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Show I Farm Loans H h ive 111 big. n vv 1 1 m miy on )0ur (l Miller & Vide, "I' rr k I lldli g M ti t l.ak I it, H Scrofula It a disease as old n nntlrjnlty, ,. young as llio newest born if 0j It has ln(csteiUho blood of hnmtm from ancient times down to th, J cnt minute. It Is lictcdltnrr or m-ty bo acrjul It appenta in swollen glands, . ulous sores, Mp disease, bolls, pin, eruptions, and, ns bcllovcd by u,j autlioi llics, cv en In tlio forms ol caUfj. and rheumatism. It ctn bo cured by taklnp; Sarsapirillafuitlifully and petilstut. Vo know this, becauso Hood Earsapnrllla his done It. Itwlllciiroyoul()ouglveitatr.' You should begin to takoittoujt Hip Dlaeaoo "I suffered from i dlicase, had S running tores; uied crotct I snJ each winter I was confined to taj j, j for weeks at a time, Hood's Sarnpi,n I bus accomplished a perfect cure-iaveU life. I bav e a good appetite and feel itre and wctl." AiMU Kobzet, 40 Fontms Fall Illvcr, Mass. In Hor EyOS-"Myllltloglrlhalr nla and sores appeared In her eyei, (, ' bottles ot Hood's Sarsaparilla entln cured her ond sh has never had icr since." Mrs. HowArn Port. Alpba.Ort, .V. 11. It you decide to take Hood's 5m partita do not bo Induced to buy anvotv. i HOOD'S Sarsaparilh I Is sold by all drunglsts, I'recured oib br C. L HOc a A CO . Lflw.ll. Mmi speeiHL Cash Premium Offer For Original Hrticles i jj BY ; I The Inter-Hountain Farmer i and Ranchman l 1 With it vipvv to ilevplnpinf lie latent literary ! talonls tif our leiidcis and others, nml pxcitlnfj an inteicst In the pioductH of the 1'arm and Itnnrii In i the Inter mountain country, and to inuiease the fj allle of The Intel -Mountain rainier nnd Iianch- a m.in to its leatlt'is, npet i.il c.ihIi pi ires for original I articles upon the btibjeets named will be paid aa follows: I Titnn and rnriT culture. f Cnnli pii7o for best article $10.00 fc CiihIi pi i7e for wrond best article 5.00 Cash piisfes for tlilul beat ai title, three ! prices of ?2 each 0.00 t roWL-KAISIXG AXD EOn-rRODUCTION. n hi X SCaidi pii7P for best article 510.00 i CaNh piie for net'onil best aitlrle 5.00 C.ihIi pripo for tlilid best article, three " pr-lies of ?2 each G.OO l LIVE STOCK RAISING. JJ Cash prize for best article $10.00 " L Cash pil7t for get mid best article G.OO ' ; 1'or five next best articles, cash pi izes of Jj" - ? each 15.00 t', 1 " CiAItDENINC, AND TRUCK-RAISING. ; cut J C.ih pii7e for best atticle $10.00 jji Cash pii7e for (-et'oml best article G.OO f Cash piie foi thtec next best articles, t ! c.uh 0.00 Ul ' Articles should not exceed one tlioiiH.inil wordi 'J in length, Hlioiild be vviitten on one side of the pane. "i ! onl.v, In a plain, legible hand, or copied on tjp- ", writer. ! Tho abovo cash offers for special articles for ir The Intel Mountain Tnnnei und Ranchman will ho Jf open until Mu.v 15, UIDL'. All inauiistiipt submitted k j (ontuiiiinp; lnatlei' deseitint,' tif publication will ha m f published, and matter nnt tleenini of publication J1! ' will be letiiined to the wilter. Each one in submit- jJJ 1 tin;: iniiniihiilpt hlioiild IneloKP postuRe for Its re- J f tut n. should the miinustiipt be rejected. It is (Is- tou X Biteil that the name of the wilier should appear J wltli eath iimnuscilpt, but should the writer for m t an.v i-e.iMon not tit she to lune his or her mime pub- 'J( lished, the lequeht will be icspected liy the edilor. f On Mu.v 1.", moj, the editor of The Inter- t Mnunliiin r.inucr anil Ranchman will place the nr- ji f tu'les submitted and published in the hands of n th E committi'e of edllois of the Intei'-Moiintain Fnrm'r If and Randimnn and The Salt Lal.o Tribune, and upon their it-pott tlio dlHttibutloii of cash prliM th ji will be pinmptly made, "j I I This Is n splendid opportunity for the up to hii E date fnimeis and lanchmen and fruit growers and f' f tieeplanttis and fowl nnd eRi'-ialseiH of the lnV J1 fc mountain totmti.i to not only win a Rood prize for in,' their efforts with the pen or pencil, but to develop " and ciicotiiiiRe their ability ns wilters for the press- , j Wnters shoiilil lespond piomptly, befoio the bus k"t seuson of spilnp; opens. j't All coiiimuuii ntinns sliouhl be ndiliessetl to the Editor The Iiitei'-Miiuntnln rainier nnd Ranchman, ,Th it Tribumi Uiilltllnt;, VJ 2 Salt LaUe City, Utah fj"' IE j .- tfea |