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Show THArriNG A WITNESS. A case vvns belns tried In a count court V horse ha 1 been stolen from' Held and the evlV-nce all pointed tt1 certain doubtful ctuirarter of thendp loihool as the culprit Though hlir seemd clear he h 1 1 fnun ! a lawjert un lertike hla defence At the trial defendant s touniel exponlel fusennr In trying to confuse nn I frighten Wl posing witnesses especially a ftnw whose testimony was p irtlcularly dia nglng The lawyer kept up a on) ' questions nsklng miny foolish on" repeating himself again nnl again n hoje of decoying the witness Intoso trallctlin ,., itusay the liwjer went on uu jo i can avveir to having seen this irj drive a horse past your firm ontneui In question' . I on repllel the witness for he h 1 1 nlrendv answered the qu tlon a dozen llniCH W hat time was this? I tol I you It was nl out the mW"' the afternoon . ,,, But I tlon t vv int nny aboi middles I want you to tell tw J" fxiiitlj the time IJM1,, Why snl 1 the farmer I V waysurry a gold watch with me I m digging potntoci . honl Hut yr u have n clock In the hnven t ynu? Will whnt time vvns It hy thtt'" Why by tint clock It was jmt"'1 leen minutes ast 10 ,, vou weio In tho Held all IM '"" Ink' went on tho liwjer smlllM' gestlvelj I wns ,. t How far from the house ' field Al out halt a mile ,t,,iU inisweai do you thit by tM. In jour house It was Just nineteen utes past 10 Tho lawjer paused nnd lofHj timrhmlly at the Jury At ! v nlripiel the wilneai Into a cor.W tory stitoment that would ' weaken his evidence ..h!it The farmei leluirely I lcked P" nr I slant 1 to leive Hie '"'" dd(j Ihrri turning slowly about he so I ought rerham lo ray tn much reliance shoull not be i that clock in It got out of I e"',. six mouths ago and Ita teen g minutes piet ten ever Mnce nntl f nmmcrclal Tribune |