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Show Cat's Nine Lives in Danger. II nl'' rH Massachusetts Lawmaker Has. Bill to Make Pussy HI! -i 'jM Wear a License Tag. wmU 9 If a bill now pending before the Ststo legislature Roes through sajs n llos-ton llos-ton dispatch tn tho North American, overs Miswchusetts eat which cannot produce a license to live, lumn dem ind will promptly loso everv one of Its lives ltoprescntallvo K lint, ill of Neivbnrs I rt has Introduced n measure to thnt effect nnd lie belleven tint It Is In tho Interest of public health The petition which necompinles the bill cunt ilim sevents five signers, most of whom live In llnverhlll or fliove lind the latter id ice being the home nf the won, in with whom the, ldet originated or-iginated Thla wns Mrs (leorge W Itcllgriss who Is neither n fancier of rnt nor ngnlnst the breed Mis ltn llgraa e imo lo the conclusion Hut the stale, on kilt to piolect cits and she nske I Mr Mmhlll tn Introduce the petition and bill tint nil i.Hs shnll b, He. n-ed Mrs Hodlgruss found many who agreed with her that there were alto-HRftifJH" jB Kfther ton mans unkempt, tincared fPU3f, 'IstLI and stirvlng latN In nlmost every com- KtHilVlH munlls In the Mtntc nnd the signers, ot HJeWim. H the petition attic, d abo that some tvjr Htjj ,' HH Bhoiild be provide 1 to legally put oue&MRJ,, WM or Hie was the nbindnn d cuts which MHJB:f;"ifS, H Inrest overs nelghharhood of any con-. Hi Nf h!H si I. ruble size K?FlV '''isH l.att, rly It ban also teen tlemonstrit- jK&jriMil uM et tint cits enirs lufectlouH diseases. ilM,r.Bf illjH nnd Mr Kinihnll sajs thnt In some oC 10' 1. '"qHH the SlnteB the iiuthorilles have been Dl ,' jl killing on Bttav felines on thit account. ,.; Ill flH the license fee Is tlxed nt SO cents. MSf Aii HnHHH The bill iirovldea thnt In all cities and jji !fi I WM lowns n reeonl sin!) he kept of lltenseet UvY lliie t( isBSBifl c Us nnd thst wh ever kte ps a cat con- jj j r:;l'H trnrv to tho provision of the act shall , U iUilllH forfeit v, one half of which shnll bet ffi!Al HL'H pnl t to the romplalmint lind one. half to 5kA'' ti . i''JJI the cits or tnnn Inaiurs vif.'r.vi tHtH Vnniialls within leu ,lns nfter July lffiMX' illflH 1st the Mayor or .halrinnn of tho Se- JlPjil) l. , OlSH le, tmen shnll Issue a warrant tn ono iMriuf (. 'MIBH or moip nllleers to kill or cause to bo SpH f )nHH killed nil cats which are not licensed. itpiA . tllH . 'JAii i liliSBH |