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Show lillWlllI LHHHH r B J Where Science Boots Nature H ! ! Thee and the e,r havt long been H ' regard rt s imnrt of in hinlsm 'H .,ulte the st wonderful things In IH the word Hit comrared with the lm IB i plemcnti of a present da Uhoritor- 'H , the sensitiveness of " human organs JH ' s n a gi ' enough A photographic JH 5 rUte irlcd 'h a ''"Ol" W,H B I reveal tr presence of millions ' r.f Mais B whoe llhl do nt affect "? ' l?h I In the Hast rh. microscope too" n H Ha reve ations of the world of the li M finite y ml tells us how crude af M ter al i t 1 moat delicate of senses B Indeed v may liken It t a plan) whe c o 1 a single JJtav I vtaris the mill m la Fiom th- ultra jl violet ti tie lowest reaches or tne upc t u i Is a range of some nine oc HHB ta ea f lent MOratlona of which HI nave f o ir nw mechanical aenaea we r a a nevn have been conacloua AVJi Th" ! ara little or what la K Ing on j i l meant of a mlcio r., tread of a fly aounda like the Iran i nf caalry Our heal sense Is ve ague we need a arlatlon if n at lev t fifth of a degree on a ilwr monc realise any difference In t m, at 1 1 of Langley a little no lor- i r II n te the difference of a mil 3nth -f degree It la two nun i orr i th us nd tlmea an sensitive aa J our tkn (al Snyder In Harper a J Mag - n f i March HBW Women and War. (In aupj n the mn for the car nake cf i i ittleneld women have n't mer l a tuellj Buffered more than IBB . j ihe lit who He then, tut In Ihe rlf long ir h nf bearing and rearing i the wo rn nf the rare go through a J long tlent v end ire I strain which no kntr a kel ol Her on III" lonseit mar h h ever more than equallel while e en In the matter of death In I alt c ill 1 societies the prnballllly f thai th u e age woman will die of ,W ih Ibirlh is far greater than the prot . it '; abllit that the Berage male will die ,j "' in but There la perliapa no no HHI man ho could loot do n upon a bat llcflcld roMre) villi ilaln lilt the HH thougnt v iul I come to her Po nuny H . mother sons So man oting bodies H ' brought Into the world to lie there' Ml H thla that n en might lie with glazed I t i) balla and awnllen fare an 1 fixe I ,i , Hue un loted moutha and great Umbo HE It to it I about thla that an acre of f M ground might be manured with hu fH man llrjh that neM yara grata and iiH popple and karoo biuhfa ma aprlng H up greener and redder or that the HH J rand of an frlcan plain h.ie n glint fH I t white bonrt And we cry It fH fj tannot b" So woman who la a wo ffl i man aa) of a human bod It la Jfl t nothing Olle Schrelner In Harper a HJ Coat of Ocean Ctblea H I rnm nn authoritative Matement ffl ' In the March ( cntury we Ink" thla Jfl . note apropos of Marconi a uirk In H nlrclesa ttlegraih Mr Marconi alro believes thtt his H ayatcin may hcome a forml lal le com petitir ngalnt the ocein cables To I d i so on land la not so ras as the 1 111 ea tl ere c H only JIM a mile whet aa the rjblea cost lloOn a mlh nn I H reriulre exprnslte ateamera t repnlr H i nn 1 maintain them V transitlnntlc H i ble rrpret'nla an Initial outlay it H at least three million dollars lealdea H the cost of Its maintenance A Mir H j conl station can te 1 tillt for slxtv K thouianl dollars while their mulnte j nance shoull In Inslgnincint What H tls aiiciesa will mean can le tent grasped I y considering the extent of H the prcperti which woul I he dlsplired H theieby although It la oillj flnce An H glut i ISoS forty three sears ago Hj th t the nrst Atlantic cable was lal 1 H J There are now fourteen laid nloni, the HJ I Atlantic bel an I In the whole worl 1 H seventeen hundred nnl rlxt nine tel H igrurh cables of various sizes with H a totul length of almost one hundrel H nnd eighty nlno thousan I nautunl H miles These re tutre n greit number H of ocean going table steamera for their H laying an 1 TLpalra nnl while the tn H tal alue of the cables cannot be eis j t lly computed It la known In b a H 'net thit Irltlih eapltallsta hive one H i hundre ml lion dollars InveH 1 in H F cable storks B j A Deform of the Laundry H ' Two hit,h otllrlala of the Unlverlt H nf th b u 1 at Prvvnnee Tenn hive 1 leen omrelle I to Ilea the iountr In H order to tvoid the wrath rf the miun B tnlneem of the neighborhood who are H eirigel a the effoits of the author! H) ties t cs'nlllsh a university laun Irj H therct depriving thtf washerwomen H f if the pli o of vvhut they regarl as J their lust pierogatlvef The first linn H i dry wa burned and the chincellor H I and stcwaid of the unlverstlv hive ji leen thr atenel with vlnlemu If It H le rebuilt The situation rresentel la 1 I oih dramatl nnd Interesting from nn 1 ccnnoml il M.lnlolm It is another 1 I hasc of the old question of the ton j lllct of raiital and labor The irate j mountain) a hrve doubtless leen t II 1 ly the piofessor nf political econnmv H that the eieellin of u laundr) means H lteul well paid Itbor anl uniform M . i rice- as well as the general I ell r H rnent f the appearance of the student n rodj fn nc aslina when evening drtaa H 1 worn There ate tcml I lit unaatls H fving arguments A far letter one H 1 aj be dli el If these I Ian hie B reuses of the nmintalna can be per B ruade I tn I ok upon the mutter from H nn nltr istl standi olnt The shoull m rem mler thit ist xperlnire has B d monatratrl that the Imriasfd ron m rtrucllon 'f launlris me ins moie m thn a roiusHindlng In rense