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Show A 42-POUND TURKLY. The biggest turkess In Amerlci are tho wild ones of tlm Mongollon mountains. Arlzora 1 he! Hie among the, densn nnd Impe, ctrnhlo icrub oak of tho mnuntnln shies As e trly as October specimens weighing thirty four pounds wero broucht to the military post of Hun Carlos, and Iho birds were not then In ihelr prime Trom then until Jimil.ir) Ihes grow fat on the leeh nuts of tho forests and tho grain llilds nf tha runehes Toward tho first of the sear the rlblquo bruves nf the Apacho tribe of Indiana u. wavs hold their annuul turkiy hunt. 'Jhls seat sevrnlv bucks klfl-d In ten diss moro thin, ino birds They brought Ihem hick to camp nnd the biuiws iiro pure, I u great least I'nr two elajs Ihe Indians ato turkey tin I Iih Ihlrel div they had turkey bash and on the sixth elay they were devoting themselves to turkey soup whllo tho chief deel ired lint the honeH wnuld servo good purposes for threo class more No thrifts New Tngland housewife rould miikn her Thanksgiving or hrlat mns turkey do belter duly than Hut Thla neison some nf the I lids In their prime weighed slxts two i ounds the largest even known to hive been killed although tho Apicho guides talk about lifts -pound turkess |