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Show i 1 - "Black Bart" Again at Work. ! LO I Famous California Bandit Once More Takes to the I ,nl Road and Single-Handed Plies His Trade. ;i H k Hart, the himllt has come to Ji tl i ni again tor two ar h was 1 us iIjo bol.li-t hlnhwDmsn I" I- t mliv Bill tho ruMierlis he pcrpe II II nnifle-hnlridl wen r im lilonnl In i I limit Btng niacins re the di- i . f hi hoirt lie did nnt rnro how I issengcrs thiy (outlined Wlim I T,oi ' nm 1 1 seised him he wnul I stop one of l i inr)anil compel tho psssi n- I t, t i iitlghtnnd lean thilr valuables at ii, ii i li-l.lo mul then alnp his vlitlms in mind thilr plm-a he would order h Hi ii i In 'mnv. ni ha lively," n.l- j . iinlirt whisslug pj"t hn oar n tho 1 illmiptieared iiri nnd n bend In tho ( C , v , mihuiIIv captured iin.l j I i tnrm In thi Sun quenlln peal in- i ill evervnne on rhi Paolllc cnast 1 I i i or III " It I in Mi l a " of 1 i( I mi In In II rnimintl story of the M n i '. g ncratlnn of inimitable thll- ' t l Vinl Mlimj Ill uk llnrt uii.I l, 1 1 i k mill rlflr held up m them as n t t i Kink Unrt ii nd i In pnutlital rhynus ' ,, h I- ii to pin t" In In tho locnllt) ltr I r no robbid suae iiiachts form a tlo i ii i r by Ibrmnltih In tho hhtnrv if I , ani t 111 i nl i 111 snmi Hla. k llillt Ii JJ "" i ill, most r mnrk.iblc hlgliwntniiii ' P" tl V i his .vrr kn.iiin In.f II iv th it tin 1 - Ii Unit t ! re iwltig 111" "hi l or, tli p rulnim hit. niinio la mi nearly ! tlo n nlr if matery always haa surround 1 .,, rrt link Hirt and tho llneat ilctcitlve ' vlilll in California cinnot peiiolriile It a Pome nollio otll em llloe ho Ik ilenil nnd tlr mm. i he In In the Klondike Almoin f,r Mnill r opinions i om i rnlnic Mm obtained I,. vr iK' whinlu win. mgngi I In stage. ',,. r r .1 l.lng nr iimiiliu pursuit twin '' t ri iio when Hi Hnnla Itien stage i do , ,, ,! ,nt ben of Homo twwn In 111 Pl ii mill t Billable p ill e olllHnlB wore H W uie Hi it ho waa tin prlliilpal nttor. ty- JJ Tl l A mvi t m i n IP ". Tho tilnl ,r llli. k Hint tor highway - no r ibii rv In M 11 1 i il In M ly, iwi n - 1 n Mil I ii mass of Ink rm ill in about I lll , lit in in ml liatidlt h r m venti m eir , )ir lllEllilJ roblHrle Iv lllnik Hart liuil pr taken iitaee at Inlervala ami In leant i x A !,, iieiteil loialltlce all tin un from I'orU ! land Ore to uma Aria Ilia name wn JL n houerholil unrl Tlio Han Kranelnco W"J newspapers orraBlonally lirlnted n vi ran H nr two of iliikgerel cent lo them In the 9 mall b lllaok llnrt Honitltnoa thr. o T ill stairs u innntli weri roblieil by him uul a ieernl limes In a dozen veara the an h- ,4 .i lilKhwamun n wounileit by xtra f .,, nerj enpren. moapei mm ami atage ilrl- i Vi " wh" "red upun Hie robber Inalead "f f- lr euptnelv lielng IiIh onlera to tons him K ltr tho oxpreas mone tiox or btliiig him lei J enrol) r b the isaingirn Jl.it Jllaik Sjj Hart was never might until ileienlvia H5 trated him out bv a euit wttlili ho X? dropped at the nceno of a tttage boll uti L ,, fo one waa able to ccmnoit hlaik Mirt f, ', Willi the aiene or ani of tin i In iltn 4 , nancea or the crime if the n lib. r h i I 1 i ( mellnl Into thin nlr nr ao u uk the rob J I II bery nH llnleluil mil th. . mi. n hail boon V li onUrert to proceed tho tnllre utll .ra i ml 1 (, 3 .