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Show COMMITTEE IS IMPRESSED BY BEET-SUGAR ARGUMENT important Facts Elicited Concerning Manufacture Manufac-ture of Product in Utah as Compared With Cuban and German Competition. i in The TcleRram) .-.'.is rnN March l.-Tho Ways " ,, mlttco Informilly took "''' " r 11." admittance of CM-"p CM-"p , , n some concrhRlonarj "" "if, h trlnRs Riven n couple '"" k - ,0 ,h0 'eprosontntlves of "'v nl 1 r nnd doloRntlous from 10 , i, ar Hlntes. amonB the "Vvt I- n, it It I uilcr of the Utah B" n i i ' II looked If the beet. S"1' , , .1 impressed their Mlilo " w n thi cnmmlttco that the I " , i, i suRivr could not suc-f suc-f with Cuban sugnr "" n ir rates, nnd tlmt , ,il ihlns done at this sis-1 sis-1 i 'li "nc i i "i I or v It. however, has n n his Intention of extond-r extond-r r nf i kind m 'he Cubans. !i ihi !, strongly seconded by in i I nd f-ov.-tien Wood n, u t tioiiRly .lev eloped that i?. .iimr tru ' and not the Cubans LmiMn-anili milt of nn reduction lihetirllT I rr """ n"rln th" 1, tn 'h Ml Ilonsevrlt Una be-' be-' , li 1 ii at If the CnbaiiB me I, I, .i -mi t b through Rome . ihnn mere i eduction of thK' ' Pay Culnns. , ,,i I 1 members of the House hi I n In conference with r n I It Is now the but I il If nn i banco Ib made ik i niliir of n dinwbick . p id ..lleolls to the Clint, Cli-nt, i i ml sporloel Iho utw ,1 nf H ndoptlon of Btieli i ill ii dl'llnet Innnvntlon y.ir" ir InunlleB, jet It lep-tmh lep-tmh I i ictlind as jet Burgest-i Burgest-i i ii f i r ihl bo extendi il to i i i ihnui doing nn Injury , m I i unr Intcrretn. ,dr 1 k b me hns In view the in fu i I In le nitiB or poH-n poH-n I r i 1 late at Amerlian f nlr fr I ub in raw BURiir, and r I ' the ( iiban plnntois un-! un-! i in of the Ttonsllrs de rr -i thmurh iikenls louileil In j at Ih rin. Ti mi whence the rnw irna h , I of a tolinto or elruw-t elruw-t or j i r irnt or the duty pali ilmill ic nt the sugar trust, It Is 1 ef r ilnfi lh benellt of Ihe iithS x cpt to the exli nt that they pit ten ii I pro tin ei 8 of sukar l arl l i l In il i It Is rniileniled, d sir -J relief teulilng the purlieu ah -nit n ml inle.l e, the hull-ul.c hull-ul.c an lint ti mil romp.iulcB In 4 taper Raw Matcrl.il ' t In linn In the rale would pun in Hi il tin bur ir tiust would c r r It raw material fioin a to! to II extent of that redue-1 redue-1 tMlur r nd the ionKUtner In 'mint i nit pinlltliiR In unj r ty Ih it n tenon us the trunt ill n t Ir i ihe price paid for rn i In il i tn the extent of the ffjs In th rue , iimciRn. the 'til- I .ti tin. I'nlted .Sluti's to " Jmf-r &"" ir II it rtel by thedrnw-m thedrnw-m th-M it c iili tnn would set the it .. hi foi ihnn by the ndmlnla. I and im tin. in,, ir wotiM lotne itf rr - i this lountry under lr r " in ii iib ,m exist, the ' .ar Hit i wi,i ot )u ti)H. W In nn w n VIn,"n". " n 'he M'wi r Illsh-...!" Illsh-...!" "M' ared before the ?.. M '" "inmlttee the litter 111 'J Hill rj ,l ,,tn ,mp ot ""' I n lubllsheil, may be of in. i.V. ' ""mlJ the position 'He Indu i-y , t ,,,. AIr Clcr k Bishop Cutl rSalil. Mr f hi 1n n Orm,,,,,,.,,: I in n ,h 1'islneim ror eloen Tini.i'.n"''",v ''"HI Ihe "rat fnc. 