnrj to achieve a big . f bj .1 combined riovm nt lastm, ,' ""r da8 agalnrl the Hoer forces Ji, the Harrlsmith and Van Reensn , H of blockhouses T,u. Hoer loss?, ,".' tins gate 600 men klllc-J or captured an! Mr horses and it .100 bend of cattle h " the hands nf the Hrltlsh troop, "i "J, news was so vv tie nine to the liritlsht ' II was rend out In the House ot rl c mons bj Ihe War bn rotary r R iht .rrka.f7e.lJo'vvs'"f,'', ""fI''dK" KITflllVntlS DISPATCH T. Hanlsinlih 1 eb lesterdav conillnid iieinlons ol the columu t ' rnlna id In driving tl-e liners agiinft ' Harrlsmith an Van licenan iiSimL ., line Tie Illvcr Wllse wisheldS" "m lei ester rifclme it ml Lillntl s mm, HP Irfnntrj fr m llarrlsmltli while n?, sh iimns formed em I h rrnnkfort a I lli tha s pus bin I hous line sm . ,1 vnnce.1 south ho' ling the coitnirr J. tween Hie VMIi. nnd tin Nntnl rr '." on (he llrsl night n severe allimj, ) brenk Ihie.tgli ni made nl n pohiv lh nrd the Nevv cilandcri bchavn i rl grr it galhinirv The tigbUiu- vi ,t 1 tn e qmrte, , the lleers ilruvc a la 1, herd 01 cattj fiontnf them hi us, .Mnnl Dn""' Hoer lend, r Wis klhc I nil ihln de 1 1 Uoeri were found 011 th m Ovir 11X1 hois- 1 w re I lie I and vtn of rattle wer. I on our hnhd. b 1 mill illemil to I ik ut wen m nd In two e ises 11 -,1 d On tN?i dnj If Uiere with rlllr md hore7i t ipt tired MN1 1,01.1 Hklllln ll ihe eoluiiini ha 1 noi mi riror 1 Ihe oiir 1 I 1 V p lie n vile vi- n P. r I vi been klllr 1 n lil eners In 1 r haa I 1 o b- 1 ie head 1 r 11 1 w s c shiep 1X11 till. il rnim if, inunlllein I 1 n s I ci le v Hi w t eon j 1 1 1 1 i ( mnu l.nts Mejir ml 1 il,. r f (. r t lornets lie 1 t r 1 1 , very mipii in- o ins int. r M I ll a TheXare 1 11 Ir I rmlrKr pljlng lo n 1 1 1 1 H m. Commons li v 1 1 10 el ( Is He exception 01 ih 11 t if cinnli I I ad been 1 ceiv il ,1 in r rn nn. I of a Itiitijii , iivo rr ij i vi rr. reir Klerki Ioi, 'o r en bud I tcportti! kill I but t re vvcie iVj IW vvoun I I NOI VI I, nr HDt In rcoso t in ml v maid tho novnnnietit 1 to n, fate e esenrt it 1 .n oj f ,1 ,11 car wblch iccordin- I a ,1 ,pit f Lird Unci er r m c pi bile Fcbtui -ith win aiic I, nd cii lur I the Uuoiii south est of 1:1 rkidj Transvaal colon r b 1r 2ih j,, Klleli-p. 1 Inr 1 at I I nc follol messige A report ha Jt st I in ie I veil II sixteen utile rs nnd I l m, n were hi I rlsoners f tl, un nftlc r oil men have Inn 1 I d ( ol nden of ihe miu 11 im nr who nunded la still i pr ner M-iJ Vriia-who Vriia-who i.imn 1 1 the Infnnlrv t V'.?'!'.lc'! , " " .' "", " '" In nhtalnl ilellnlln Inform Illnn Lend Kitchener m i nothing In I response nbc ut the two guns that t Huers cnptuiel wllh the convoj it Ir Urenlilik the fctr tary of Su lot War iinnounc d In the Hause Cnmnions todaj that tho (lovcrnme hod nn further Inf rnntlnn beyon'' thi eotitnuinleali I In Lord Kit, hener 4 ti pulch CHNSOItSHIF STRICT The censoishlp In South Africa lu-been lu-been excissivelj strict for some tip pnst nnd dl?p ttrhes have constnue: ly suflered n rlous delay In some cv Ihej have been held up for one nr Ir dajs both at C ipo Town und I'retorli A dispatch lecelv d tonight fro Harrlomlth shows that fien De Vt anil Mr Stejn were Within the nelek scribed bj Lord Kitchener In hli li patch from llnrilrmlth, conccrnlnr; i killing or ejptining of COO Doers dtirlt the) last two diys but escaped be' tho line vvai- enmpletcd RAWLINS S SUCCESS. Tonights dlspitch from Harrlsraltt also sajg that Col Rawlins scored If highest success of the drive He ije-ecitled ije-ecitled In completely suiroundlnf 1 la iger of loci Hoers nnd gave them oc hour In which lo decide whether th would surrender or light. The Brt Uncling escape Impossible, surrendtrrf nt ills retlon. nnd not a shot was flret |