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Show MEMORIAL T0 CONGRESS' Irrigation Convention Petition for Cession of Remaining Arid Lands. Last Day Marked by Pavsage of More Resolutions-Controvervy of Stockmen and Farmers Renewed Over Proposition to Hasten Selection of Forest Reserves-Adjourns Till April 2nd. What the Convention Did Yesterday Passed a memnrlol to Congress, nkltiu Hint all icmalnlng arid lands within the Htate be ceded to the Unite foi the purpose- of perfecting and -f extending the Irrigation s)stems, and stating Hint In the opinion of the t convention this would he more benellclnl to the people und result In - "t- grc.ter and earlier development of the State than an) other helpful mensure proposed Adoptel a resolution offerel b) Delegate liura I! Work of Washing- ton prajlng that tho work of examining surviving nnd selecting tern- porno tracts for forest reserves be pushed will ill possible dispatch and -t- the matter settle 1 at the earliest possible da) f. l'nse I a memorial offered hy I) 11 Morris of Washington petitioning - Congress tn cede to Utah Hint portion of tho T. rrltor) of Arizona l)lng between the Colorado river and the t'tnh Imider f Adopted a resolution offeied by Delegate l.o Oran I -V oung of holt Inke. that a committee bo appointed to Investigate the nature and character f of the hills now before Congress and report their conclusions to the dele- 4 gntlon of Utnh now In Congress f Adopted n resolution offered by Delegate I.e Orand oung nf hilt lnko, asking the I'tnh I eyislatnic to mak. nn appropriation to pa tho espouse, f of the delegates lo tho convention. Adopted a resolution Indorsing the New lamia bill In Congiess as nmeni- ed h) Congressman Sutherland nf tTtah. .. Hejected a resolution offeied by Delegate J icob Johnson nf Sanpete re- questing the Htalo I.ind Hoard In gianllng Hnda to select lan Is from watersheds, and to give local residents, and especially munlclpilltles, the preference In selectlop f Adjourned to meet April 2nd What Members Thought About It. President Abel John Hvans, Utah Considering that the delegates eimn f together entirely dlsorganlied and with no dellnite programme or pltn -f of action, I think the results were very satisfactory. Tho most Important business done was that of organizing a permanent Irrigation nssoclitlon for the Ktale This Is a necessaiy prellmlmry tn any effective work, nnd I have little doubt we shall accomplish much when the convention reaa. -f f sombles In April Vice-President Jncnb Johnson, Ranpete: Tho convention wns a success be) ond question W llh the permanent organization provided for at this meeting a great deal of good ran he done Next to that 1 regard the memorial to Congress as the must Important business performed by the convention -t- A 1 Doremus, Hilt Lake. The results of the convention far exceed m) expectations Tho meeting will have a far-reaching effect In amusing f the peoplo to tho necessity for notion, nnd In milting them In the effort to secure what will bo of benefit to nil The steps taken lo form a per- manent organization would alone make the convention worth while I C, Thorsen. Cache. The meeting was successful In part at least Tho -r memorlnl to Congress, at representing the sentiment of the Utah Irrlga- tors may have some effect In securing whnt we desire Tho business was considerably h impered hy the persistent cfTorts of the sheepmen to block -t- all resolutions looking to tho lmproement of tho Irrigating systems -f-f George JIalverson, Weber' The convention was chiefly useful In giving -f f the Irrigators a chance to compare notes and find out what Ihey wanted f and how lo get It. When we meet again In April wo ma) be able to ac- -f cmuplish much In consequence of this. Wearied b) four lone da) a of discussion discus-sion nnd controversy, but happy over the results accomplished, and confident of the ultimate c,od to come from their efforts, the delegates to tho Irrigators' convention left tho Assembly hall at 4 o clock )esterday afternoon, and a few hours later the trains wero cnir)lng them 111 every direction to their homes Piled high on the desk of Secretary Ijimbert wero a score or more of resolutions reso-lutions relating to every phase of the questions tint had been under discus- TTTT-rT-TTTT-f-f----t--t--t- pointed will drnft a constitution nnd hy-laws hy-laws and bo ready tn expedite bufclnesa f)uno MAOe Br I'ry or Salt I Ant iS T COf)fr?tnS Arret . 0?fSFMr STaftAGe SurfiV k. usro v certva ay n r- fitno- TAOS ay . dry or Saii t-AKe. 4-G..A1S0SJ ry,tf v" t V l I f'Jr 'P - -" I , .z2lfh slnn. The) formed not a third of tho nieasuies presented nt dlffennt times .hiring the convention, but b) gradual sifting nnl condensation and ellmlna-tliu ellmlna-tliu the prorosals sulimlttel hnd boon l.dur.d to their lowest terms, whl.h fnlrl) represented the cr)slnlilzcd bin-tlmeiit bin-tlmeiit of tho nuijorlt). MI..MOIIIAI. TO COVOIll PS Chief of these mensuies wan n me- m u al which will bo sent to Utah s up- Vscnlntlvis In Congress Th. memorial air for that the deslie or Ilia lirl-mitorn lirl-mitorn of tho ftato for lmtl mill aid could best be seived b) the cession In iho hlate of all (lov eminent aril lands e mill ling be used I.) the State In pcrf c ng H,e lirli.nilo.1 tems The memorial emb.ille.1 the main Idea In several resolutions pie.ented b) mem bcrs from dlffeient sections nnl was ndcirtrd by n d.clsHe mnjoilt) l-AHMIJIS VICTOIlIOl'b Next to IhlH ineinnrlal tho chief res.) lu'llon In linpnrtalieo adopted 08iordiy was Ihat of D. legale Laura 1, Work .if -Washington designed In hasten tho selection of temiorar finest loserv-s it wii prescnlel b) the comnilttee as u substitute for a u solution pic Uousl) inlrodncl b IX legato H llson pio testing against these fotesl ,es-ros Tlif opposition or the stock Interests was again niouied, and the entile for, noon was spent In wrnngling over his mewuie. The funnels a secon I time uevjlled however, nnd the reio iitlon was adopted '1 he .1 -bate w as i e lev od from hopeless tedium by a stirring speech fiom John Hi no ninltl, ot bait "ihe convention was not dissolved at the i lose of Iho session, but merely took an adjournment until Apitl 2nd, when ii permanent Htalo Irrigation association will bo formed. In the Intervening month the committee specially ap- |