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Show To Prevent Ilobblnfr ln the Apiary. As tho time of robbing la when tho honey flow ts short, and hardls ever when flow la full, this Is the time to watch for Indications of marauders A quoenless colony or one, wenk In brood will not fight much for their stores Italians are oetler defenders than common black bees. Colonies wintered Inioors are moro liable to be rohbed than those outdoors Contracting cracks and entrance so that on ill fine ben can get In or out nt a time will aid a greit deal as thes will bo able to protect ihemsclvea In this was With 11 little cl- attention $011 ear. delect rob bln.i' t They ns with legs widely speael n d m jve very cautiously about the entrance I hey alao have a low soothing hum Ion ran tell ir they nre sour beta or sour nelkhhors by sprinkling some Hour on them ut tho entrance and then watching tho other hives to see If any bees with flour enter If sou find them llthllng hard close the entrance somewhat and If the owners have much strength they will protect themselves If bees ore going In nnd out lumbllnir over each other soil hove 11 easo of robbing that has got under bad hcaelwuy and sue, must resort to cxtremo me isures ut once Close up the hlvo en-tlrelv en-tlrelv nnl securels In thla case If the weather be finite warm danger nt suffo cation will follow unless sou have on opening covered with wlr. eloih larko enough to ventilate A belter was Is to cover an emptv upper story with wire cloth, securels fastened down Hut sometimes some-times this dors not stop them as Ihe robbers Insleln will communicate wttli those nn the nutslde and pass Innev through to them Us watching sou need not allow robbing to reach such on ml. vnnced stake liven then hv using two plecea of wire cloth nbout half un Inch npait over the opening sou can fool them After bees huve been shut up thus the best time to let them out Is at sun. down Then get up eirly and see If they are all right Thero nro many so-called cures for robbing, but the best la prevention In time A strong colony havlnk oneo gained gain-ed headwas will destroy another In from four to ten hours and this Is not the stopping point When onee thes succeed thes do not seem to hesltnte to tackle the strongest colons In tho sard Do not tempt them to robbing bs leaving partly exposed honey around nnd by careless feeding Tho chief things aro neatnrss nnd care nbout sard unci hones bouse Do not let dead cnlonles remain on stands but remove them at once to some safe Bpot nnd keep sour es on the coin, nles when robbing might te txiected -U II. Townscnd In Orange Judd runner |