'iniiih fr,,n Amerlian made nin-wnnii nin-wnnii . a "r ' nn """ hnrt 'ho ?dsi,'. ' "'"'Inerj In the TLlllV Thl "" hunt in mm. hai"' fll , ""' operated It. l?rio,L " '"lf",, "n'' 'he beet-i"H,l"n beet-i"H,l"n ""V-nniede. tlmtlhe 'iinJn r"n" ",yH '""IneBS hllB , t,,,LJh ' nl",', "l",. "d I de- "-iv ,o,V IT- i"?'vorny 1",a T'i iri.7 V. . y ""'", r,a'",nB I., ",' J .," Pry desirable '".. Mountain dlBttlctB. HlwLi 7 ,nhn'1 mn '"'I" '""ii TarltE r , r ""' 'm ",llr" fnim Mtla r . N" neiphiH nf tnil-'" tnil-'" 're -hi . ," ,"""t I"'v " ery "lthiVnr " "" iwnnrl liver "MlinlfT '"''""""Iheriei-nwnim '"''""""Iheriei-nwnim rul rer,iiliiB to it. ' of Utah " "hnfJ"' '. "rn known In the "1' M, Ml r ' irltnl nlatlotiB, w) jt , a" "' I" nt of the Kal-""'rtum Kal-""'rtum n! '."" """I'iny, niadn iiho ''mlltl'iilli.ieweielUelti """Utah , '"P,K " MIchlRiin M'taut,v ,' , ". " "how that there . ?"' 'V " '"i,f " riwms In the YK "r" n , ". "' ""' number of W"' '"''iiifl. m, '' lo"'l 'ondlllonB h "J dn n liuar' "11 the fam-! fam-! iw'7" ' ui the ciilimo nf ."i "'in ,1 ,' ',KI,,"r deiireo In r. i, L'n si I """hlBBiuall libor we PfOdlll ir,u (1 i in,,, hi, far iih the I ' , , a i run nl. ' I" nl mi,.',1"1." nttenllon to '"'In n ",1J huaUKo of the " oil , " " Iwih had fn, Th.''T" "'" "'''"b1.0" ""' "h riff." ". '!" m "r ", ""'y '""do nbnut Unit'1 ,''ii , ' " from about is,, lure' "ilnn '" I"''irlatlon of a 'f n T " in ,, p,or ","- Wo li l ','f l , "" "hout fi(, per lkt tr,th (, , ""- a loss, on nn- r 1". 'tll of c '"aiier In (,0 beet, WJXl hV, Uff1rIm'"ry. Slaw; r'? 'm i ,"':,"" 'hat until Iho .econ"; ,'rj , """" I" ihatm was "? hV"! " ""'""e obtained U' f i -., i illinR ,,rl,. , ir1?. i ik in in, "".'l "htalnlnir beceP ' Mr ., ' " " "idn of Rtamil tie I i " , "J whon i .. ' "iiiwirnl nomn (rn 'Vrlu""'ie "',, "!',' hefmo j,m rr In ? '"'II i i " M'",ientH thin er "h I, '.", hl. I, It wna liurc,il lUfM1"1 i in, "'".hlnS ' 'hi " 'r, rtr.l,,r ,,'";r"".p'"l"'lhl - :rr " 'J1 "M'-vtu '"ii .it'r' .,, ""k d up ii ton tM " ,J M ti, p " li Mmi y,.,, bll, i ,'"i in' ""' l"l year 'Okial I I ,,,'f ""'""'il Pllco ""'""Cotbr;,1,"1: Sjffcin'nV e "?' ,"",' Pm rata the enr but we have redmed It ei, 1, jcar. ;et,nJ"!h"n ll,P .'"'"" " a formerVear,; work tho,e bect would lm0 cost us-and us-and the work J 0 Competition With Ocrmnny. 'Tho argument tins also been made that BURiir can be maili nflcr a while r,V,hi". t,m ""' h" hrouRht about by the IntctiBe t iililntloii nf the .nil, Ihe lneien,l polarlrnllnn nt the beet, and n, prent mnn other liifluenteii Tor b X or i,.n MatB 1 never raided. b.ct !"'U """'d aTane mole than n or . :.c ,md one lat ear 15 8, or niarls IB pel cent .',? h'.r,'" "rp .",'"' In,f8eil methods nf i?"nJc"."," .""ictlon hna been reduced, re-duced, Ihnt Ib we have oblalned as I n marked 2 r.n MO t,on,ls B,tKar There baa been bell, r work than that done One ear we Rot It down to about 1 , . r cent Iobb, but that Ib an extreme ant ecrlhlnK was