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Show NAMED BY PRESIDENT. M H (MM Batch of Army Nominations Sent to !ft!lWtli,$B M the Senate. Hwijr $jKfiff?B Washington. March 1 Tho Tresldent SJ 'ivjlt flrWj to.Iay sent the following nominations ?C?HS , jllhf rlQlH In the fennte Vi I Vfll BHfH Ariny-fleorgo W. Belgler. Indiana, Vffil I fi Uttl SIhI lain captain Twents-elghth Infantry Wtt ftiiPt WH tolunteers, second lieutenant of cat- il 'MI InH airs Second lleutemnts urtlllery H. IST 5 ' pHLI 11 H A. MacAules lain corporal Compiny ua'i SfrfitttjiiH I:. First Colorado tolunteers, Wllllim Kg f I M h! jH It. Midlll. I'enusslvanln, late quarter- t tt L(i '! ''i 1 'fJH mnstei sergeant Compiny L, Fort-- vK R-t!f "f !jSH llrst Infantry, V S. V , It, J. Arnold, fi'J f tvTj4jSS loin llrst lieutenant Twenty-ninth In- n! 9ih UKlilHJ fantrs. U S V. Albert If. blevens. Milt $' mKaM District of Columbia, late, second lieu- Haft i4 .VTlwPB tenant 1 hlrts'-llnt Infintry, C. N. MRS) Mi'filKassi Ilowntd Into second lieutenant Fotty- Brv iv I il.vH fifth Infnntrs'. V S V. Jarvls A. nSlrnH'tUiB'tH Moore, s.coml lieutenant, transferred Erftlf 'IfiffiU'IJlB from tho Infantry Iirm I'rT't1 !? HKlU lA lIH Navy-John II filbbons to bo lieu-. Vh 1 iFWiitT HH tenant commander i'p u'l'VtirjiH |