in the H destruction of garments in 1 theiefnre 1 that where the are the I seia olheia I rqtnllv deserving woikera ire the i tulners an) all -coi oinl liws are " thus aattnlod In the meantime the , two hatd v o kil inei ibera of the fa I ulty v ho h been driven Into exile I nrw doultless enloying a ninth needed I rent nn 1 the pitiable ondlil n of the I atulenta letween the levll in I the tl p set Is tlic krave't thing tn lie considered Hirper Weekh f i Letters That Are of Little Value i It la ny ludkinnit that tin Hist 8 I thlts a oung mil stutlig In life r Ji rhoul I do Is t master th krt u utwork j li if hit ch sin calling aa might tit ill tual i Meter N matui h i v I UlilJ ft educate I he ma be when h makes I ' a leglnnlni, awn fiom 'olleke he ought to tear In mind that he las aa mil b to learn that book in lot ton tain and n feasors never tei h aa f was (mi ai te 1 tu him in his aluu ma I i tn I I Letters of iet.oniintnlatlon no of il little nif It 1 1 J i- krown to b. the II ease tint an Individual Is slxe 1 up I i" for what he shows hlri-elf to be and ! ' n t according to aome othei i i us f. written estimate It reall lakea a I " e r or two of hold knocks and lei uffa L tn 1 ring a oun(, fellow who thinks ' j Ills sheepskin is all he nee Is tu i point whci he uan propeilj stlmate IE, himself When he reithos that atnge f he win begin to t,et on i ie v id ' ill. F Auguetus Heime In Success for !ffi t Wrch R t Expensive Smoklnf m home men milo a Ipi, for the Jjjk eake of economy because they can t -IH?1 afford a good cigar and i ther men It E!W( ilultre In u nieerachnii n and brtai be UK I cause they claim It Is tha onlj way to if s.et the full enjoyment out of tobieio l I The question of economy doesn t enter E Into ths scheme of the IMter ilass K e Walnut street manufacturer of Turkish i cigarettes sells at If W) a round n cin. I aldciablg iuo.ntty of liniorUd tobacco II istomera ire nnnoisseurs and Ihev arc mfn who can amply iffor 1 in pay thla exorbitant prl e and ray th goods are worth It Prme'fthem tn ti- sure mike It last longer bv mix ing It with Mrglnla long cut for the Turkish tobnrco la excee HnMy pun gent and n little of It will flavor an equal qiianat of the cheaper weed mulce who was rrlclng thla tobacco yesterday etrpresaed H me surprise that it should be ro expensive That Isn t expensive replied the toba tonlst There are Torklsh lobaccoa thai with the duty addl would tost as much as MO a p mnd In thla country n lladcl j hla Ttecord The Sons Mystery if It touches the heart of a Poet The gods and the a M will know it For over the wst ra and crags of time The winds or the world will Wow it If ever ihe Bard shall brine It The hsods of the Fates wilt wing It Aiid i It will travel from world to Tin ihe klnss of Orion sing It -Edwin M?rkham In the Century for Mar h New York a Most famous Wedding Perhaps tne moat aenaatlonal lere monv of m .rrlage that has ever been performed In New York 'n ""J known evervwhere In .flnl-nll'lnt"J. a the Dmmond Wadding " the union ot a daughter of I leut Bart lett of Ihe United fttatea navy to a Cuban genu man of great weath Don Fsahan Porrta Trua de Ov le to Aa Kenertus as he was opulent ''" Isvlshed upoi the bride inore than J100 000 woiip tf pearls and diamonds bXp' VugheV'-Hle'dm mm memorated U ov-nt in a p. em , an 1 morallsta r-lnte 1 to II as an extroordl nan Instance of the evils of splendor Sn 1 luxuiy thtt were corrupting mer lean society Ho great was the urlonl ty to witness Khla wed ling that proba bit for the tlrm time on su-h an ot -i slon cat Is of llmlsslon were Issued to the church A stiual of pnllcemen was require 1 elinplv to protect the bride anl groom from strangers who ruvhl after them The magnificent nuptials It may e remarked had a melantholy sequel the brlKroorn died soon his widow un ler the Span Ish laws was entitle! onl to the right of lover and nil tie Mtts which he hid ahovvete.1 upon ler were tien awav from her on the grounl mat legtllv they were heirlooms March It Ilea Home lournal How n Spider Crosses a Stream The slr'iim that now Inter pted rnnelnis psth was o narrow th it the lower branches nf the trees reachc-d to within tvvvi r three fet of ei h ther across but as she was unable to swim she might ns well have thought of cioselng the Ulantlc so far ns traversing the water Itself was ton terned tight belt iv her In n shallow pool rlns- t the shore still another f Uanelm s ronislna a water spl ler ha I lullt a dom I tesldenie beneath the surface to wlilcli she lose ott istonally to seize a w ifrllj or other Insett or to I reithe carrying diwn Hguln air 1 ub lies In the fur vvhl h coverel her loly Rhe hid spun u Ihlmlt nf silk nnl fes toonel It to the stem of t wnler plmt nnl Into this thimble she had currle I her air 1 ill hi i whl h hal graduall dlsrlicel thn vvnter mil llllel the whole chatnl.r Here she llvel In anl rnmfnrlnlle nnl was miking I reparations for rearing n famll ranelna however wasted no time In env t f t hln i elatlv e s acq ilremi nts either Phe whs n creature of resource Nothing dauntel l the trook she let herself llghtl down from the wall nnl laboriously rltmbed one of the tree at the vert.e f the rtteam golnk out to the extreme end of n limb that pro Jectel tver the water The nlr wna almost al-most rerfeetl still anl Ihe little, spl ler rose up on her four hindmost legs nn 1 lifted the first tw i of her feelers to ascertain In what