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Show OREAT SIUMP IN STOCKS Ail l'revlous Low Water-Mark Levels Were Exceeded The week on the mining exchange opened with the sale of Mi It" shares) of stick that brought Ml If 2 While the volume f tuslness made t sails fact nt sh wing prices were unlforml) low nnd many of the stocks roaohel the I west mark yet reet rded The la) was also chnra lerlred h) a I irge ier centage rr sales for llltiirc delivery VJnt le I the slump going from Jli In Ii mis with sales aggregating "rl-no shaies l alien nionel at 0 cenls at the morning call nnl 31 W0 sharer) went at t rapl I rate lown the grade from in rente t 2-1 tents In the afternoon It oenel n 1 lose I at 2" cints anl soil up I 2 i cents while S'.OO shares change I hands Halt West prntetl nn exreptlon Ii the general Iren 1 anl dcclltrllv stronger t the ninrnli k t nil jwi shareH s 1 1 from Jli W ill tn 2o anl In the afternoon 100 sharea went between rn nnl 120 25 I nele Ham look a eerhs nf tuml les nt both calls inl 74i shares soil from II rents t 3 ents Martha W ashing ton on a report of nn expecte 1 strike went up luring the la) from Mi celts to " ents anl 11 rwo shires changed hnn Is illfomln sold fn in IB cents tn 114 cn its in tie mornli t. anl hell about the sane figure In the afierni n tvlili l'KOii shares (hanging: hands dur Ing the rli) TI e tloslng nutiinllons weie ns fol lo ts , " A M TT T M"T5Tn l IITT ivrkBlIQllti vskeO. Anchor II ( 1 i no i vjax 1M. a u Hl VlWon 3 IK Mire I I M llul tlerk I ton IP. Moss Tweet! I 49 IMi II Ben Ilutler if W ralifornla I llli J3J.il 111, UH arlsa filj j?i S X Century S I is rm Mer I 1 ftv 1 1 1 tm 1 sJi, Dslv s r 'i 8 fn Dal) West I1DM I W fil f 31 20 I tt 1) f. lJltk I 01 ' 01 Ualton , m I Hagle i 1! n' K U K (lileua , OM, U to It c t entrsl I U S ! 10. II Ool.len 4 01U nt ' Horn Pllte- ' 1 I IH , IK lngn I 4 I OiKi 4 ft) Joe llotters I 0 I ns I 01 04 I lllle Dilef I U II I u, in , nini , ix 11 I vumm h I Hit. ft', Mi Ijt Heine Out II II II II MamnMili S" S "h vlnnhstlsn 01 m I 01 fH, May Ha) (Hi 114,1 DM M Mar wash 07 OS ,. ei r, S Ilsht ntj (Utj Onlnito 1 7 ni W II " fn leir i (l lb I lllch Ai i OHt to i (it, n llocco II 1.1 I L S insl Inn 1IU K 1 fitansei H I Hi H Htm.ea 1 X IS a Saeramento W P U t P King WW Mm StarCn IS tStil ll. 1 i, S hhlell M, ( 04 lelri II r II II IIS resora 01 II 01 IV 1 Sunt earn 55 it I 1 t P Co i r, M I tah SO I , M aleo I I" hMt Victor 20 it I 11 5) West M 14 otV, ItIN 04 IBl, V il kee Con I tiBtj 2 0 2 It I 2 11 MOIIMNO SAt.1 T Alav w at 21,c Sfi nt 3rto vi at tli.c jmoottlc StVotSOWc seller Wrtass li nt ' Hist it 30e l al iv seller lajs liiO nt . jt ml at 30,e IKt nt lic seller 10 dn)s llsli ni rn, seller IV date tin at l'i, seller Mi lata vw at SOW 6f1 at V seller to itavs M at WV,c sell r 30 1u 4' u l.c total. Ii tnilM .Oat , l" t JO, V1 11 tc 1500 at 2d WO 11 "-Ijc 0 l "St.r 1S at 2s IX it 2Sc s ller V Lite W0 at 2tt, seller It da ts IM nt "4V,r (i at Sic Sfn at SIV. ivi at !4 Fcdir 10 da)S 1 at 24 seller tits t on Vert ir Irt'i nt IIJM Dnl) W st 1X1 it trim Mint 110 J sell er