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Show )ERAISING AND EGG PRODUCTION. , tlm mil tliriiiiiMiiiK es vars' MSrtr'nnl. o -10 or Intend I .111 f mil that a. cnmmo- ' " r n, ,s n chicken ex '" i id no hive1 un en ! i air. ' ''" that thcl'9 miu ' rcquliemei.ts .rdrd. tl.r will no doubt he .ir HO " ' ' Tl,u llnrt ' ' rv I n hmill not be Lit l-' n uv'i m Ri Class, b, b , r ,1111 alfalfa. The ,p i fc so"'! ,x; , 5i ant Kt a multiple of .ilnidetoi,U that mans feet ,tM t b I n The house bit II built line J Willi build. ,-, to a oi d . through , md knoth"!. ul be provided .,1, i in li oulh Ride, of j than xl f I the sill of which un tmoic thin urn foot above ard prole t I hy wire netting .andoal Th I " Mowed for nit do nit admit of detailed ,0 n of th int rloi nrrunge-tbugh nrrunge-tbugh the- i" of Itnl Int- but nil r th building In J, ibe quest n I how to stock tpU hi Im nlr ads pome I Hick nnop c n or will not be 4 to adort th Jl I e following, llllik an ou I ii s brood) hen irri e hi I n Hut to the iti I ralii "' n ' f"0 "ot iwly h ' 1 other to en-li en-li the r ill "' ' for 'f v leu a III k t h thrown In nnd m j ir )U hi I I 1 1 led by intyall prcd iu. animals and t put tosftli r Ion can t Bet tan by Hie rilnt v powelois, I till dc troy thorn short of f th eh! null Uuy nn itw inii troid r anil when joii ihai "rdrr 'our egc Incuhn-in Incuhn-in t bad of nil i s und prices, we! tw at br idem Older till from r liable breeder, ihtioall-d fonj variety man, Is. nun who fi lnds to raise editor le. van II 9 of chick-tor chick-tor bi a mil" of everything, ft muclt of aiiMlnnc, Cllo jour to t tf Hit) brc der you net tlok for I s mnnev. This 1 Ibit uu ki ;; from thor-irt thor-irt Hock Den t nil chickens irabitAk It t! c not pus ilon't 'W (ma yj,, who practice HfjlM the rtoubl mating- s)s-t( s)s-t( k on1 t i ritmn will he 1 Mi ci -iii inn , under tin 1 V Ih rju lion is hat " ' '' mi 1 ant to rnlso for eBf. market nnd fancy, joii hic tho chnlco of but two Mrlellen, z tho white flj mouth llock nnd the white Wjandntle. Tor nnrkct thc mint bo nhl(i.rentheipl to nold the black pin feathers. Ilntli breeds am snod winter lijers nnd eaMlj broken up when the net broods Your eggs hnlnR arrived, get the Inculntor run-nlns run-nlns for a day and then put In the I,B8, or If joii lire hen put t,m on tho neat with some neat eggs, to teat their stalnK qualities Thoao thit are nil right glvo good egga Instead of the nest egga If the eggi were good they will hatch In from twenty to twentj two das Let them ataj where they are another das, but remote egg8hela Test unhntched eggs b lloatlng them and remoo the dead 'When thes an 11 das for two old sou can begin to feed them Thoae hatched In an Incubator Incu-bator must bo raised In brooder. Tho beat feed I hae found to be la steel-tut steel-tut oats, hard-boiled egga. chopped fine ul80 cracked corn and finally wheat nUo sour milk, heated to make It curdle, cur-dle, and then drained off to mako It lUltrt dis. ruie cool water muat nl-wnss nl-wnss be accessible to them, nlso ciy lonrso sand, or thla manufactuied ' mica crsstnl grit,' Dried, dnely-ciushed dnely-ciushed eggshell is also crs fcuod Whenever the weather permits, let them out on tho ground, they need greeni but not bfoie the gr3SS liaa dried off Bon t let them run at luge Keep them In Inclosed sards Get a sun for stray rats, dogs nnd beasts and birds of prey As soon ns your chirks aic old enouRh, to distinguish, sepa rnte the cockerela from the pullts Distribute the pullets, ten In each pen, get ICRbands nnd trupneats of the latter lat-ter three In each pen This la absolutely abso-lutely necessaiy If you wnnt to make progress In the proline icy of our lasers, las-ers, you will ulso need some books to keep an account After sou hive tested sour lasers, for one year sou will find : per cent will not lay at nil, ' 1 er cent a couple dozen each, 10 per lent lay Just enough to pay for their find nnd tht real nil the way from W to ICO egga To snc you from any further fur-ther loss sou sell 17 per cent or SO per cent of sour stock which constitute Sour poor layers this salng Is certainly cer-tainly worth looking after, but does not constitute). the oiilj,,npt een tho larger, ndantugft of using legbun Is and trnpneats After hnlng tented nnd dlscoeied sour beat Users, uso the eggs from th" ery best for raising rais-ing jouhb slock whit sou eapcclalls wnnt la tha cockerclls raised from eggs fiom tho best lasers, thes aro the power behind the throne, for they trnnsmlt the prolificacy of their mother moth-er to thflr offspilnR It is the only, way to Increase iho egg sleld of chlck- ens and the onls was to mike poultrs culture pas well A It KOIIMKH Silt Inke Cits I'ebiinrs W2 |