dliectlir any slight current of nlr might be settlm, N ivv she emitted frm hei splnnerelsa ver light threal which streamed o it to thn length i f two r three feet lloatlng t n an ilmost I nienei title breath of win 1 one of the phen mena which le! srme nittnallets to I Hove that the spl ler shoots out her web against the air This threal moving very rlowlv eemed to le feeling for a moot Ink I late an! It was after several mln lite llfte I up until Its gummed en 1 touched a leaf of n 1 rnn h higher over the water The moment the gossimer thread toiched thla leif It stuck to It anl Arunelna on the alert pulle 1 to see If It woul! hoi 1 Finding that she was able to draw It taut she rtn across it anl held the mort advantageous posl tlon Throwing out another thra 1 that lodged on a longer branch she found herself at the en 1 of a limb vt hence she w is able to cist a line to the leaf of i tree on the o poslte Hie of the I rook where she at list rearhel terra hrmt Pearson s Magazine ft r Mnrch Observant Though Blind Father toseph Ptalemin of the Jesuit founlatlvn of st linnrU avler in West hlxteenth street de votes himself to w vrk among Ihe blind anl the deaf and dumb He savs that tnntrar) to the generul Impiesslon the 1 llnd ire pecttllail) haj p nnd fond of Jokes Illustrative of this not long since a tlln I acqialniinc of his whose r inilnlng senses like th it of all blln I are ex eptinnall keen was In n rot in wheie weie sue 1 1 lv visitors Unal l one of the la lies left What leniHikalle white anl perfect leeih that la Iv his laughlngl n market the I llnd man h) how I) you know askel I'm I er Sta lelman lletauee for the last half hour ahe has lone nothing tut laugh! New t rk Times The Miiuso ot Words In Hirpers foi March Joseph Fit! gerald wr s en to ainlnglj of our mis takes in the tie of words, Jleie are i few ordlnar) example Supercilious la from superillltun cjebiow supercilious ev throw Is therefore equivalent to eebiowlah eye I row a rank tautology and Inexcns able Hut a lea ling newspaper haa Ihe reviewer proceeds to say with su icrtlllous ejehiows aa well might we say with ouIhi eyes r auricular ears oi pedil feet oi menu! minds Commit when sail of a moral aa Is ilwus nsscKiated In the mind with I In mew irtliln sa never wlih a ts com ni ndable But In inoilceofthe chlej Investigation we lead ot the Pecre tnry of the Nnv) committing his Dist impartial ml resslnust and pessimistic designate nivvujs a mental attltile a pjlnt if vlet bu never tht quality of nn oh Je live thing or slluatl u Tho igh the i siett of it coming halves be never ao loomj It la not nni ci pessi miMl and though nevei fit rink It Is not nor can be tlinlsllc , sslmlsm and i timlsin are stil tlv nooli nf mind und ore predlcal le only t r the mind of mar Dut the Setretnr of k rlcult ire Is reporteJ as styini; Tho outlook for tho crops Is hy no means resslmlstlc rhe right word is dls. couraglng or Ihe Ilk Tribulation Is one of the mot notable words In iur language It Is distinctly a Christian nnd religious word us Archbishop Arch-bishop T en h shows in tracing lis origin Th re rrows anl trills the religious reli-gious mun hat, uro lbs thrtehlngb with t He wou d be no fitting him I ih i t r y garner Trlbulatl n , 1 i r trom the Latin trlbulum vvhl h was the threshing instrument or 1 arrow wh-rehy the Homan husbandman husband-man separated the corn from the husks and trlbulatlo In Its primary Klknifl cance was ihe art ot thla separation (Ptudv of Words Lect II) In cor rect usage the word has preserved all Its sacred and solemn meaning hut the newspaper which sees no merit In the effort to maintain the ctvmologlcal purlt of the mother tongue lebar.es Its signification whin In telling of the search made for a stra submarine mine It says Ihe seirch was mide In fear and tribulation Ho Wna Busy It Is scarcely ci edible thit ro faithful a servant and so good a courtier as John Hrown of Dalmoril could ever deliberately have kept his sovereign waiting but Ihe London Tatler relates an anecdote vvhch shows that he had a ver human side Ilrown was very fond of fishing and one day when he ha 1 a fine salmon on hla hook there carne i message from the castle on Deeside desiring his I resence at once Queen Mctorii was going for her afternoon drive nnd It was Ilrown s duty to attend her ns he always lid sitting In the rumble of th carriage Tell her Majesty that I II be quickly quick-ly he sal 1 But the salmon was strong and could not lie landed at once nother and more urgent message reached him Tell her MaJsty that I have a sal mon n but 1 11 be in In a few tntn utes Btlll the salmon held nut and a third an Imperative commanl arrived Tell her Majestv shoulel Ilrown that Its not possible for me to leave without the salmon Nor dll he Hut whether the Queen knew enough of fishing and fishermen to appreciate Ihe clrcumstsnce la not I I Id HI Iiuls rsioh Democrat Functions of Bubber Tree Milk No lellnlte function has heretofore tieen ascribed to the milk of the rubber tree from which nil ler Is produced It has no nutritive mine to the tree nnd it loes not assist the growth In anl way that has been ascertained What then was natures object In irovldlng the latrex or milk of troplcil trees" . rulber expert has recently suggested tlit it Is robablv lntende 1 to protect ttorlcal trees from the ravntea of de structlve Insects This seems a plaul hie theorj as almost ell tropical tiees have such