rondurlie lo the exlrac-,,n,!'r exlrac-,,n,!'r 'heBiiRiir In the beet that ear the iivciaRo cost lo us for the Ian me jcnrB was iih follows 1517 161 i?,".1",'..1'' 4,n ,k'" 'KI'M IBf. and I ''il, til iiverapltiR r, sc cenla for cot of the niRnr jet potinl Utah Company Hade Sloncy. it."IuL ,hp c"ndltIona b which the litnh Huroi eompnnj has been able lo make money hnc been purely loml c have the fielRhtB In our faor now, until un-til we make more BitRar than the ;orky Mountain dlstrh la can consume I hae bun henrltiR nlnut the price of KtiRars from the illtfer. i, faitorleB Wo hne had nn meniRe for Ihe onrn of B 71) net, with the lost of production 3 80, ineanlns that we haxe hid 1 fiO pront for lle onsecutho jears, becauso of local conditions Hut proWdlnR that we were making more atiRar than the flurroundliiR States which we cm leach easllj and iheaplj, coul I consume. If we were to make mote thnn thnse atalis inuld t ike from us, the fielghta then would be reversed, and It woull make n difference of at least 1 cent pir pound 1 or Instance, the price In ITtnh Is 4!. If I lake tint atiRar to Ihe MIsboiiiI river on the lowest low-est freight rule possible, It would onli net mi 111 It will he readily seen that BURir costlnR 116 on the average and costing that much Height to get It to mnrket, bpIIIiir niter Ihe freight Is deducted, for 3is would not be very pi nfl table, thcro wouldn t be inuili ptollt It, It Cost of liaising Beets. 'To inlse llfleen tonB of hefts per aire Is $13 75 If jou ralre only about twelve tons per ncre the ptl, o would be reduced about 10 ier cent not more, be caiife a I irger Hem than this would bo harvesting and hauling Thirteen dol liirs and seventy flvo cents Is on n flf-ten-lon basis The last crop averaged about llij, tons per acre, the price paid belng'Jt 7i, anil the little freights that we p,j to usslst the firmer bringing the average cost up to Jl SI ' Ftalenicnts have been made by my friends bete relative to their different conditions In their States, and I thought It advisable to present theso conditions existing In L'tah. ' Thcie Is a by-product connected with this Industry which Is remunerative I refer to Iho pulp which Is worth about ID cents a ton. We hive nlso Rone Into the raising nf seed extensively, and, Willi the addition of some land tint Is well lrrl(,nted In I'lnh, 1 am hoplnc to make u levinuu out of the rulslng of seed The Largest Tonnage. ' Ihn lureest ninnunt of tonnnse his been fotty tons which Is at the tale of about one ton per oi re I have raised that much freed of very excellent quality nnd, I think, will be n source of revenue, nnd this will bo moro and more the case as tbo people begin to understand It more ." In reply to questions from tho chnlr-mnn chnlr-mnn of the committee Mr. Culler stated that nil the beet-siiRnr land In Utah was IrrlRiiled, and that the product of Utah was mostly Bold In Utah, Idaho and Montana lie also stated thit the heivv frelRht rates from Now lork and the I'liclllc coast wus a ptotectlon to tho Industry In Utah In reply lo a question ns to whether