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Show ras ' HB WENT DOWN WITH SCAFFOLD. maW' "''JH Two Men Killed nnd Two Others In- ilrvkl'. iiNss jured in Philadelphia. HMi V - ' iHH Philadelphia. March 1 A portion ot HMlillt ' MsBl the new addition to tha Fidelity Trust (a WX ( JhHJ rompany building at 333 Chestnut !H IE& llll street, ln course of construction, col- !a Iku j I)JjB lapsed todas, killing tw j acn and sort- fXii ivi ' ' JeI ously Injuring two ot yBx . 'H D1'AD' m 'W i ' IH Daniel Maglnnls, stono mason. " SK 'Ijf j H George M barton, bricklayer. 'Jji :P i ' HH INJUIIUD. If 'l"l!l' t i'l Charles Anderson, rigger. isSii'ik'i JiMmIH Frank J Bnrle, mechanic iSHhJmJ QsHsl Iho scaffolding, composed ot heavy DsBJIbI T4B sssl timbers erected over tho pavement for BiWi ;iri.4flBj Hi the protection of pedestrians, was atsv' EkH borne to the ground nnd tho mass ot R?' iU! Mil 4H debils w.io thrown half nerosi the 2tUB 'ifJlWtjW Hi street T.he ciuse of the accident Is ? Wn fl Hi not definitely known, hut Is supposed '.PH !i Miio Hi to havo been occasioned by the fall ot it , ,ll tf'BJ l)H a derrick l a V IMffl M |