milk which Is unralatable to Insect devourers oft rapidly growing trees have pHrtlculirl large quantities of It I hlladelrhla Record Talking of Royalty The fondness of nav officers for tell Ing Jokes nt each other s expense Is well known unl their 3arns like the traditions nf the Indians nre handed down from one generation to th next tears ngo there was a brus iue old dmlra upon whom many stories were tol 1 In most catee true ones t one time when the warship of which the dmlral was In command was off the coast of I ortugul Ihe King of that countri expressed n desire to llt un American man of war The Admiral received the party with greit cordiality hut insteo 1 of nddress Ing the roal visitor as our Majettj he Invarlabl) calle 1 him hlng It was Step this wa King Look out for sour li -ad King when showing him about the vessel and before his Majesti de arted the dmlrnl con vulsel nil wlihln hearing b saying lnpltall King come down In the ciibln nnl have i drink Caroline 1 ockhnrt In Llpplncotta Aligazlne Across the Street Across the sireet there lives a mall V Jnll teastnk little Jade w nil wai i m hair and witching eyes Anl y-l so still anl worlllv wuo rhit If she deigns to senl a glance cros my wav it seems mero chance And qilck withlrnws In swltt retreat cross tho street Across the street I sit nnd look 1 orgeir il of m i Ipe and hook I se her st a low n Ihe pane n I build n e casiles In far Bpaln I wai h anl wilt with patience rsre TIM jut as I wo ill qilio despair r-ho looks rrom out her win low seat crosa the street eross the street hath come a change The window hath a tenant strange Who movfs me tn no ros Ireams My train no more with cistles teems What use have 1 for taneles rraltr The mill us Ills romanll tale llilb mud t makt m 1 lomplete, Vcr se tl i- strict Truman llnirrts n Irene In March Smirt t-et Coronets of Society Loaders Again Do j ou remember w hen good old fashioned society women rat b the hour and talked hornets" When there were whlsperel comments to the effett that Mrs lookel like a fright In hers anl that Mis It s (providing Mrs U of comse was the one allressel) vms slmpl i Ireim There is no more of It u miy losslblj hear Mrs ( ea thit Mrs D a new crown Isn t a bit lecoinlng hut lonnets nre a very mli or tonslderutl n indee 1 These crowns nre really anl truly t nes tlthoiikh some are more modestly ttftnel to us coronets anl others as tlaiar I can trace their use In America in fm ther back than the thirl Mrs John Jacob stor who die 1 In 1SS" but her slstir In law Mrs William stor was almost na eirly In the Held with the rojal Intignli The nlue of there ornaments varies from I'OOOO to SUIOoq each The resent Mrs John Jicoh As tor has two one ft lelj of dlamon Is and valued nt IMOOii the other of dlimonds anl emerulls vnluel at MOOOO while Mrs Oklen Mills poseesses three with n tolal value if JvSftOO one composed of diamonds another of dlimonls an! reirlr an I the thlr! of llimonla nnl emeralds Others tint hive nloplel a custom that was it first a hit start ling ate Mrs O H P llelmont Mrs William Stair Miller Mrs llradley Martin Mrs William D ''loine Mrs Ievl P Morion Mrs lfred S lost Mrs Clareme II Mickay Irs Ceorge Javdould Mrs Charles T erkes Mrs I em Tlffanj Mrs Phillip rthlnelinder Mis Harrv I ayne W hitne nnl Mrs Mfred Owvnne andeibilt rrank 0 Ariutl In Vinitlee A Story of Bishop Whipple W hen railed to take up the new mis slon of Ihe Holy Communion Chicago he found busy railwas jards close to his hit I He asked the cllef engineer how to i i h railway operatives Head Inlit-ri. Ilnllwsj Econoui) until voi si alle t isk a question )f an engl m i anl h nor think ou a fool so insiru t d he droi pod In one lay on a groii) running an engine and vn turel a qu tl"n W hlh d vou like the h tttr Irsl le or outside connee lions" ti rent of discussion followed on conni li ns steam heateis ex hausta an I at the end of a half hour I en marked In leaving Hos I have a five church In Metropolitan hall where I should Ix glad to see you The next Sunday every man waa there March Century Mrs Fiske s Fillur Mrs Flskes fathi Thomas Davsy oi Tim Uavev ns he was more gen erall known In the theatrical i rofes slin was a manager of consequence In the later eirs of his life I ut his cu iter began In the hun 1 1 cipacltv of pionrler Mrs Hke telle the follow Ing (inecdott ubout liln Duvey was hulling the hook on night whei tntst of the com pans were verj Imperfect In their lines and tho lei Unix man knew less at- it what h w is doing unj s vlim than any of the others 1I vould i- die dnwn to the entrance v here Dav y tojd with the promitbotk il f i it P c rne word m dfar b th vv rd This happene 1 r ofi i it at Ltvey"s pa Hen o was taa, i I yond cuduiante The word the word h" suddenly yelled back lou want thf book the book and there It Is and he threw It at the octor s head And there s the prompter yelled the manager, who had come hack to fin I out the cause t f the trouble and planting a kick at Dave) Ian led him In the tenter ot the stage The cur tain had to he rung dovn and the performance discontinued - Chicago Inter Ocean A Smart Man's Clever Ruse ' I saw jour wlfo In a car with wou the other day raid a friend to the gay Wall street broker I thought she was going to stay South over the holidays hol-idays She thought so too and the broker bro-ker smiled She was with ftlends down there for a long time and kpt writing me not to tell her