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Show C1DAH CANOE 500 YEARS OLD Ihe dm ability of red cedtr Is demon-sti demon-sti uted b dlseovei) of u eedat canoe at liast tlve centuries old In u . lu bulk lu Hkoklt i mint v V usbliigton I) II 1 mils of .-.ediu aiioniiunled b another white mini ami two In. liana wusiiplor-Ing wusiiplor-Ing the lajd nf t'liaiacle i reek fin minerals miner-als One mile fiom the in. null ot the treek the parl came across a spot wheie the fimc of the turieui during the late frtsliet bad vvushed nwi the clay along the stuim Sticking nut from the .hi) bank thev found a well-pi well-pi esoi veil Indian (anno made out of ,i eedar log and lit uly 10 feet long It luojcttcd fiom the bank about tlftoen feet i:crj thing in Ikales Hint the cunoe ha I been Imbedded lu tho bunk ut It tat IfO ears bne It was fuund u niasa nf tottonvvood tics iintuiies old (in top of these lay a bonk or eaith hetwoen seven an I eltht feet In thltkn. as I'rom this hunk luu grown cotto ivvund Ireis whote rings show them to be mm lhau tvvo centuries old The (mine wna In u state of perfect prtservatlon and plainly shows muiks and stars evidently made with blunt Instruments probably with snne weapons used by warlike aborigines aborigi-nes of eentuiles ago The cunoe will lie preserved In a museum In Tucomt ur Seattle Snn l'lanelsto Chronlcls. |