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Show WILL VISIT CHARLESTON President Decides to Make) Trip tot1 exposition W ashlngton March 3 -A delegsllon prominent cltlz ns f lharletlon ft' hal 1 conference with President B veil t la) In regird to his attending Charleston c Itlon The delegalh etrongl) urge I th 1 resl lent to kee? l engagement t vi I Ihe cxpcslllnn. ' usurel llm a most corllal welcome The Ircsllrnt told tie Iclegalloo If 11 thing Intervene 1 to pretent hf c' tnke gn it 1 leisur In visiting Chart' and tl exi sltlon sLIte time In the. K fiture Tie 1 irt) was Invited to I"0' ion with the Ircslltnt , ,,, The d.legjtlcn consisted, of W I rank, Vldcrmin Ithett anl Kollori res nilng tl 0 c It) nnd I resl lent )r Mr llemi hill nnl Dr Oadsden W ' , Mlir luiirheon It wns staled Jh ' date 1 ml I now 1 e llxed for the W-., that It ir bill) woull lako place ilsjj thi 1 reseui month In a few daye tary 1 riiltou will take up tie to''' with the exposition olTlcl lis and tj'" w 1 nuthorltlcs, with a view of eler n due that will bi most contenieni ull toncerni I |