to tome back Just et How did ou manage It' I dldn t write for her to come hack I Just sent her last months gas bill It was for eleven cents She got here two das later and her trunks have been coming In on every train since Then they both smiled and drifted b-tween b-tween littlccd doors that swung In-vvird In-vvird An Old Fashioned Woman No clover brilliant thinker she With college rcoorl and degree Ph has not known the paths of fam The world has never heard her name She walks In old long trodden ways, Th valles of the jester lavs Home Is her kingdom lover h-r dower 8h seeks n other wand ot pwer To mare home sweet bring heaven near To win a smile and wipe a tear An 1 lo her duty day by di In her own quiet place anl wav Arounl her childish heart ire twined As round some reverend stint enshrined nd following hers the childish feet re let! to Ideals true and nweet nd find all i uritv anl no 4 In her dlvlnest motherhoo I This sad old earth s a brighter place Ml for the sunshine of ler face Her verj, smile a t lesslng throws Anl hearts sre happier wh re she goes A gentle clear eye 1 mespnser To whisper love thank Gt. I f r her Congregatnnallst A Double Team v. man who was blcyiing In south em I ranee was 1 ushlng his machine up a rteep hill when he overtook a peasant with a donkey cart The pa tlent beast was making but little pro gress although It wna doing Us lest The benevolent cjcllrt putting his left hand against the back of the cart and guiding his machine with the other hanl pushed so bird that the donkej taking fresh courage pulld his load successfully up to the top nin inau successtuiiy up to me iu. When the summit was reached the peasant burst Into thanks to his ben factor It was good of you Indeed mon sleur' he protested I should never In the world have got up the hill with only one donkej ouths Companion Pronunciation Tads W here polite usage gets Its authorltj nobody knows Now It Is saving that valet the tlnal syllable of which we hive learnel to give off hanl with a high bred a shall be ngllclzel Just as parquet was a few jears igo and shall appear Ih polite ao tetj In Ita plain Lngllsh stubl Iness It Is llkelj that we shall all stumble and stutter and make mistakes at first but event-uallj event-uallj fall In line ot ets There are those who claim that a polite s tburb should have a long u an 1 that tip ettrj should be a long and that the sun never shon; i Iliely with a long o The same authorities are busy with the ne v automobile Imtor-tatlon Imtor-tatlon chauffeur eho feur) vvhl h has leen colle I everj thing that Is po Hie It might be calle 1 something more for It is not a truthful term It means when Interpreted fireman stoker and Is Innocentlj a tood Joke on our millionaire who spe 1 their own autos Client Round World The Coronation Chair Some sieculallon exists as to the renovation of the coronation chair Before the reign of Queen ictorla there was an expressed wish that this chair shoult le restored to something like Its historic beautj anl hopeagiln pievatls that the present jear may see something done In the Jubilee jear the rnolern lions were freshly gilt 1 ut much more might lie lone of the coro nation This ctalr hi suffered so much from mutilation thit one wishes Edwarl I had catrlel out his original Ilea und male It cf bronze It Is lm Rtoballe that a echoolbvj would then ave been able to carve on It the le gend P M bott slept In this chair Julj lSvo For manj coronations It his been the custom to cover the chair with a cloth of gold hut indent drawings and the remains of Its line work show that at one time It required no such cloth Ing Its excellent workmanship Is a credit to Walter of Durham who tin Uhed It In 131 aid was pall uctoid Ink to the warlrobe accounts of I 1 wird I 100 shillings for Its manufacture manufac-ture with a further sum of 13s Id for carving palntlnk and gilding the len arils A little latr Mister Walter was paid fl 10s "d for making a step at tho foot of the new chair In vvhl h Is the stone fr m Svotlanl In rursu ance of the in ler of the King The present step like the lions is molern I onion Chr nlrle I He Bought the Church Too The Foui drv Methodist church at fourteenth and I streets desire,! to move to mother put of Washington John K Walsh th Colorad million aire who Is lujlng much property In thn citj had hit eje on the church corner and lrtpiel lino the church one night vvhll u Ice cienm roelil was In prigrtss He nstnnifhe1 the voung lidles bj tie prodlgalltj of his expenditures r In illy the last r enmo art und Mr W ilh Inttoduced him self lm having i good lime he said I like to buj things Hive jou anj thing else for rale" Nothing except this church frop erly letliel ihe i astor VII right rei lie 1 W ilsh 1 11 take that ton nd he dll pajlng !01 two therefor -New ork rld Mozart ind Beethoven The stories f how men of gtnlus have hal future time iredlclel for them In their eirlv jouth mut gen erally te taken villi a considerable grain of salt v.s mihentlc as most is th account of th first meeting of Miami with th jo ing lleethoven which took pla on the litter a first visit tn Menna in ihe jeur l"s" Mo jarl then at the h Ight nf Ills fime asked him to pi u but thlnklnk his perfotnance a pr pared piece pal I little attention to It Detttnven see Ing this entreated M irt to give him a subject which he 11 ! ind the lioy gettink excited with tho occislon plajed ao finely that the composer of Don