( not halo lietn more bntlleil Although St. . Ii Blark Tlart wn the lone iierformar In mm. lu nil lle atiiae , i.nrh lmld up In f allf ii nli lutwpen l.7 and 1W he never mi i ipjiroln ml In tin road In Vim h 1IO.I Hi. Hiige .uul h tint lr in led me ruigh mini m" Hie deaolai bllle mil thringli the Ii m 1 gul Ii r trim u i.lil mining tamii In th . Slcrraa to Minvllli il wia In Id u)i In i masked I..1H hlghamnll whin tin ilrlur and oil tin r n..iiuiri roiocnlKiil In his min i . r mil Mmll ia mine otlur than Blink Win Ii the maih bud rumbled out of flgiil on th n iv i own ilu mountain iililc 111 nk Han luriioil hla attention to apllt-ting apllt-ting open tin B.i.idin box . obtaining the A.Hla Kirg.i I xpreaa . i.mpan ' trtnaure Hnmnhink mint hnn dlaturtied the high nil man wlill. h aa galherlng up the tnoni) from th treiaure box, for whin the Mage maih paeiengera had nrined th. niKilvn at tho m xt mxllon and hur rled linik to the aeene later that anmo dm tho fminil nmoiig the debtla of pa pua .niblv nuraea mid wriipplnga of pnr- iia a llui n . ufr 'the inbbir evidently ha I ilrm ped It In a hurrlcit flight to his n ruai I In i uff wa turned over to th egpreaa nitiiiiaiiy dele tins Thej found that the Inhtlble laundry marka on the cuff were tli'iai f a Chinese liiinnlrv lu San I'rah la o Win n th detoitliea had learned from thi i hln.no In. in. In man that the marka on 'hi ' ulT Indlrnted that It h longi I loonel hirha U ttolton a regular patron of the laiiiuln, the Met about to hunt up Mr Itoltiu It tume out that . harloa K ltoltnn, who owned the tuff was n quiet um btruafle man of about Ml eara lie llvrd lu A modeat and ritllet noarillng-liniii'i where aedate old-fash lined buvlneaa men hud rooma and exery one theio wna hla friend When a detee tlv wint In IKo In Ihe sajno boahllng hrnre he f. .ui.l that Mr H.illon waa a hlinlloila m in lived a i nrreet life waa u rin In of um Imoki dibbled In pnitry and .inv r.w Mk wmt away Ii vlalt .no of the aeioril little mlnea about I ul. if. inl.i lu whli li hi hud lnveatmints 1MB Alt It I HI SK.NBA'riON Whin ili.irl. h I 1'oltin waa nrrraled lu bin ruoma oiu il t mi tho i harge of hlghwui nihhili i he landlady was lltdlg liant and Ilu biotber gtiopta atortneil at the outriigi.iua liruieeillug Mr llollntla pastor wn ti u li iter 1 1 a local newspaper ilcn. .limine the I.I irUmnlllng of an honest man V bin It w.m uhmudthal .Mr Helton Hel-ton waa 11(01111 of being the notorious lllnik Hurt his frb nd were rushed The 1 eople In tho hoiinlltig hoiiae lagan I til -Unit t gitlur fin la ilmut Mr llollons ul. eon.-, i from Ida rooms uhl.li oliiuss nctuinil Juat when fresh robberks bj HI nk llnrt look place somewhere on Ihe tnaat and hla aasoilatcs In tho boarding-house boarding-house wore strong wltneasea against him Luring lllnik tlart a trial It tame nut Hint In waa Inirn In llm nlhnl Mo , that he was cilumliil f . r th. luu, ami hail pent mil ir nt lib i i II go Ohlu whin hi wis exji. Ilo.l r i gambling lie ihiugi.l hla nmno w.H li i hluikn ami inllste.l In a Wl i oneln r aim. lit lu the i IMI war Next ho went to the mlnea In Niwtilu mil ilririul lo (iillfuinli nhrrn I undo a I ntatlie attempt nt hlKhnm i ibln r h holiltng up tho pa muster of a mlno In I'liimiia tounty |