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Show : HAS BRIDGED ATLANTIC I ifllll t Srf rlffli Siijnor Marconi Arrived in New York Yesterday and Reports raj fli'lLB New Wireless Telesraph Record. MH MMSSM 1 mi fl : ' JH'SHi f New York, March 1 Slgnor Marconi, who nrrlved today on the Thlla- fit S rlwiBI f delphla from Southampton, rejortcd a new wireless telegraph record. ?S' SlitPB 'This time," said Mr. Marconi, 'thero can bo no error. Capt. Mills and ) ivKM 'Muffllf I -f Chief Olllcer Marsdon signed each message n witnesses. -fi iSrH i.BaiIul I ' Fifteen hundred miles nt sea regular messages were received fiom tho 4i IS 'f MS)! I Cornwall station nnd ticks were recorded at a distance ot :000. -fj iBH (tf tIHB 1 "It has been said that my Newfoundland messages vern duo to my -M H3 aBliWj I Imagination and to atmospheric currents, so I teriuested tho Captain's -tj JM TOj t I -f signature to bear me out. ' HH IfV R II I 'I am not going to establish any wireless service between Cuba, nnd. -fl SIS WjPffl-J the United States, aa has been reported, nor have I any Intention ot ) ' SH WMffl 1 establishing a line across the English channel." -u Vftl BsIJi I rt-rt: 4:4;i rK rV 4-,:ff,rI.Wci HHHHT. I '1hhh1 |