OCR Text |
Show TTTTlome Mia I-n ot South k vcir wa Sir WIIIHm W.il-", W.il-", ;,i(d - When was Bobert i"SK.nfc of ScollanilT- ..V i .? . ( Is the r"' ' pronunciation of "(It. H'" rr sd""''8 "me7 .fl, pronoun d In three Habits, mat rtr cent of en' milk Is wnt-i wnt-i At what temperature should ,v be churn, d" W J " boat SI '" ,h n"inBe- 2 sm I" 6I dl rc ' ",e ,'"t le"'" iturf usualls ABi(rl.an Folk Vtih, Tel, 17th rr Tribune The law requires ,, nUnlnKloMtlon 'hull be record-i, record-i, both the dl tilet and county lev ' .. ViotkM a P nalty for linn nc of IM provisions Question .loJator'i nl Hi the county more the dl trlct would hN loca-'sYvort loca-'sYvort nnl hn ground Jumpablo. ",Sl he .irnpl b- 'lablVL r'nn ,i, of non nnipliaiRC of the full ,Lof the st Utile and be able iShU Broun 1 James Chlptnan ,wur re the Plate law Imposes lortfltw f 'h" tlllm . In i!" "" Vol knouM'.e respecting the pro-7 pro-7 cf dtstrl i rulr no opinion can 7. at in their i fleet upon your ,. While the (ourts are loluctaiit Scree a forfeltuie It li the safer wcompl) fullv with all law, ells-irulrsanl ells-irulrsanl r gulillons taut hat will be the total revenue , rojtofflre department or this diitni! June '0 J M. I. MUtlliOMOOM Ihe figures for the in ljr eie Jill 611 1. and for ,r before that I10.',JJI .9 Pecat llo Idi . Feb 23rd. jwrTrlbjne Will ou pleaso nn-In nn-In jour n it bundas i Tribune en ihe llr t animal trainer nnd till he lit A Header jm he Uteri In the Garden of lorn; lll It tike to recoil e i"n-by i"n-by mall to a letter sent fiom bulcan clt to llutnos Ayres, Ulrica' S S e postal Hllinc between New itdBurnos tr s Is twenty-nine lo It hartlv t ould be reasonable pet a rcpl) within two months twTnrunr What Is the present ithn of m fits Cap. Nome (i Wl a wi 1 f-t seam gold li from Nomr Ilnw earl In rdMifir t t el hate for Nome, hom warf I llite an quartz i hen found tet 5 Are any Milthv comianlei Interested ' I What are if general pros f" future i D) most of point-i point-i it r In the stil . oi there' 8. U Manner fare a Aho com of t In Nome othftjiand people are sold to bo Ji -litf tee 2 About i million jj Ulf dollar 3 Lite Muy or -, i !uc I No i Not ters. the t i r rapinlm Ind C It i not bit lo ia some saj there Is K'l i Ml Iher others malntnln illthtirlnlng ground in sight has II don 7 Mot Ma) there r.t to Alaska Steamship rompany, It I About doubt that In Salt uV , , iir Uuj Ihe pension law pased by JM -USIlyS 1900- T N M il ' . M.n' ""t dl-sablllty pen- nM i 5fl.ne " i',n Providing tj ihe dltabllltles In th nggrcgilo US', Ja m-s. I onsldered In Jta S?y,1?' mon' of his ptn- of. '!ymltl he prothlonn of the id' " ma tied pi lor to June 27, if, li!'" In ""' an' ot ndli M per jeir S "tiJh" fT" '"' 0f "8 r rii,i , e) m?k ' h mare ijo, ,,l llni tor a .lo1d l,ors -(jtJ "' "Z'l t "r-1 ,n no? IITI Ulendn. J """"owner re- SrTi i. i'.T'T "n "" f'"1 "'at olir im bul "hfn the bor- the t in', r IT lul1 r'h 27th nS 'Kir. , Dl rWa" 'William t author, j! , "n.m" ot "'e t lr on his Wrri m.'.i i'"8 lcn,h R" " ' Thi ., '"'Ilirlaj, nt his " "h ,L u,0URh m"y sff ,!'"'h,Tlo?,,.'i "'"""lltr "" '"nre? ,'i nnetinte,17 3 0r,i' sooal ,.?'"