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Show GRAIN MARKET IS DULL Most of News Yesterday Was Bearish. LITTLE DEMAND FOR WHEAT Tnders Were Disposed to Neglect All the Markets nnd Prices for Small Ornln Were Inclined to Sag, Though Frequent Crop Damage Newa Came in to Steady Prices-Much Prices-Much Damage Wns Reported From Kansas Oklahoma and Tennessee, the Last Named in r-trticulnr Chicago Mar h 3 -Wheat r led winker and somewhat till all day Most of tho news wns bearish-cables neither and the Government crop report There was little demnn! for wheat from He outside ml outslle markets Inclullng the seaboard were lower Tra lers were disposed t 1 neglect nil the mar kets nnd whent 1 rices Inclined to sng though freq lent crop dimige news enme In lo stem!) 1 rices Much llmage was renortel from Kansas Oklnhomi Texas Missouri nnl Tennessee Tho news Irom the list mn nd State wis per I 1 the worst but the trade was In cllred to irest it with In llffercnce However speculators were predicting no Ml break In prices as long as Ihere was nn uncertnlnt) as lo crop condltl ns The earlt strength In corn 1 id some strength enlng effect Bad wire sertlce wns ac countable for al sence of business and th outsller stn)cd out of the market May opened isifiC tn t,flv,c lower at "!, to " l,c sold to "SWIjHc on! when corn went off Ihe market ti rned wenk nnl May closed jc lower at "tUe Iocal receipts were 20 cars two of con tract grade Minneapolis and Duluth re ported 4 a cars making a total for the three points of 602 cars ngilnst I cars tlhree la)) last week nnd 91 n )enr ni, I rlmnr) receipts were "fiooio bush els compared to lo-oo b nhels last tear Seaboard clearances In wheat nnl Hour en, tilled ll") b isn Is Visible su piles decreased If OO h ishels Ilreadttutts on passage Increased 1 rt (""O bushels Corn was falrl) strong during th great er part of the da) but late t irned ea) on the wheat weakness and on persistent selling b) the local crow 1 VI sence of outside b islness restrlcttd trading mall re elpt Inrt ent;el a talr earlv lemanl ns 1id ilen light offerings There wns more Interest manlfestel In corn than In wheat anl Miv o) ened iC lower at i,c higher at 01i,c to 1,114c nnl steadily sol! up to 61ic The market was well supported on nl the little lecllnes tut then selling continued stea 111) via) sllppe 1 on to flc nnd closed eas) H'tc lower nt Cli,itc llec tpts were PI cars Oats was nertous and erratic earlt though there were no such duet latlons in Mat as on Salurda; Tra le wns light and Inctlnts to lower letels Sentiment was bearish after the opening and prices saggel grad lallv with the other grilns Vlat closed weik 4J'sC lower at 41He Itecelpts were si cars Protlslons were strong early on better prices at the jatls but Inter selling nnd grain weakness brought lecllnes Ma) pork closed 15c lown it IIS 40 May jar I 4c down at 19 ts and May ribs 1 shade lowrr at I? Xc r stlmateti receipts for tomorrow Whent SO cars, corn 15 cars oats lOu cars hogs 38 n0 hen! nNoi or LrDiNo FLTLnES Open High Low Close Wheat No 2 May "i, "r, t, Tub "a1 , -81, cent -, "!, 78", Si Corn No 2 May oil, CI', 61 61', J ay h mi, tvoy, tw, Sent RK, CAls S''j SM, Ohis No " Ma) 481, JI, 41 411, Jult ', V, 38 381. Sept 301, ao-H