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Show DOCTORS ENDORSE IV SWAMPR00T 11 To Prove What Swamp-Root, the Great Kidney, Liver Kff' ' ifll or Bladder Remedy, will do for YOU, Every Reader Mm- 1 of The Salt Lake Weekly Tribune May Have a wfijv'nl Sample Bottle Scut Free by Mail. Hlfr fllH ' m mm HP'IH lPx ill vUTjwmm ft nil. KtiMr-n e nn n. h . . - r!a"t Atlanta, Oa , March 1, 1301. B M. t SlrH Lite KILMER .tr CO. Blnghamton, N Y nH ERr ! iPm vassal , OENrLKMEN -While It has neter been my hiblt or Inclination to jH Wi liElssB seem? nin.r i"'l mi ."" , """"""" " .'"ch nn, not all known ti ,ml I? ffl Pf'H HoM vv L! ' ",,,,,f n e)"l'"0' I" he case of Dr Kilmers Swamp- H HE ) 3 ''' SI isB lloot. My oxpeilence so hir as I hate tested It In my pinetlce. forces mo to BH Ml V.HH ihvrr0!,,1U,",l" "l'!t U. ' n rc,,,,d nf 'I1" ireitest taluo in nil kidney? Si pT ! i Bssfl I now 'nl.n8'::1 ."'er ""'""""'"y conditio, of the genii., urinary tract K IT i lllH Inf nr .,P "' r,e .'" pre"cr b,nit 8omp Boot In nil such c uses w 1th a feel- mmFl ' " MssH tlon r JoT J. ,.P.re9Crll,,! " '" ,,.,,er c,,t?" '" m Police with the expecU- Wl, K , r MM (a?j! nX If.T,'' Very "u,y mr- W " ' H nmnInl!TLIIl,,wi7, "o Pr,,",N"1 ,hat onnf"l remedv for kidney jfitv t iHH complaint. Dr. Kilmer h flwamp. Boot, with most bencnchl effect nnd known Hff I ( I Isfl hlm,injrfhrw! ?V lt!"".c T"" Patients had kidney tro ble as dlignoJed HI' t IflssH ertec ed Ven'ri0"1!'3;.1""1 .'.r"''.'1 ''" heneflt Dr Kilmers Hwamp-ToM Htf t' ! lisH enected n cure. I nm i liberal nun an 1 aeiept a f.pccKU whereter I lind It ssHE 1 Hsssssl n an accepted school or out of It Fo, derjerite cases ol ' ildniy wmulilnt Hl "djsssi under treatment with unsatisfactory results I turn t.. Dr KhneV's Hwamp- jSM MSM Boot w th most Htlerlng le.ults I shall conllnu.. I , pres. rib" It. and from ffl sssH personal observation state that Hwump Boot has gr. at curative prupertlc-s. sHfl . JssssH Truly s out s, VtmV JBB r-,Swamp.'n.0?1 I'.P'eicunt to take nnd Is used In the idlng hospitals. BUr I HaaHSsH recommended by phsslclars In their prltsle practice on.l Is taken by doctors Hl ISH tnemseltei who hate kldncs nllniinta becomo thev reei.gnlxe In It the great- SssBtIdI' Blsssl ,"n,':J5.'t "uccessful tcineds for kldncs. liter nnd bladder troubles HKI9L "UHSsi MSITOBIAL NOTIJ-If you hate the slightest ssmiKoms of kidney or HW i 'itiH ,. c.r ,,r,oul',1?.'. or ". ,here '" a ,r,lc0 nf " '" "" family history, send at OH J i SjjH if 2, .",ncr . Co' "'"Blmmlon. N Y. wh.. will gladly send sou by MMtf , HH mall. ImrnedUleiy. without cost to sou. n sample bottl.. nf Swamp-Koot nnd sJkB W ' 1 Hlsl a book telling all about Swnmp Boot nud conulnlng nhiny of the thousands K I HtEjIlH upon thousands nf testlmonlil letters recelted from men nnd women cured Mi ' f TllHsHI in i wriunr to n Kllrr f- -o ii r 'i suro to nav thit you rea.1 snl I . 'lKssa this generous offer In The bait Like W eekly Tribune. ' L ' (1 If sou are already com lined that riwamp-Itoot Is whit sou need, you can feEl V . HI purchase tho regular fifty-rent and one-dollar size bottles nt the drug stoies mRI ' sB everywheie Don t make any mlstnke, but remember Ihe n ime, Hwamp-Iloot, t?!9 iHssssl Dr Jfllmer'n Rwamp-Itoot nnd tlm nddres Itln-hsmtnn NY SflK'' 'n' rir:ssa |