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Show , i A YOUNG MILLIONAIRE WHO EARNED A BRIDE BY WORKING IN A RAILROAD SHOP t ! J Stirred nn to nc. ompllsliment ') the ,' , nung woman In !oed nnd whom be- i cause uf bis pcrslsleiit Imluxtn he bis now tin illy won Ilertriuul riugeCK lull ! of New York, millionaire, college, Rintl- uatc, tlubinnn, utlilcte, bctnino a da) laborer la-borer In the employ of tho Hultlinore & Ohio Southwestern lnllunj Tor many muntlia jouiir llcll spent I tho houis from s u in to u p m dull) I j In n costumo of oiernll iiml "Jumper I Using his grlni) ntblm; bunds In tho I J exhausting drudgeo of tho rnlltond ' workshops. No urllann In tho compnnj a '. employ worked harder or bitter de- ' ir scried promotion than this gentl-mir- ''' tured ouug btlr t millions , On last I liristmaa da jnung IVcll 1) ul his rewind It wna nnnoiiuced In ' the social world b) Mis Marcus Hoggs of Chllllcolhe. O, that her oungest ' daughter win (Uguged to lie in irrlod to I, i -Mr. Bcrtrnnd I'migeres Hell There will ' 1 1 lo n icry inarming: wedding In the i' spring. And the tilth o stor) Is so let I petty a romume tint It Is wuitli the ttlllng. lleitrand Dell began his career lij mnklnRiin excellent recoul at Uanard, where bo not onl won a n.t o us an uthlrte, but especial honors as a linguist lin-guist Hla fitber, the late Edward It Hell nf.Niw orlt hid 1. tt him icspiinslblll-tl.s icspiinslblll-tl.s as well as millions und fur ii time nftrr urudunilon the uuiik muu was 1 tonfrontcd b the piobluu uf itnuntlllUK bis en rotr und bis obligations Mean while be made bis homo with Dr. Mor-' Mor-' gan Dl whose nei hew lie Is He win member uf tho Lnion and IlHiiaid t clubs and, because of his Mlong aclcti- ' title bent lalntiRtii also tu the Amerliun I Geological and l.thnologlcul societies ' It was these luti rests, nitliei than his I I Inheritance of a part ownership In the Old Dominion suuinship line und ot a 1 liouj stot kboldliig in the Hnllliiioro ,t nhlo r.illi.iuil that uttrncted him So, iln lt efter haling served lit the I nlted htittes niiw lb, jettt pieIoua, soung Hi II Join 1 tin 1'iuiy telltf ox-t ox-t jiedltlon undet .Mi liildvnmn oC lliouk- m tr'i '' B I n Ilcturulng fi.im hla trip he bad so- H ( J oral lemliidoia thin it wag tlmo he H SiSj turn, d his Htl.ntl.n to hu Imiaiitunt H ftlfj ralliuid Inter. at" It seemed lu lilm Kfl ital thit there wen imin more fascinating U I m HiinkH in the woill Neierthelesa Itc W ' " i ml nd out Into Ohio und bull, d at JR .V.I t hlllliothe a see what Mas being done yW rpl In tin wmkshopa (lieie Mm It 111 not take the matrons of Chllll- I J " rothi mum das to i.alu.- Hint a han I j i Mitno and deildedb tlctci young mil J ' ,' lionnlro wua a il.ltor in the town and H) In u u .k time Mr Hell wag an 1m Vi , I ort nit ttulurc or the towns soilnti WM ' i i Of ml the dullghtful young: womm mjM i ' : whom this society hoitate I the) mist K ,. ' (harming In Mi Hells opinion win j I ' j thu Misses Hoggs und nf incm Inrom l ) , purablj the low Host was Miss Htntrli. J ' J who was -'1 tail brunette lgclnun HI ii nthletle und fin muro delightful than I ! i any '"lentory of lior clrnnns toull n ft, ( pi oi oner k j!?, ; This Indeed lu Itnguage far inoic in HI IV I pastlonod Mi Hell shortlj ml I hei mil J Si. ndded thereto u still nunc Impasaloiu J ff dfclaiutloii of IiIh di lotion J lr 4 Miss lltntiloe hosltutail. He begmtgiit Hi si 1 ,l0r '" ''" ''finite Hi rt At lfhtli she Lonfesnd n prorei.ii. HI i)k for nung men with decided iiiieois h HI I 'Si '"" 'r Hell very, tei) muili lude. I HI i .i Hut was li. nut soinctliliijr uf u wun Hj I tlcrer, a dilettante I '' ' If tint Is nli ' promptlj declared Mr lb II It shall be lemtdled Ant oti ah ill buc u loicr to our llklnp within u enr Ihe next da) the voting man took his pluie In a low of suititt laborers who ba 1 never heard of ttlinolng) or setn u golf alii It Ills ubjei t was to familiarise himself so tonipletelj with the nhnlrs of tho toad that he might la lilted to tuke simie day a pi. million! part In Us mun-uguneiit mun-uguneiit And he tolled patiently fulth fullv Willi. .ut hope of spiilul favor Miss Hoggs however wim the one mliject tint Hell buie tunstnntlj In inlnd 'Ihelr Important (onversalton vna not again n tcrred to Hut twice or tin Ice weckl the would meet at (linnets (lin-nets or dintes for urter he tmetgnt limn bis uverslls nt night Hell wna still gitutl) In demnnd b) Chlllliolbe socle-t socle-t Often loo In the diiMlmn tho j otitis; man would lieer out of the clouded window win-dow a in thi workahup to see an e-tiiin.l) e-tiiin.l) handsome poling vvoman gallop hi on borstbuck or stunt i! bnndle the tciim lu n tiap dtnvvu b tvvo horses then was of com si nothing In tile win Id that he would have liked betlei Hum to be with bet Hut lie Hmply looked bwb fiom the window und turned ngnln to his srlno tools Not long ago the superintendent of the vioikshnp sought an Intel view with Mr Hertrniid Hill Them was no lenson the superintend, nt aai I why thi wiuitg muu should longei iciiitlnuu lu the shop He had acuulicd nunc pinild.nej than wus ieitilted of the uitfsuus How would lit like a pusltl ill as liicoiuiillve lite-t lite-t um ' Mr II. II leplied that it wus gieat 1 t his liking W hilt to be a locomotiie fireman was not the summit of lilt ambition It meant piomntliin- meant that lie had since. I-i.l I-i.l In the gilm task be bud set himself Tho next .venlng- he contrived to tell -Mtss HoglTM can ou take the rest of my cateer In tills! ' (In., jouig millionaire asked lit i nnslnual) And the "ting la.l s teply whs so encouraging en-couraging that 11 waa decided tu an-nounte an-nounte the glad fad t . the world. Wonderful! PL ft Vi III An I w old our son ret tho li k ic' 1 1 id Ho b i he sot Welted In the heed b a Uawc. - - f When Bcrtrnnrl Bell of New Yor Asked Pretty Bettrlco Hoggs of -f t Chilllcotho to Marry Jlitn, Sho Bald: "Well, Perhaps, but You -t- Must Oo to Work rirst" And He Did, and Tlicy Will Bo Mar- f rled In tho Spring -- - |