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Show H BUMOnS ABOUT TUB MAMMOTH B Manager Mclntyre Explains Just H What Has Seeu Done H , Samuel M In!) re nunmer of the H Mammoth relume 1 from the mine H )esterdty Mr Mclntvre Males that IssssssB the mill has been temporarll) ilosetl vhi h lets out alout half of tho 1"0 men that hae been nnilO)el lit H eni) hatlcaii) denied that the mine It H pelf would close and announced i con H tlnuitlm of Inch crude shipments B tine borl) f ore la n w exposed I e H I I ras In a wlnte lift) feet helnn the m WOO foot level nnd some of It carries j ns hlsh aa u ounces of i,old Th-le 1 are plcnl) of pi ices In the ron. rt H lie sijs where shlpj Ins ore Is e H post 1 and there Is no danger of n m shortage of ore The closing of the H mill he sts means Its reptlrs some H develoiment work unl a series of ct 1 icrlm ills with low rade tefractor) H oris which ma) mean the tlopllon if H the Danlde recess H te! hone messnso from 1 ureka H (.ays that the chtnee Is Ktncrill) tin B derstoni at the camp to mean the rv 1 Instatcmen' of Watson M Sesblt aa Hl mi ennterident Mr Nesllt It Hj Mate! is full) poatel as H nil the H underRrnund details nnt tinier hla II H re tlon It is believe) the output will H le nip I un I mnterlill) Increase,! |