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Show THE INTERMOUNTAIN PRESS. The rivalry In Sanpete count) over the location of the proposed sugar futtorv Is referr.d to b) the .Mt Pleasant Pjiamld as follows "Ihe heet-sugar factor) project has come Into prominence again Willi a vim and vigor whlih augur well for it And the project as now lief ore the people of this section contemplates that the factor) fac-tor) shall he In north Sunpete countv. If such a thing Is possible The interested inter-ested parties in this community have de. elared that while they would like vtrv much to see a large central plant at flunnlsnii, with pli-e line leading north and south, thev would like much better to see one lo.ated In north Sanpete count), and that tlic tvlTnTend all their energies In that direction to begin with If they fall down In thla then thev will see whnt they can do towards lirinins (lunnlson out-providing sho nerds hi I. b) then." n objectionable hshlt calls forth this warning from the Cedar Clt) Itrecorrt .1!ffln ' water animal at the culinary ditches Two citizens have already been arrested within the naet week for breaking break-ing this provision of the city laws Marshal Mar-shal L'rle Is strictly mi to his dut), and It will 1 foolish to reason that )ou will not be seen." Ihe campaign In Nevada Ins opened earl), Its present Mate being thus de. scrliefl by ihe llurskn Sentinel. The politicians are commencing to show considerable activity in man) parts of the Stale, and wires are being laid for nominations to various Plato offices ilrlgham city was well represented at the ugftui ngnt, according to thla dls. closure made by the llox Killer Report V bakers dozen of Drlshims -i, ,rta went down lo Ogden Mnnda) night to witness the slugging mati li letween Hums and Rowan At Hrlaham depot, liefore starting, one gentleman was in. Ink to llurrlsvllle two were on u Insl-nesa Insl-nesa trip to Slatervllle out must go through to Salt Lake or bust another wus after cattle and so with ail, but when time was lalled nt Olenwo,,) Park pavilion lhat evening, Ihe thlrtr noses were there Thev were all buck Tues-day Tues-day and no one nurt." The Paris I'ost Is convinced thlt Its town has some undesirable citizens, of whom it sa)a Ue have men rignt here In Paris, vvhn according to ever law for mutual hetttrment, should be 'national!) striving striv-ing for illy Improv.ment nnd better markets, yd who will in no way ion-tribute ion-tribute for this purpose and will even discourage It Furlhn than this we are Infested with u clans of people who If approached b u n.w.omer, will reinto a tale of woe i him nf glganti pro. portions will alvi the countv rlts the ell) tits the people tits, and will fright, en nlm so that he will engage n speiiu) train ti take him away from tin place The Tooele Transcript urges its canl-tallstlc canl-tallstlc readers to get In and establish a bank In Its section before the ihaine Is snapped up "Theie Is still a chance to establish a bank lu this valli) that would be wncd oud mnlrolled li) the people ,n i , . lar sul Hirlpllon basis A iplii Vl ,, k of Ml divided Into IS r "' sh ,r i i5 bu paid In Installments na m ill I wi In -llev.i ..nil be seuir.il with., it a vast amount or troubli .md a fair jrillt In- I sured hi u the capital stock v ,ti wnnt 1 rrnilnd in l.ustn s ti, i th,t the elm in i' It still epm for h i h in ,,, I lerpilio bit li will nnt run in, , ! ns sim. dav oihrr irtl will ,'m and seuiro the in. Hut m lu m w i ' be soiur. I by the ,, e ti, , N , , Idaho has been fr n. n fli d bv if lent fir a. hint lan I ti o i , , T Ibane Vna th rxtr.!iri, of tl f gen-' gen-' r 'a8t1il" sman reporter the other da. l-nik R flooding remarked thlt ev.rv daj of suih nln ns we have had for t ,ce or four dav was worth a million ft liars to the State He Is right It means thst the gras will be given a line start and that more snow has been idled In the mountains to wntir me (fids during the heat of summer The need of good rosdi Is thus dealt with b) the Montpeller Kxarulner VMIl the mople of Bear Lake ever w.k. up I. the fuct that thev most r i better roids? Traveling for the na-t week over our highway has hem a frlsht The c ommlasloners are doing all hoi can but what the county needs 1 t" bond Itself for 135 W) or W.0 md put the whole sum on the road It tvo Id cost Jjt one mill extra tax to pave such roads V hv not have them" |