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Show SCHOOL FOE HANGMEN Training Prescribed for Public Ex. cutionors ln Oreat Britain n Interesting Insight Into the meth odsof the Hangman s Training School' Is given bj n Sussex nevvepaper which comments on the recent demand for professional assistant exe utioner Ahlch was supplied hy the nppolntmem after due examination of Mr lohn El lis draper of Io hdale Despite the un pleasant n itura of the work more ar, plications were rea Ived than vvoull comfortablj supply the I nlted Kingdom ind nil the colonies The attl tic knot ting of n rope nn 1 the sliding of a smai Iron bolt seems nn easy way to main monej and the mon fcruesome so f the work apparrntlj does not nrfect tin majority of uppllcants Hangmen however nre mide tot I orn an I the making th real Is an In tereeltng process No etit ee ret viij ever more Jealously guardel than th course of ln'trunlon whereby novlcei uie olllclallv traiuformed Into capabt exetutloners The authorities do not ltd Incline ! to I oast njb ut this form of got eminent training nt least But tD(. sal 1 a case hard n, I though phllosoch leal rnstn warden lecently tl ere nuo be hangings ut long as there are cantil crimes Why n t have the Job doni right Of course men must be tralnH for It or there would bo frightful bun klliig The dean of the rofesslonu of course Billlngtcvn But DlUlngtonl! not ubiquitous and his Inability to ham two dirfeiont mun crers in dlfferttl rarts of Lngland nt the sine time lu made the appolntn. nt ot nn asslstan necessary W h it lillllngton does tat know about olllclal methods of puttltr men to death Is hardly worth knonict and It Is th most reasonable thing tl the vvorld tlinJ he shoul 1 ho selected u chief Instructor ln the School of At. piled Hanging ' n execution means more than a mere tying of a noose nn 1 collapse ofi trap door Tho hangmarf must nub certain nice calttilatlnns how much tf a fall Is required to produce instantaw ous death an 1 how to adjtut the gallon to meet the requirements In each part ular case I very detail from binlitt the malefactor In his cell to adjutllr the f itnl cord Is onsctentlously go-e through with for the benefit of tti novices A ck s Instruction Is n too much A tlm Is hoscn whenihi head executioner 1 not busy for a fes lajs nnd then un ler his surervlrln mock executions It I sal 1 take faa within the prlnon will . s n sort of port grtiduate course, i warder sometlm s emeus the role otibt condemned man He Is lound In the most approved fashion nnd then lea li the kallowx Just as though he tu about to suffer the le (h penalty Sul tlent to saj however greit caret taken that the trip door keeps lnpaa while he Is put upon It Skill Is-reciuW to deftly secure a ii Ironer about toul the fital drop The hangman m ist ihor no nervousness or clumsiness llemur 1 e able tn adjust the sti i s quickly ul securely The stu lents who nrs can-fully can-fully drilled In this I ranch of thevroit go over nn 1 over ench detail ind a mil take must bo follow e! by Inciei practice The warder who nets ns lay fran during this pleislns process mutt pa Cess sul lime patient e No Instant! i recorded of nny I rl ner condemned or otherwise offering himself as a subject Thus the School of Applied Hanjlri surfers In not posfcj Ing the same ft cllltlos ft r studj ns n school of medlcli or dentistry Vfler the final examlJ Hon of the rinlldites hy the ri"" commissi! ners U fore whom the entli programme of an execution (mlnuiti drop) Is carried cut candidates 1 have pissed It Is said are gratuY licenses 1 y the hone Secretarj To many people this business!!! methol of training public execuiiono may seem repugnant It Is netetua however ln orler to mold dlstreu-' scenes on the scilfol 1 The present li crease ln applications for employnm ns hangmen In I nkland Is due ItrpJ to the unusual number of execuUri pending ln several parts ot hnjJi' The dean of the school will be s tr usy man for the next few vveeki ' In i number of northern prisons he loo Christmas holldnj visitor brlnfU anything but nce nnd good chen London I xpress |