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Show PompcIIan Bath for .Boston Society Man. MUUam Armor Oartlner the liachelor brotlier-ln law of the remirk ible Mrs Jatk Oardaer, has outd ne thit Ingenious In-genious woman In the quest for something some-thing novel He lias built at Oroton a unique palace which he calls Tho Pleasure Pleas-ure Home, lu vv lilt li has been Installed a 1'oiapellan bathing apartment which for gi nutne t xtrdvagancc, txiuipl. t. neas ani convenience surpsseea an thing ot tho suit In existence lu a private house In the I nit. .i ft .tea Ihe bathing basin Is (mated In th. right wing uf Mt nanluora 1 lensun tinnii and the basin prni er 1 llilrtv fin long Hi cut tut wide mil his c alopltig depth or fli.ni live ti, lilm feet 'Hi. apninniut U lliilshid through mt lu mrl.li and III. lhne dusslng rovtns op. n off ihe liutll in, I lot wain Is con tlnuillv pouring In so that Ilu tenner alure la nlua) . ihgrtes Thero ate hot und celd sinner douches Ihe rioasure Pome Is unlike an-thlng an-thlng tlse In Amerlct mil bids fair to rival In uniqueness the Italian palace of Mrs Jatk Oardner The bull ling was er ited it i co.t of $;V"i Its style of architecture is colonial Massive columns support a broad veianda and fram d.ui ble lesllbulea nn either side VMngs Jut out from the miln building and trim the center rises all ornamental ilotna It Is from this dome that the building takes Its n. um which started as a Joke It was desUnaltd on th architect s skrtcha an rirasure Dome und the name has stu. k Mr Oinlner disclaims nny Intention of creating bid thing like an Oriental i at i.e or even it luxtirtnu resort Th. 11 isuro Home Is tiurely a mat ailjun t t i a bachelors home In the i 1. 1 is a laigi lounging room to he tlllnl ilth e is chnlra and nigs ani deeoi ited with Mr Gardners n(htlnu and spoitlng nophles Hack of tho us neml.li hall n a stago llttod with all the pirapnernalla ux.il In large pUhousi Vn itectrtc kit hen U another fe itur uf the building |