tot, got, Mess pork per bhl M ly l 4J14 IS SO 15 "l, IS ) Jult IS 00 11 IB IS l-t, IS 60 Lar! per 10 lbs-Ma) lbs-Ma) 9 40 1 4-U 0 w 9 ts July 9 I.", 0 stl, 978 9 IS Si ort rll s 1 er 1 O lbs-May lbs-May via se Si', us Jul) 50 UR 1 I , M Sept l 621, 8 bS 8 u S rO CVSII QLOTVTIONS Cash quotations were as follows loir steady No 3 spring wheat t,fl i,c No 2 red 7S',V; No " oats 4H, 4ll,e No 2 while 454c Nn 1 whit. 4i,4c Nn s re SsglVeV fair tn chnice mailing barley SMJH.14C Nn flax, seed list Nn 1 Northwestern II 681 fl prime tlmoth) seed I 3t3l T mtss pork per bl I SIS ISfllS to lard per III lbs JUVjCOJO short ribs sides (loose) Il20nl38 drt salted shoulders (bnxedl. tji,c short clearsldes Iboxe I) 8589 I!rC!IPT4 IND SlIIPMI-NT'' Hects Shlnts Hour harrels 2h,o,vi lirsO Wheat b ishels 43 0t li Corn b ishels lOOio 311,0 Oats bushels llt.ro s9 000 tle bushels oooo ifto Barle) hush'ls 40 tv) JJtiiO I UODl CE I ClINOr On the 1 rorl ice exchange todty the but ter market was steal) creameries IMS 2c lalrles isfl3c cheese firm 104, 12i,c eggs weaker, fresh ilft2i.c Live Stcck CHIC VOO Chicago March 2Caltle-necelpis r '"O stes 1) tn lc higher good to r rime steers, I- 607 ft, rxor to medium II Q-t V) slockers and feeders I 2(J5 (0 cows S1286 10 heifers t2 6OCi5S0 cunneis tl ll'tS hulls tt hem OS calves I'lWiO Texas fe.1 sle.ru II 5ft!-v 90 ',,0,,!,T'e''l ' toJa) t ) tomorrow 30(t0 lett oter l to 16c higher tlosed lull mlxe.1 anl hulthers jM W) good tn choke heat) l3S4i5. ugh heat) l isii ) iijlu 1 ssne 28 bulk of sal s 3S KHii, 0 Sheen Itecelpts ISf.o sheep nnd limbo strong to 10, higher good to rhilce weth V!i l. 1' lj 0lr tn lholc' mlx'l e'i "'"neheep gnlvearlligs 11 rl Oltlclal Satur la) Itecelpts-Callle 261 hogs 12,29.1 sh.en (ni s't Ipments-t at tie hogs i sheep CW ST JOSFI II 7' ..J,,,pn. '"r5h -fatlle-necelpts 700 stiarit tr, 1 higher natives II w'oi) cows an I heifers t fnflS 50 vesli II (Off S SO storkers and feeders ivis fo Hogs-Re. eli t w) mark, t 10c righer light and IlKht mixed IS os( ri. me dllim anl heat) 10ej 50 pigs ) r,r hheeis-nerelpts. SKO 10, to 25c higher lri25 S1650 WaattrniTieep SOUTH OMH South "msha March 1 -Cnttle-rie celMs 80 market actlte 1O0 higher ttii?l.l' """ft' cow. and hefferl MtMrStS Weetern steers Jir.V5 n-eaa steers I1til, lanners, II TSfl I " HtSiV! and f-eden. I2 7oil7s' calves XL $311 pl" M "6 ' " ' Sheep-Re elpts 40 mirket 8Ki, I er Fed miltlons l)fS8S Westerns MWitll ewes, ll'.ajl TV enmm n and slockers Wl lamia, ,1201680. M DENVl n Denter Colo March 1 Caltle rte ell s o I rm lleef stef rs L viv lis I tM, (O ,ln k r d fr ,M '' ,lhV", !? V r ft '" '" h" gs W elpt .1. IliKhnr j f( t I packers 11 0S6S0 mixed nnd heavt j6 ' ) bheep Hecelpts, fOO rirm (10a , milto 11 tOiil '1 lambs 14 005650 ' KINSA8 CtTY Kansis tit) March 3-Cattu celpl" fO0 inclldltg WOlcxarie it,;?' 10c hlghet Njtlte steers I Waeji tJ,' nnd Inllan sters IJ2oa5So. Texns iil1 IIMtoO, native cows and tellers t3rSi st ckers and feelers I12oO( tjjf j,l rnltes lonOa o a ' bull Hogs-ltecelpts, toto market So,. higher Milk of sales s isn 6 w h jt,,ojo0 packers I lOnoi1 m"ai "Z 1 i6r light 1 meu yotkmCH bio lg, 'jW ' sheei Itecelits loco market ha. Muttons II S,.&a.,fm" 1J' range wethers HK55 50 ewes 31 SoQi o |