i lits til at J0 1 uer M unmnlh M1 at c 100 at 6Hr, Mi it vt too nt 0i.i " al file seller 30 iltts h nt OlUc )c at li Mi) Hay iv it 545, JtiatJI'.c ICO at too it ttv Vlamnutli Si at fV Miter ShleM ivio al 6,e Jwi at -c hunshlne SO nt 25c Mt nt "tl Mar 1 on Sfti at itjuc aw ai !c lfto at It', Nil a I mi seller 10 1 HI at 1M, relter 10 rli)s 1000 at IsSr ! at 11V seller 10 da)s ISO J at 1j(.c too ,u 16c I nele Sam ! nt lie l n nt 4c Ml at IPC V al 1- l lit 41V,c. 14 at tic "v rt 40 ,1 i nt 4-K. lid at A,t iin at nt - To at V 200 at tec seller It) dt l at H ' nt lV 5.0 at 3M.C seller 10 Uts Ji nt JsV lien Ilutler Kfttt nt bUc Ciltrirnla 1 it Wc IVrt at 15c I .Hat USc lilt at Itljc o at imc 1 u line, seller 111 tits & at lie seller j da) s 10 at lit, 15f- at II k'l at IJ,c seller t date ! al 11,, llallon U" at "c Iji Itelne 1000 at lHc 1600 at IHc 1H at ItSe in at IV Manhattan 10t) at H,c !, at Vtt W0 at ' J-li Vlarlha Washington, at S(W at 6iT seller lays l 11 Jt Itvo at 7l sell w 1st Trtro 1 at t, SiVI at He V ink e 41 at K0 seller 10 days l") at '07 Ol EN 110 VHD Ms D) tftl nt Mte Si nheam ItiO at toe Mnshlne M nt J4V a at 2A Marth t v nshliigton 100 at TV.C. lankie It it t' VFTI ItNOON SMI 5 VJav BfO at Ulic H at 1Mi,c IM at lfcs. seller 11 1a)s l iiiej 3f, at Me lr.'.l at tV, seller V) dass oni at tic, seller 10 das SOO ai t7-.r JCW nt Jfic JftW at Jfc seller ti ,1a s c 11 Mircur 100 m is. s.ll.r sl davs, eW 11 tl. an at seller i days SM at II K 1 at IISS Wat II Dal) est 1CX at III S M nt 130 seller 'JO Ids. VI ni W IS i al 1 2f at itoos too ni I20l7t loe at (20 PI, se'er 10 davs ! nt tlovt seller M days .. at lover Mommrih "trt at Use HW al e, hw nt ' 10. it sr at ov.c. m at IV l at Bit, set r 10 day IfVl at 4tC It IV W S Mat P t hi nt Mt Mt at B4vc seller 10 la)s KO at M'.i oi at 44. seller 10 dais ono at SSc ! at Ut seller 10 do 1100 it vjie filter Shield Sin al Tlic too at "He 910 81 a r Con Mai at lSc Ml at lM,c seller 10 data Vtl si l&i. seller 30 da)s l", nt Ijc seller IV das SO at til., sailer 90 1ats vt, at IftV seller 10 das -0 at 15c st ller 10 da 1X0 at lie seller to date I n le Sam Wat ttj.e tl,)at3c V aid M at )V 0 at 17c Ho Tweed ltti at 41c 10 at Itc Ifti at 14. Calif rnla b'l at 11c seller SO t. ) at II 1 nt JtV, it I 1100 at Itut ff ai lit seller to dns, 3Sn nl ltw M rilm Washington Mt al 7V,c T0 at Veiro Jfrti 11 12c Iti at 11, I inr lo at 20c lank e t on V- at It 10 OPEN nOVRD Aim ftW si !, v n Me cur IDOatUMvt seller 10 dayr Boston Copper Strong TftlBI SF SPECIAL r 1011 Mass March 11 he copper mark 1 displaced no lack of animation todat Pool effects an I an Increased inteiest n speculation on the part of the lull! Imparted a tone of buoyancy 1 1 1 1 t tt ji the st The medium '1 ,n 1 1 1 m ontlnim to at ' a t th h ilk rf inerttton tra lins In th e s o ks I- I j, a live nnd ad vt d r " decline In me'al 'h- L i n ket vs w IthdUt eft t ca the eencil list Amalg-ft- I i m t I v 1 (T frn 11 mill) nl the start then inliml nnnrl) n p Int but later lost th t,iln rinsing frnctl mil) be low finlur Inv s lln I llRures The bal nnre of the list 1 lose I stronfr Horn blotter & Weeks brokers M Slate street Iloeton nnl 10 Wall street New lork f irnlsh the following nuo Intlonn Sales High Iitt f lose vmnlgamated IW) 170 50 "j w Hlng4am Ti 24 75 2 75 21 SO linly W est 42. 