Giovanni stepi Ing sofllj Into the next room sild to his frlen Is there Pay atttntlon to him he will make a noise In the world some day or snother Chambeiss Journil Kubellk s Genius II F Krehblel tie musical critic of the New lork Tribune In on article on Kubsllk In the Mirch Century thus s ima up the power of the joung liohe mian violinist The ease with which he conquers the most appalling dirtl jltles H lewiller Ing ind Imbues his music with u fine sense ot 101 ore which however deports more and more as the music approaches llo simple soulful mng stjle When broad ontablle moment are reached the Immature Oriental sentimentalist comes to tho foic lie is joung anl living liv-ing In Ihv excitement of a phenomenal kjreers His vlolinlstic legerlemnln has turned the heads of thousands, and he takes s mew hat too great de ight In th mere vanquishing of difficulties but th-attributes th-attributes of greatness are always e I dentin his plajlng even when the must Is paltry He Is Imperturbable In hl maintenance of tempi and Us command of rjthms His double stopping Is lm peccable No plajer of recent jears has approached his mastery of harmonics The accord between his bow arm and left hand Is automatically perfect and his tone a miracle In Its fullness and so-norltj so-norltj alto in its purity and sensuous loveliness when unforced In short he Is a wonderful jouth a reincarnation of Paganlnl rather than anj master of the last half centurv and If he shall turn out to be the gieatest violinist of the next half centurj his severest critics todij will not be surprised Girlish Confidence jou told Charlej Chubblns jou thought he sent that beautiful valen tine les Charley Is a verj nice joung man with good prospects But jou know well enough that he dldn t send It Ot course But it dldn t do anj harm to let him know that I shouldn t have been a bit angry If he had Washington Wash-ington Star The Joy of Gardens Perhaps no word of six letters con centrales so much human satisfaction as the word Kardsn Not acctlent ally Indeed did the Inspired writer make Paradise a garden and Mill to daj when a man has found all the rest of the world vanltj he retires Into his garden W hen man needs Just one word to express in rich and poignant symbol his sense of accumulated beauty anl blessedness his ftrsr thought Is o( a garden The saint speaks of The Oarden of Ood gar ten enclosed Is my sister mj spouse crls the lover or Theie Is a garden In her face he sings and Ihe soldiers stern dream is of a garden of swords The word heajen Itself Is hsrdlj more unlver sally exrslve of human happiness than the word garden And jo i lave onlj to possets even quite a. small gar1n to know whj V small old garlen So long as It lie old It boldly matters how small It Is but old It must te for a new garden Is obvlouslj n t a gard n at nil .nd most keenly to re Ish the Joj which an old gardn can ahe 0u shoald perhars have lieen born In a city and dreamed nil jour life ot some day ovnlng a gar den No foim of good fortune can I am sure give one a deeper thrill of happj ownership that that with which one thus cltj bred at last enters Into possession ot an old countrj garden Lverythlng jour eje falls upon seems to wear something of the same look to wear something of the same look and an jour je ranges with a sumptu ous sene of proprietorship from end to end of jour little domain jour heart Is filled with a, sense of home more pro found more unshakable and more pathetic pa-thetic than jou have ever felt before before jou owned a garden Julius 2,or-regard 2,or-regard In Harper s Magazine for March Matrlage and Divorce Up to Date A well known New lork woman dl vorced from ler husband In South Da kota seven months ago has Just married mar-ried again in Indiana Her former husban 1 married Immedl itelj after the divorce was grinted a woman whom he had leirned to love during hli wlfes temporarj absence fiom home and who wis divorced In order to marrj him Likewise the man whom the first wife has Jast married out West was divorced from his wife lj whom he had three children that he might marrj his new afflnltj To nd I to th complications of these triple divorces and remarriages thej would not be legal If contracted In the State where the parties original! j lived It only remains for the one deBerted nnd unconsoled husbin 1 In this tat to marrj the abindoned wife out West 1 1 complete the serlo comic complexl ties and compensations of this medley of manlike anl divorce up to ate Will anj of these wealthy anl highly respectable persons be ostracised bj so cletj the remedj sugges ed bj i wor-tlv wor-tlv bishop for the divorce evil' Ire-cedent Ire-cedent does not seem to threaten It Will this plijlng fast nnd loose with satraments anl contneu and domestic tics hasten the passage of a ronstltu tlonal amendment authorizing a national nation-al dlvoico Iivv It ought to New lork W orld The Sun Is S-ldo-n on Time The sun Coes not keep goo! time He I Is almost alwajs too fast or too slo v Once about tne ml Idle of April he is Just on time then not again before the ml! lie of June U 'he beginning f Feptember he Joins the clock a third i time and laMlj once more late !n De cember Now It would teem as If he were startle 1 nt the way he neglccte 1 I us In February he fell back until he I was fifteen minutes late lly tl e begin nlng of March he hod made up live I minutes of his loss and before the i month Is over