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Show HENRY VIII.'S HAT AND ANNE BOLEYN'S SHOES. Among the mnny trtlcles of historic Interest that will figure in the forthcoming forth-coming exhibition of 'The Monarch of I.ngUnd ' ut the New g tilery few ate likely to attrni t more attention thin the hut of Ilcnr) III and the t-hocs of nne Ilolo)n which luve been lent li) .Mrs Ames nf A)ot, bt Lawrence Herts, The but and shoes are In themselves them-selves notable tcll.s but their chief In-teiest In-teiest Ilea In the fait that they ate thi title deeds of the est-ito nf Ayot St Lawrence The) wete given b) Henry VIII tu an atuestor of tho late ( ol Ames In slngulat dicumstanics Tho stoi) goes that when the King w i tiding tid-ing through Hertfordshlio with Anne Holeyn und a company of ntlendintu ho passed b) Ajot SI ltwience ani Inquired to whom the place be ' It was lu teallty a toyul pos , nnd this wna explained to Hen by ono of bli toiirtlere (the nncestor en-tloned), en-tloned), who added that he wisher" hat the eslato belonged to himself Ins ead And so It shall ' said the King, and the estate wna then and there handed over to the louruer who however, ( raved somo token of Its sui render The King gave his lint nnd made Anne Union Uni-on part with her shoes nnd the three articles hove retmlned ever since In tho possession nf the famll) Another temarknhlo telle at tho New gallery will be the shirt worn by fharlesl nt his exei tttlon while among the man) plumes will be an unlunkin series of portraits of the Kings nn 1 tjuions from the time of lMwui 1 Hi to the riesent day The inniniltteo which la responsible foi the oigmla-thin oigmla-thin of the exhibition and wnhh la I realded over b) the ruk of i i,n-I i,n-I ridge hat 1 een lery successful in Its upplicntlons foi picture und nthir oh-Je. oh-Je. ts of historic Inletesl mil the Monnrchs of Hnglanl i illeetlon piomlses to he exceptional attractive Among the principal mntilbutors nro the Duke of Norfolk the Duke of Iimiu-fott Iimiu-fott the Duke of Devonshire the nuke of Rutland the nuke of Buiber'nnd. the Mfii. nils of Northampton Lotd i;B. sex. Lord Ashbiii nbain I.otd Ancuster Ijitd llr.iinloM Ixii Denbigh I.nul Darnley Lord Peinhrc ke Loid Hndnoi I old Rnmno Lord Spencel. Lord Wnl. degrave Lord Arundd of IVanlom Lord Ilolton I onl do 1 Islo nnd Dud-ley, Dud-ley, Lonl Itonald (Inner, l.oid Hagot. Lord atix of Huirnvvdeii Lmd Zntn ho the (iirporutlon of Iamdon the universities univer-sities of oxfoul und Oimbildgc tho sodot) of Vntequuiles the deina und duplets of Durham Wlnehesler ani MlnlBiir und Mt I'hnrlt lttitler The oxait dull of the opening of the exhibition exhi-bition ha tut )el len llxed hut It will pi nimbly be J inttary Sth or 10th -Lon-(Ion Morning l'ost |