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Show THIS GOOSE WAS A TERROR. jB Pennsylvania Village Wrecked by i)ss the Depredations of One ami Lone l'owl. jaHl There n lots of trouble In Ihe little vll- fj 1 ige of llrookdulc. Pa, nnd Its all on JtD, nreount of the ellsoidcrly conduct of a UK wild gooie owned lis the Widow Simp- ,aF. son The widow bought the fowl from lai a hunter when It vvns a jcarllng, and Hi has since been trying tn make a pet of rnui1 It, with very dlsactrous results There's SSO one thing thnt the people of Ilrookdale tljPT'Hl prldo themselves on, and thut Is tho S!SlM well-kept lawns In front of their homes. r jiffs! Widow Simpson's goose lias a tasln for 'SsstP tender krass and, nftcr drstroslng the iWufll pretty plot at her cottage made prcdj- PU& If lory mills on the neighbors' lots This ImJiViI stalled tho trouble nnd Ihe Widow itJfikl Simpson, from being one of tho best- gmatli liked women If the communlt), bceamo e'HfB Ihe most hated yPtH The gooso seemed to realize that It OMtln was heartily hated by Us owners neigh 1Eimi hors, nnd that a dem ind h id been made saLjni for lis death, with which the widow ro- aF fused to comply The fowl then begnn SBlllI a persistent series of nttneks upon this 6lM$ll' people who wanted It put out of tho JtWaiM was'. It bit und seriously Injured a 4- sKxl year-old fclrl," toro flown tho family (MP,! vvashlnRs and diaRged tho clean clothes I'aalif 1 In the mud, and made rulds on poultry jBlf 1 sards, killing off the young chickens by jHlD it the score It became such n terror that IfflD, i the people of Iiiookdile organized Into vlM I a vigilance committee ami started out TieETF t tn kill It Volley after volley was fired "Mi V at the koose, but it seemed to bear a J3bI II charmed llfo nnd escaped unhurt, flslnc J.W?P out of raiign of Ihe buckshot fired nt It, SitJ I nnd screeching deilnnee to the men and JKtJnli boss who sought tu kill it. Gee 6 I One result of the vigilance commit- KjAia i"t s rnl I vvns the killing of a calf hy liJLf'l' e 10 of i.ie men who hhot at the goose. iBi5V The owner of tho tnlt presented n hilt WBffrl' for 317, which the unlucky goose. hunter 9EJty had to pay. J'tflS?!! About a quarter of a mile from Widow Kf I' Simpson's homo Is the vlllago school, is4lri presided over bs u, soung wninnn teach- fiBiBlh er who has somo thirty llttlo boys and 1fV?iU girls under htr rhaigo Lust Monday 'IhP'J morning the goose II, vv In at the front iVsiJKK door of the srhoolhousc, and began to Bwje mako thinks lively Knowing (he evil VipM nnturo nf the fowl the teacher nnd her f7l't pupils were bndls frightened ut Us ap- il?SI pea 1 , nee It began operations by r, ah. SKT'I1 blnB a book out of 11 child s hand and rfllilft lea-lnB ll to pieces Tho teacher, armed Wita with 11 broom nnd some of the bolder ll'lil pupils with ruleis, made u combined at- vlAsi' tncl. on tho Intruder hut it scared them rV,ifiv off and Indicted a number of Bevero In- eiltl Juries on them Including a bad cut on tiSal tho teachers face, mu.de will, a Btrokn li.flil of Its powerful wl Finally, seeing" AvlH they wen, no mile r the belllgei nt SujlEl goose teacher rend uplls fled, leaving; llltj It In possession of Ine room 3H Help was summoned but when It ar- is'JjMC rlved the goose with a loud squawk, TM Hew nut of the doorway and winged Its lLal way tn the woods, since which tmo It ai has not been seen The Inteilor of the Jb Eclioolhou.se tue&onted a scene of wild aa wieckage The floor was strewn with. bmI torn books, desks were upset Ink hot- bb lies spilled and a numbei of panes of bD glass broken It cost nearly KH to re- HLH pnl, the damage nnd the sclicol trtis- LH tecs talk nt suing the Widow blnipron al for the amount If the goose tomes b icH. bb . Correspondence Chicago Inter- Ocean. !bb |