he will have caught up to within five minutes of the schedule Meinwhllo the dajs have botn griwiic longer very rapidly We begin March with our nights longer than our lajs We end it with our dajs longer than our nights In the one month we have added to the length o our daj an hour and twentj mlrutes u llgger gain than nny other mmth can show I rof 1 l Pchmucker In the March Ladles Home Journal I Coffee Cigarettes custom which is raid to owe its I Inception to the Jockey cl ib Is no v I rail lly gaining headway In larlslan rorle'j particularly In the clicks of the laubours Saint Germain This Is the ccnsumptlon of tlgaiettes mile from coffee leaves dried and resente I In forms similar to those of the tt I a o of commerce Coffee leaf smoking Is sal 1 to be not onlj perfectly harmless I even If Indulged In to excess h it to . s ' sesa the propertj deemed by ihe m ven nrs nn un (Ustlonable alvaniak nf Imparting tn those who pra il it nn Intense nnl lasting dislike for the tlavoi of tobacco The hygienic cigarette Is de lared bv smokers tn dnw satlsfa t r v and II can be smoke 1 with t i f ri if noi with intense delight to tie en! The scent and llavor are sul gen ils though vaguelj reminding one of son e Belgian tobaccos. The owner I ihe chemists shop where the coffee Itaf tlgurettes aie 0 be hit rav that there Ik mite a run upon them and thtt he has some dim cultj in keerlng abreast with the le rnand ( hlcago Jiiirial Its rowerful RtRulntor In regard to the proposition of rnls Ing the iv of i ongressmen 1 recall a tonversutlon h Id somi yea is ago be tween two n t 1 representatives from ofVe " k"'1 W""m H Sargent Uoth alas nre dead One was the 1 IK trained and good natured Duvll Ft Cu hereon an! trW other his tolleague Ctl Duck kllgot. Kllgore wis In n marked to his friend Culberson lm getting tired of this Congressional life 11 s stale and Hat and very unprofltab e man cant save i dollar of hla sal ary I m going home to resume my profession Confounl It how do they expect o fellow to eel along on 15000 a jear and live decently" I know Its inlghtj little lluek-mlghty lluek-mlghty little quoth rmterson hit . member Buck Its lowerful Kulai -Washington Times Slnginfj in Florence fter thus having made m home ihe net kreat lerlslon was the hoi e of a mister for In Italy neub all volte work Is dine through private tti hint. The two names that popular otlnlon rang with were those of I r f annu i ' clnl nnd Prof Sulll Mrnux It was about the middle ot O tober when I went out to the large Piazza dell Indl-pinlenza Indl-pinlenza tn call on Prof annu In! There Is t have fmnd IHM u ,. J, wrltlnk In advance to make arruuge mnts as ro understanding can be ar rived at until the aspirant s voice Is I ut to the test Prof annuccinl Is a. great man and his name Is vvell Inmr, throughout Europe but I could not help thinking that he had reached the II penteroro stage n life No longer is he joung anl perhaps for this rea-ron rea-ron he would agree with the song of the owl more readllj than with that of the nightingale Like most cultured Hal lans he ! gentle There are so very few reallj good voices now he said regretfullv I have almost ceased to expect to har again nn angelic voice This I thought was quite In opposition to the theorj ro much heard In Lng-land Lng-land and In America that voices can b made and out of almost nothing Prof annuccinl would have taken me as a pupil but I felt after I hid sung for him that I had Inspired no great ex pectatlons He advled two lessons of an hour twice a vvek ind for eich his charse would have been fifteen lire Hsrpers Bazar The Fields of Toll The hill are all a sei with vellow grain That meets esch merry lmpijle of the With dances llsht as dearest wish can nd laughter like the mellow rush of rain . ... Th ripening corn flaunts far across tre plain Its glorious sbundance scarce confined nd through the lowlands sunny rivers wind Thick bordered b the sumacs amber stain From this the lofilest helsht th long road runs fsr down the golden hillsides toward the west . . Tollows the rsptured Journejs of the suns nd seeks with them tire purple realms of rest . . But I I e best the bright snl wlndj hill W here Jojous labor holds her empire still Mildred 1 McNesI in March Success The Triumph of Woman The feminine danger It seems Is threatening the modern man and h Is revtltlng Woman Is getting to be one too mu h for him The most re cent protest against her accumulative pressure has come In a nervous sput ter from some of our unlversltj men who have expressed their Intention to debar the girl students of a sister col lege from the swimming pool v here thej themsel es wish to disport exclu slvelj This Is onlj an Internal tern peet In i collegiate teapot but like straws It shows which vvaj the wind blows It Is not long since Prof Muns terberk of Harvard save vent to his own dismal masculine forebodings In an able magazine article In which he ml uuie inti;a2ine ttriine ill niucii lie not onlj gravely pointed out the Impending Im-pending dangers to the race Involved In the over cultivation of our women but the still direr peril of the posel ble feminization of our entire spiritual entltv as a nation This has a cer tain sound not remote from the hu morous The ldei that the American man In conceding minj of the liberties of modern life to woman has made of her a Frankenstein who may not onlj wear upon his nerves as a superior tj rant but maj