!"' "Tit oil ouni Mrli i . aharf "'W ii,., V" "iPiromlnK of '."ah" nurkfl tin, mnny ""-nten V", "'u'"ablo J ,vri1 (Jfe nnd rung "m p,i, ,' 5 &?5 SJ'-'wou'l 1 r,: 'ones ' "' ncoiint ftr-1,- S JM"''''"" ",'"?, "'ah' i V-.JTSkc "Mil! W ,, '"knit r i lll lieisuiO s r ski ? fay or ii. " ' '''n an ",rr si im" t'lintts 'rf, ,fc'Vr,,IO(1'l i " rail",1 l t n ls'ry. "" "off ouiS'o'ichua ht, ib'.'l that t,,,,,1' Iftrflu jvirj'-fNt'tt'L's PhesMsW-T to assault Howlett ami i,. .mni,!' tore j handlrd bin U l,e ,ws K' him nnl h" w, ,iL?,'n"r" Protected l-ito the liaM w"tho ,i 1'fvitmlUelf l0 serious InJurt t .ii. lulnR """talnel ndop on n, a compromise anrt otNlon! See h1r,,"nSn7,ne.nt a" """d mo ah,anrtTt,hne,,lrnVh! " !,. ,f ,lert and came ost to esrann elfoiv R "wHnR w-ix put Into sticks for commerelal'uie' m sucks main'" "llld,,l J" forms made of brass sUck, thR rnr.L,anK,,11r "r 'rims? two pieces. In ulo V.InKIe-n" forms are Rrootes m,i0 sIlRlitli t,,iirn"" otto end than at the tl,w, o make ei-ler Bettlmr the stick, ou,r' nrrat ed f?r,T, rc dlfflf"u t0 """ out nnd this h.'J m,,y. lene.l by rubhlns infrlt. WJ.""' Pa of tho 'orm with "ho wax ,urpel"lno '"' Pourlns n I.lltor Tribune will you kindly In. nJI'sTJ" :""tlon'' nn'l Answers?' ?-nti?u".',ay. Tc'h'me. the name of a reliable Institution or person who re-Tin-'T." cr"'cl!,p'' minuscrlpts Does The. Tribune do this?-! K W. ij rr'bun" doesn't do this, and has S?r.l?n. ?' iny n,ace- Inatltutlon or person who does, nor of how nntone enn mako such a business pay. What Is the pension of a United States bandmaster, and what will the tttl?cd7-A u"?! HOb"0n b When Tensions nnd retired pay are different differ-ent matters. The former depend, In ''.''r'- "' least, on the extent of dls. ability: tho other on the pay rocelted when In Berth e An army chief musl. clan received from 160 to J65 a month, nnd may be retired on 75 per cent of that. Cnpt. Hobson. Ir retired In regular regu-lar course would set 75 per cent of J350O. his pay as naval cnptaln, but special legislation may make a change In hla ca,se. Wellsvllle Utah Feb 2t Hdltor Tribune Can n. man secure a dltorco from a wife, residing In an-other an-other State, without due notlllcatlon hating been given Ihe wife? We should think not, without her consent nut If it Is nn actual case., rot merely a curiosity question, jou had better hate a lawjer look Into the matter. What Is meant hy a "pair" among Congressmen' 2 What Is a cantlleter bridge.' X V :".. Tvto members opposed In their les nn rome measure effect a pair hy agreeing agree-ing to abstain from toting on It Thus one of them ran bo absent when the tote Is taken without lessening the re-latlte re-latlte sticngth of his side 2 A tjpa of truss bridge In which each truss Is supported on a pier and balanced or countorwelrhted and projected over a spare to be bridged toward a like truss from an optoslto pier The two trusses etentually are connected dl-recti), dl-recti), or by nn Intenenlnir girder. Ogden, Utah Feb 29 Editor Tribune From a reading of Sour paper I see the Confederato soldiers sol-diers oro being pensioned Arc they pensioned by the Goternment or State7 To it hom would I apply? A Confed-eiato Confed-eiato Soldier. Confederato soldiers are being pensioned pen-sioned by the tirlous States of the South, and hate been for many jears, neter hy the United States ou should apply to the Secretary of State of the Stato In whoso regiments you scried In what year was the wall built around the cits of Londondcrrj ? 