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Show CANNOT SELL CANAL. Panama Stockholder Surprised by a Message Fiom Colombia. Pirls Peb 28 At an extraordlnarj meeting of the shareholders of the new Painmn Canal company todaj l'resl dent Ho rend a message from the Consul Con-sul General of Colombia nt Paris set ling forth that the companj could not transfer lis concession to anotnei nation na-tion without first, with the assent of Colombia, modlfjlng tho stipulations of articles 21 and 21 of the agreement After a discussion, dining which It was urged that effoits should ho male tj kee the concession fur Prance th,. mectlm, atlopted u lesolutlon express-ng express-ng approval of the attitude of the hoard of directors and .leildlng. In view of this fact, to postpone entering Into anj engagement. The dlapahh of Ihe Columbine ,m. .... .n.ni. 11 'Jl cue e cnumciiar IOV- eminent wis a complete stiri 'e to the shareholders of the Panam anal iiinipanj who met this arternoon In evpeitatlnn of merelv rallying thn aril ar-il 11 of the board of dliermrs In offering offer-ing the Panaini ('anal ronipinj spiop. eitv to the United Slates for llOonOOml w Ills h oiTer was lo remain open imui Mm.h I mi and authorizing the board to rarry out all the measure for the transfer of thn 1 roperlj and fix and nieept all modes 11ml terms of pa j ment ir the lulled Slates arcepts the offer The consternation therefore, was general when President Ho read Co lomblas Ii legram and n heated ills Mission broke nut The mnjorltj of the apeakeis 1 cine liided that the lelegiam rnetuit the utter collapsu of tho negn nations with the United States and rerenimenl against Ihe United btates was expressed |