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Show A MIDNIGHT ADVENTURE. Trances Morris was seated one da)- In tho nurserj, telling her little sister, Mubcl, about tho circus She had been that a f lei noon to see tho performance, but Mabel, who wis suffering fiom a severe cold, was forced to remain at home I ranees was Just tolling her of the funn clowns when their older brother rushed Into the room ' Oh Trances ' he cried, "u bear has escaped from the circus and tliej cannot can-not find him ans where ' ell. he c innot get in the house, wo know, said Princes, trslng lo reassure re-assure Mabel, who begun to crs from fright. When Mabel had fallen asleep, Frances crept noiselessly from the room About midnight she was awakened by a strange noise down stairs A horrible thought rime to her that It might be tho bear ijach moment added to her terror, so she resolved to run to her mother's room, nt the farther end of the hall There was a dim light burning In the hillway, which made objects discernible, dis-cernible, and as she peered over the banister In her flight, she saw some thins on the bottom step that chilled her heart with fright. There, at the foot of the stairway, stood the big, brown bear She uttered a loud, frightened) cry, which speedily brought the household to her rescue, and when bruin was captured cap-tured ho proed to be a lirge fur carriage car-riage robe, carelessly left on the foot of the stalls )y a retvant, |