2 In what scar ttus the siege' 1. Where can 1 find an authentic history of Its earls settlement' It. I Wo do not know, UrIUsh encyclopaedias encyclo-paedias speak of It only as nn ancient wall 2 In lCSa from April to August. 1 The siege Itself was the source of a consldernbl literature, but wo trace only one hlstors of the city. This was prlntpd lorty years ngo, across the ocein, hut then, probably lire a few copies In this countrs'. nnd a dealer In second-hand booku might locate one for Sou. Londondciry grew up Hiound n monnstery founded by Saint Columbia In H8 and from Ihe ninth to the eleventh century was frequently held by the Dalies. 'lerrnce. Utah Feb 22. IMItor Irlhimo Whom was Cloftrgc Francis Train? Whin nnd whero was he bom? For what was he noted? Olve a short sketch of his life A Subscriber Sub-scriber deorgo Francis Tinln Is nn author, IcUuni nnd agitator He was born In IIOHton, Mnrch -' 1S2J, be was engaged en-gaged In business and In promoting en-teipilses en-teipilses In his soung manhood, he tiled to Introdurc street rnllttass Into Ilngland upwnids of forty scam ago, without success lie has for many yearo been noted for his eccentricities and exploslte outbursts on tnrlous top. Us Ills, address Is Mills building, No 1, New ork city Who was M F Maury, nnd what will sou tell mo about hlm7 n Mnlthaw Fontaine Mnury, nn olllcer of our irnvs who won fnmo ns a hyilio. giapher He was born In Spottssltnnla, Vn , January II lbOH spent his child, hood In Tennessee, nnd beenmo a mid-shlpmnn mid-shlpmnn III 1MB As early ns 1811 he wtolo n treutlse on natlsatlou that bo-amo bo-amo a text hook for th" luty Of his lain writing, tho greatest was n work on iihsslcnl geographs of tho sea. In 18M hu was dlsabl'd by an accident, and nflernrl was superintendent of tho nntlonal obsertqlor) In 1861 he entered tho Confederato service, obtain-Ing obtain-Ing tho tank of Commodore, and nt the end ot tho nr took soitko under Maximilian In Mexico. Then ufter set-eial set-eial ycais In Muione, he accepted a prnfcssninHp at tho Virginia Military Institute, llo died February 1, 1871. Salt I-nke City, Feb. 25 Kdllor Tribune Is It illegal to send the rtlblo thiough the United States mall' 7, . .. , Certainly not. unlesn you get one that Is too heavy, or fall to pay tho proper postage Ily what race of p.oplo and In what ceniuiy were some rltlts built In Yuen-Ian Yuen-Ian that were found ,ln ruins? 1 In what countiy was It' lint n party of Amcrlians of Ihe Hlatoa were mas. sacii-d, who ttcie charred with fill-busterlng. fill-busterlng. over half a century ago? J II Ily the nncestora of tho present Mayas, but Just when Is not known. Home of these Penlial American cltlesL abn.i!.n ." "ot fen- " alreads i S h"rT,v,'; !h: ,,aa ot r"-i lion a, V,? n ,n W"" of consttuc d o ,"mf ,h t-Pamards ar etldcnr " on'11 bl, d ore more ,Lal,n8t,Rr"t ntlqult nnd that , "So, " f.aul" of l" "tructlon "nd In d.str,. .V.a '"'""'"B "IHt tomo wrti? ".Ne tc,lm"tlc conditions a nrodlie 1 the ol,1er renulns as inu.h ir '.?' lhe. 