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Show HH ' J I i We trust that the I'nlted State mm HHJ I i prce the demind upon Tuiko r i it HHJ f I return of the ?- WO ul 1 fni the HB I' vt Ulna Btnne. It li truo thut Tu K I BBj ( liaa tllw lalme 1 li t i on I lllty In i i BBJ fi matter, und now dlcclalma It, but It i n , mie thnt thl dli li mr woull V' , u.acd with prerlBel th same tlgor if thf Identical mone) were jingling In the -till in pocket S" that ihe dlaclalmcr , mounts to nothing Tuuuo has polntel nut thi way to m ike tin Darbnrloua ruf-lian ruf-lian i rlngc, and th re shou'd be no delay de-lay In formulating the ultimatum and enlonlng it b) the occupation of a Turkish port and the collei Hon of cash em ugh to meet th original bill and collecting expensea. |