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Show ,fc KESOLUTIONS AND MOTIONS. L ,M.ny Plans Showing Great Variety J - of Ideas Presented. f i "bjtlons and molloni by the dozen 'q upon the convention at the , , 'JK'p, nd the secretary j03 Wll i kepi busy reading them and passing Ih'm or to the committee on resolii tlnns Thev pertained to every ron-lelvable ron-lelvable phuse of Ihe snbjeel and some of them ioerd seerl pages or man uscrlpl DIPriMIBNT HCIIKMBB I'eler ( lega; of Tooele wanlel It il-rlnred il-rlnred the si nse of Iho ronwntlini that all lawsuits involving rights tn the use of wut r now ptndlntr In the inurls of Ihe Htate bi ponlponed until after Ihe next leglslaiurn shall hae met Iho Wihi r loiinty delegates di sired the run entiiin lo teenmmetid nn amendment to thi present Irilgatlon Isw so as to BlM- Ibc SI He control of the walei ss ems of I tab II 1. Bleed of Ilox Kldei would hne the nmentlon drnft a suitable suit-able Irrigation Inw and piesmt It lo the loglilnluro V Wilson of Halt iJlkf fniored the ndludlcatlon or wutci rlghis h arbitration und wnntid n Slute board of arbitration appointed to sellli ma tiers afire ling two or more i mint leu ItOAHD or IIlIiirjMinv I'lsher llnr'la of Salt iJike lesolved Ibut the UglslAture Ik p illloncd to (.UHte a lionrd of Irrigation to luvestl-ratn luvestl-ratn Hie aourre nnd extent of the water supply of the State and tn liuestlgate the ailous methods In use for the moasuument of water M Diughertj of Pall Ijike rnnrl the .ippoliitmenl of n legislative lonunltteo or seven tn tc ale h hill for premnlallon In the next legislalurn The I'tnh imintj itelegallou wanted the (iinvenllon to mi tnnilalisc 1'ongress to grant lo own irs of water In I ml. all tin l ublle lands within the walrishels of the 'Wnsatrh mountains at a price pot to exceed 2" cints an acri These were onli a few of the mens, lues resented for Ihe innslderatlon of Ihe rimw ntl'.n nn I lhe rhowed clenrly hnw divided In sentiment the delegates wire oer the proper solution of Ihe lllllrultle whlrh foi mrs hive hem recognised nnd toleiated LANI 1IOA1II) AND W TIT IS1 1 KDS Interest was .Housed bj Ihe readlni? of Ih leitolutlons iresentid the pri Moils dav whlrh were submitted tn the comcnllnn wllh recommendations b the cnmmltlet as to their adoption or rejertlon I'suallv Ihe committee h rei-oinmenilallon rei-oinmenilallon was incepted nnd the n solution disposed of without much de bib V spirited nrgumiiit nine how iei rn the resolution nf I'eter 1'lei.K or Tooele dlsapiioMng or the pollcj of Ihe land bmrd In .riintlng fnrtj-ncie trueif on uitirshtils llcbei Ilennlnn I C Tlioicseii nnd others urked Ihnt Ihe land Imiird should not b (ensured for rinlnr what they had been Instructed tn do b law The legislature the said had mule the provision that was objected to nnd was chiefly In blame for whaleei evils hnd arisen from It The mi nsure found some sup nrl tmonir Ihe sliiepmea but In the end It was recommitted re-committed to Ihe committee |