'hh eenturs but The nbSLVjf. "Zoning Is conjecture ate a, lit f 'mi rhlcs of the ruins able V t,0'111 mo,t ia" "ntianslat-to "ntianslat-to IhoWrt rno,',l y--U hateieference tlfn Lo?...!t.,w.Ml!h commanded b5 " of 'iif.a",d,.101 w U "tenden I'nlltd LT. u'o1rne-0fn"'" f the northern e . T,ho lan,,''d on r"''a quick v-' '" Augl"1 H"'l nt iltorn r Th ""''"Imol the sur- ute5f!htt0lhtra "Kh,lns boins Fdltor Tmk" I,ak.e Cl,y reb 1S":iS hold i!, i "a" obtained the dltorce court11!.,!'1." nf "e court, after all Sub.ulbs'r"""" 'nXe p"n PW?-A It VoF1aernexC'.,,1,ren . 8,,e eoul(1 "how of Rood fn!fh h""lnJi' "" a" etldenec t aid n L H-i .t, :,JThe man "ho has miu me bi-1 should hate It. IMiinr n- ,t W'lgham Feb 21 BnsVtlr ,l,Jrflnnmc1-WI" ?" Kl,u,'y Quistlnn. I- OT.,ns ntlons In tour das TriE?n"n'1 Aers' In The Sun. Ideas. n.' ur lr yo" cn"t answer. J hhnUIo" ;CdoV,fn arra"n caW'if l'hs,uhthtafir;ary f P'a,e 0t .Morgan' Who was his wlfe'-.Mrs II anil In "?-- i" '" J;'C" about 171C, a pimili' b,'gn,n N' military career as a.,eamler In Ilraddocks nrmy I'ie. .,?li.s.J0 ",e Hetolutlon he hnd mans anT hi?" "llh,ln'J'" nd the French, ?mi,.rt mn-led Abigail llalley In Sin?!!."'??' " t"ar"a"' f one "" J,'""1 of. the Virginia ety, and In the on nT.' os",ult of New Ycai's 177: r?leisCr wyaPtred After he an SliTl "CnljnelH commission was N'cn ' I", "e did good service in of 'unlJZ t00l5 ,art ln t'ie otcrthrow lnBVinSnr:nn,,1 "fining Cien Wash-se?teS Wash-se?teS inl.ih.lat,PrH u,Ktnt request, 17-a hi I ',he 'Ionmouth campaign. In urn to fJCU' aml "hen " '" f lWr. ,"10 "I"1, refused because ft""1 '' him a commls-S,?" commls-S,?" "encral After the disaster at nnT niV ' ,,0""T' he Joined flen dates. lSiiens afterward was made a nosed vr"!enf'.a, and Boon " oi-PS, oi-PS, .y, lnr'eton whom he defeated Durrn,'.l'.nn'1 b1'""'y t Cow pens uurlng the icmalnder of the war he dVdfrCJnCi,,mUch. from '"""Wing lines" , fir..,?!1 r0""-"' Afl"fd. as Major-Shit- '' '" t0,nniHnded the largo army l,emn rC"5nce onded ,he "whisky re-a re-a reders 2? V elec,f" ,0 Congres, ns "hi j ?".".". thf re "nlously supporting He dd"1n'?t'iac,,"",.of IT"ldent Adams' 180- ' '"Chester, n. July 6 r,u.n, n. . S'unson. Ida . Feb. 19 ...nil. Tribune -Aro there any ninrT hrUC" 'Vn! SaU ke or cite hh"rr' 2nd Jf BO "'" you Pl K Lltot. s"ndys Tribune -Jas hTi1.6" "Je nn reK'ar rules at either ,!lV"r. hl" In'tructlons aie lten all "I to ee that tho hat law Is com-?.i'lf""n:.not com-?.i'lf""n:.not to 8nat People- after rise of curaln until close of act. unless aisles becomo congesled. to attend to the comfort of patrons In etery way; that head usher shall meet patrons at i".?. ,or ""?. '.'"" them ln direction of ft."f1r "hlch they hold coupons, and that ushers shall meet them at head of nlsle and conduct them to seats. , .. Mercur. Feb 26 F.dltor Tribune- Name tho different kinds of whales. If more than one kind Is a whale capable of swallowing a man' Karl N. Podcrsen There are many tnrleilcs of whales, and sometimes a single tarlety may hate different names In different local-Itles local-Itles principal nnmes are cachalot or sperm whale, baleen or whalebone whale, right whale, how head, humpback, hump-back, finback, rorqual 2 The cachalot cacha-lot could do so tcry easllsj most of the others coull not. |