he had examined tho beet-siiRar conditions condi-tions In IlirmJiiy nnd as to whether tho ndvanttiRCS there are Btipirlor or leas than the udvnutages hero for nilMnK bict sugar, Mr Cutler replied that ho had (.one over there nnd examined tho Munition, nnd believed that In tlmo this count! y cm compete with Germany and make sugar for as small a prlie as they obtain for It today. Advantages of the West. In reply to a question ns to the advantages ad-vantages nnd dlsnduuitiiRCS of this country as compircd with Germany, Air Cutler said ' The mote pirtlcular ndvanlnRCS especially es-pecially In the West I am not acquaint-d acquaint-d with Iho llnst vcr well-nro that our lands nra virgin soil They have not been washed away by the ralnB, nnd bo on, nnd lo prove that we have had beetB, I should biij, on at least 1000 acrea for eleven coiiBecutlvo seasons, doing no fertlllnltiK exctpt the nntutnl fertilization fertiliza-tion that ionics from tho horses nnd cows, cti and the plowing In of tho beet oh 1hc are moro valuable us a feitlllret than anj thing else. 'Another thing Is the cllmallo condition condi-tion out then nnd I prcBiimo It Is the same Ihlng In Michigan Wo have tool nlghlH which gives us the sugir In tho beet ut tho time It Is needed, Thcro Is a!, o a qtiPBtl hi In regard tn tho value nf tho lands I final that our lands are imt nearly nfl valuable, though thev huvo raised M ror cent nt lenst, nn 1 they will still ihIbo In value. Still, tiny iiro not valued na high us liny ale In (lermany, Rcneinlly. Illgh-rrlccd Lands. "I navv bect-sced linda In (lerminy which vvcto quolcd to me at lt,0O per neie. That sceiiis to bo all excessive pilce, nnd I cnuld senicely believe II, but on Boine of the best pee 1 farms as hlRh na JI500 per acre was asked, and they could hivo ohlnlned that prlco for thiiso lands" . In rcpli to n question ns tn tho advantages ad-vantages and disadvantages of beet sugar In tho Industry us compiml w th the canu sugar of Cuba, Mi. Lutler '"That I am not particularly prepared to ui. only this, that It Is an Industry hat rIvoh cmplnjnient lo such ii diver-Billed diver-Billed people Besides that. It Is an In-dislry In-dislry parllculatlv ndipl.d tn the Western HlatcB. where they are far from markets, as It were, and wheie there lin. large amount of labor lo be had Cuban Cnne Sugar. In com Union Ml l-illler said that In time the l" et sugar Industry would ha iilTo I i en pete wllh Cubin enna sugar un er enu'l conditions hut In, was not preparod ... u how Ionic 'his uld be. """nu'witurnlll- n.k Iho question 'Vou I, i, boon eleven veins In Iho hmlness, ,y hav",, n I piogrcssed in.-ro rip-Illv7' rip-Illv7' Wo wrro ulm.wt nlnni u Hint M Oxnard and "no moio Wllhiriita Bf,t,rCugRl.,:KCfo,mno.u r'h'-lh' " ,,l,iRTo"ln:,,!;nir.!nJS S'nera largely hy ,h0 l-entlve ,h,lt '' Riven to the firmer to raise the beets They have June caught on, ns It were and It Is a. ve prolllnhle Industry In the AVut I should b,i Rive us ten jeirs uml we would make a perfe t u s mil be nbl tn mike sug ir us '" "H n It Is ma le In llerm mi |