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Show HOOD AND SrORM. The damage bj slorm In Lee countj Ala Is r. purled (n Iw jMii M Lamlierlsvllle and rtelvldcre Pa the silk mills are Hooded and manj families fam-ilies were liken Irom their homes In All rillwaj traffic In Ihe mountains of North Carnllni Is complete!! paniljzeil as a result nf Thtirsdiv night's storm The French llrnnd river Is (hi highest ever known all manufacturing 1 lints on (he banks hive teen forced In close Pittsburg and vicinity Is threatened with u disastrous II md Ihe groat ice gorge In tho Allegheny happllj pissed nut without doing any serious damage "!.', . B.r'f l"'"e of vviler behind It whUh Is heltg augmented everj moment bv swollen creeks and mount iln streams nukes It nnarent th it much damage mun r ull One of the most violent gales experienced experi-enced In jinn prevailed ihiough nit northern Ohio early jesterdaj u the I levelsnd wealhi r burenu oftlce the wind, wlilcli was from tho southeast registereii II velncltj of elghtj mile, an hour nl one I Imi Scons nf plain glass windows an I skvllehis In (he downtown district were demolish-d |