20 60 V v 20 ni I lilt d SMlea 17 W 17 U 17 7 Mereiir 1 00 1 MSJ Curl Boston 1II2V4C4 2S Confidence in California ludge W I Snyder In speaking nf the allfornlit yesterday reelllrmed his onllden In that pnperty anl says thnt If the stjckhill will sta) Ii) him he till place the mlrc on lt feet Hi adtlses stockhollers to not throw their holdings nttuv at n sacrifice nnl expresaes a desire to t lifer with as miny of them aa lll call at his 1 fflei Tirk Valley Incorporation The I'nrk Vallej ploratlon com paiiy rf Ogden Hied a certlflel cor) of Its articles of Iniorpf ration In the of lite or the Senetury f State yester diy Thi inn an) Is rnillilliel fm tviniio llvllel Into shares of the pur value if 10 cents each The ollloera lire II I Hunter preslltnt W hlj pie v Ice 1 resident and O Mnyer set rotary and treasurer The rnmi any owns the luck Strike Vos. 1 nnd " Vutumn Iaf Nos 1 an 1 2 line Nut Nos I nnd i Veto Orange Nos 1 nnl 2 Suntlntter Mugwump ltnx) It nnl Will Inllan rlllms In the larktnllet llstrlrt 14 x I Ider i unty Bullion Beck Election Tie annual meeting of stockholders of the million He k was hell )esler-la) )esler-la) nnl resullel In the elerllin of lllcers ns foil tts 1 P larnsttirth 1 rest I nt Joseph I mltli vice nesl lent nnl treasurer M t Morris set retnr) These with 1 like 1 1 I arnsttorth Jr II I tin 1 anl J ( unnlnghain are directors Mining Notes fto eirs of Scranton ore reached the tn oiler ieiirrtav V. I llollen returned lt night from I islness trip Fnst V rr if ore from thi Illnck 1 agle was reenived vesterda) at the smelter W II dram of the Ml Us Is In from that mine in nftr with Hit 1 reitors of the (ninimn) . 1 ere) W llllams formerl) mine surer Inlenlent of the Cenlur) has returned from a mine tletting trip tn VrUot j C I Mien tester la) went to Tlntle to look oter various proiwrlles In thit camp In which he Is Interested I Us Mar a'ler a short stop In Salt Inike on his return home from Thin if r mo intaln nntti ml List last night The Cnnklln sampler renortel ttto cars of ore fr.ni Tlnllc testerdsv together with one car from Oisls nnl ono from Plockion Dintan MeMrhle visited the llrleham Consolldite.1 s smeller )esteriav morn Ing anl proceeded In tie mine In the it ternoon lie llrectors of the Dil) West Mining conn an) the one recentl) organized In Colern 1 wl I meet W dnestS) Then the 0 lest Ion nf leclarlng l lltldenl wilt be discussed V repot t wis current nho it town )f tell i) m rnlng thtt the Carlsa hid al reid) or WHn about to close lown but tie rumor 1 rot n.1 to le utterly without founlatloi Tie management states that a close down Is n t on tie programme llarlvlg V ( ohen who has Iteeu neeo dale I with i.apt He la Mir for enteral vears recentl) telnet thit romlnent mine ojerator at llenter mil the two are en route to California 1 1 the Southern ro He I look oter tltnlng 1 ronerlles In thai Mate |