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Show B SPEAKS FOR IDAHO MINES K Hou J H Hutchinson Is Enthuslas- tic in Their Riches H Hon j Hutthlnson of lkilse ex HH I leu nint Unernor of Idaho sient ' vest rliy In t-alt Lake nnl started cast on a business trip last nlhht his tl sl n ti n IcIiik I lltsburg 1M Mr HI Hut Inns n i Kieatly lnterenel in an HI enthusHstlc w i) over the mlntral HH' 1 rosn ts of his Stale and his ha 1 n uch e enence In tho mining tlel t " -n'lied the mlnlnsr evihnnges ni lv,u r und at I'ortlanl mil was H j caller f r several )ears for the Uenvtr ! I ix hat Re K ' '" ' "khiR of Idaho ant Us mines BH vostcri v he s ild that mm, whs Itllvldtl III e undent Oaul Into three I ar a an 1 that all the roads and I aths I lead towards the Thunder mountain countrv w hit h lb fully 100 miles square . ' The dl Islun (I the Mate he said UH ' vvas h) nuuntuln raiues but ilmt tho M Thunder mountain countrt was tcces H f ble I cm them all This plu , he H si a ts the greatest un xilored I rmiernllted rei In the 1'nlte I states I , but Us lead silver nnd copier possl U I hi llet have been known for ear I Now he sat s large -Arties of I n grade , f ee gild ores worth from IS to 510 a H I tn h iv been found In a Held sup H I rhrd w th an abundance of wood and ' v ater This he sav means the eret H J t on t f hundreds of stamp mills for H I ' nen w I spend mone) and energy to HH ' J dtv lop gold properties This letelop H 1 ni nt will malitt means of transporta UJ lion whl h will place the bise ores ' vt -ih JSn a ton that cannrt b worked HH ' "J nt rr sent atallalle ti market The LJ (' ountrj a njlel he sa)s with thou HI h Jn!i f lodes of these slh i and leal I Mr oro r an abundance of copper float Hn tr CJr i ngr 10 rer cent HI I V, : J" eountry also Is rich In quUk P m alte- he sajs and the gol1 nilnes HI 'jiii '"" nv', huy that pirduit for their f 1 alul e boxes as the sun has meltel It m , I f-nni cini abir inl the min a llg I M , out xf the ground He ilso sh wel l B I . fine sample of stream tin taken fr m B i r aeec worklntf Mr Hutch rs n id B I I a rrrpeeor to gi well prepar 1 B t I f r the trip and to defer in t nc unt I B V I ut the middle or Ma), when th Ii . t. fn v III he gone nnd letter roads will In 1 It Klage lines he said are al rea Iv epitpped for enormtus trail f i "-itmmitlty Ketthuin an 1 Coun c I Ore and Bullion Settlement eeterlsya oie anl hulll n s ttla menls aagregaled JMiOii anl were dl tided as follow a T It Jones ft Co -Ore JWOOtl bul lion .2 0iio l i mirk t Cn Silver and lead ores II4IHXI i mmertlal National bank Ore noo On tie metal market alitor ruled at MS cenls an ounce calling copper at II lit cenls a pound and lead al fl jfl I er 100 pounds |