In time turn the course of nature and fashion him after her own Image Is highly entertaining The chelf flaw In the proposition seems to lie In the conception of woman na tuie Thee feirful gentlemen ought to be assured that modern woman Is more faithful to her eternal -e than thej fancj hr to b that she has the same fatal weaknesses of the heirt which have leen peculiar to her rex from time Immemorhl that her ere dullty her passion for self sacrifice her elaborate conscience her gift for Idealization and turning the sordll ness of life Into golden dreims through which her steps winder nthcr help-lesrlj help-lesrlj at tint's ill there quilltles ren der her nnd will continue to render her easllj manageable by the superior race of mm Then why rhoul! our men tilt like Don Quixote nt a wind mill Let tl em be assured that there Is no danger that to piriphrase Wer-ther Wer-ther woman will do nothing for to hurt em Harper s Weekly Gypsy Knowlcdgo of the Future It seems but little short of the ml raculous says the writer nf i most Interesting article on Ojisles In F ank Leslies I npular Monthly for March to have the hidden hlstorj of ones life read so perfectly by utter stinng ers but the means ly which they make It aprear that they do ro Is not en tlrelj palmlstrj which regardel ns a science his little part In tljpsy for ture telling ltomanja gather everj possible bit of Information about the Inhalltarii of the nelkhborhooj where they hapiwn to te sojourning I y Judl clous questioning of servants and neighbors nnl hoard the treasure In their marveloia memories Vld to this the fict that their naturally keen lowers low-ers of observitlon have been trained for centuries to rea 1 character an 1 life history from the face that certain generalities alwnys obtain with certain cer-tain types of hands an! faces that general facts may npply to myones past history nnd that only whit comes to pass Is rememberel out of the miss of Information given one and you huve the key to their apparent un-tanry un-tanry knowledge nf past and prerent Age of Earth and Man The question of the antiquity of the earth an 1 of man has tiiusnd no end of discussion amonk scientists The geolo glstB have figured themselves Into a dlereputible stntc Thej have gone on adding cliheis to their estimates until they have cause 1 ill other scientists to revolt They are themselves abashel when thej contemplate the results of their own enthusiasm The anlhroiolo g sis who have male a study ot the 'haractcrlstlcs of the human race on sclentlllc lines have been more mo 1 erale In their raleiilitlone but they in come to no igreement The most modest admit thit mm existed nnl had reached i complex social ronlltlon it least several centuries igo Theie are rtlentlllc reasons fir as sumlng that It required thoustnds of years ror the race to ichleve ihe st till conlltlons which nro levelled by the lettered t il I its of oOOO It c Tho ruins nf in extensive system of water w rks affor 1 pres im live evidence that there was a hustling business inmmun liv at Babylon for people who do not hustle tann t ly pi nnl ers bills Th tablets piove i e use of n printing press anl rf a revolving eyllnler with raise! type Baltimore Hun She ICas Confidence In Her Customers Posslhly the youngest proprietor of i s icreisful I uslness in the I nlle 1 btitea Is Mary Htsaheth 1 vnns ( Syramse N 1 Bh Is 16 years oil anl sells more iindy than nny six nf the ether retail tialers In Byrncust She ire r a ret! the way for her tn le by hiving a liooklet rrlnlel which consisted tf testimonials from rhjslclans who hn I bought ler candy Another ot her original plana was a show case at which all customers helps I themselves In the rte wer neit boxes ot canlj ant at one en 1 were d i ible doors Swinging from one i f the loots was a sign which r.al Open these tl ors Take what y u wish Iive th. price of goods taken Msko yn ir own ehaigt from mj I trust to a ctisirm era honoi Ils girl has remark able luslr ibllttj an! has gieit confidence in her pitrons M irch Sue rri&oner s Hard Luck I Is not unusual for peisnna In , ,e.rt ,0.r. cr,me ln "'I" Juris II tion to lead gulltj but verj seldom lo it hai pen that a prisoner who a Imlls that ht; has been rightfully it c ised Is compelltd tt enler a plea r f not gulltv Such nn Intllent ctcurtet here re centlj It was dislr d to make i t st cat In order tt re lire i rullnh f om th API ell He court on a k otty I hal pro position A c rtaln coloi l inlMluii who was in the tolls vv s ted in furnish frtmework fir th Issue He win ej rtml Inti c urt for irrnlgn ment 1 nor tu that formalin, howe-v- er the prosecuting officer took the t,-caution t,-caution to remark Of course J? aro going to plead not guilty SJJ a plea was essential In orler to til the matter before the higher court The response was a surprise i.t some what disconcerting for the atbi-neja atbi-neja and tho court were anxlois t go ahead with the test proceeding T" irlsoner declarel Ise guilty an wants to be sentenced right here .' now This dlsarnnged the nrJ. gnmme xery" decidedly ',0 It required the combined persuatit. efforts of the prosecuting officer sVS th counsel assigned to represent ill defendant to Induce the latter to eoS sent to ploal not guilty As he w.. led from the courtroom he shook hi. heal dubiously nnd murmured J dldn t want to do It, cause I m euini all right Don t know what theyse 7, to deed I don t Washington str |