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Show IE PERSEVERANCE CLUB. By Jnmes Albert Wales, .,., norm on the fatur-'lZ,tft fatur-'lZ,tft th laskctball js v.ait ashore f",(I MireBor nd Si wnt out In Waller's .nor th term and col-,bor col-,bor of linvy squire ii lis 6 in h i. In coot Mine of the lul.hou. They Mimo t n when ft sud 'J'llii Uiu "1 JUc- '""'"- "Hit on 5 "" f'" ln0 rn"1' Warran ,L ' '", ' though tj ,k . '" ' 'l draw the '"n m ii, ' ' ' frmlned "M f 'i n " nt "is 1 tamintV , -T rl"b ""' ""cri n nflcr toKither The bojs had brought tans, hnmmeis pluneB chisels mallets, etc , ft mil lionu, ami the more skilful ones wire Intiustcd with the dllllcult parts ot the woik The foundations havlnjr been lalJ It was derided to stop wotk for the day and sek recreation on the lc Most of the boys hid brought skites nnd rhlnney slicks nnd n spirited game was the result Mnn of thim pliscd well, nnd the Idea ot orginlzlns n hockey team was cnthualaitlcalls approved ap-proved Hex Tleknor ns captain, nnd Jack HlgBlns, as manager, were uiged to get up n team thit would brlns to thr Pel severance club Its tlrst lctory. On the follow lug nflernoon the boys lesumod work Ihe laid HI beams, 1 , leet low?, ncioss the ground frame, . feet npirt, Bplklng the end? to the sills An equal number of beams, U feet In hcli.ht. were Mood upright at the Junction!, nnd beams wcro laid ucress tho tops or these Ilea ins were then Hid to meet ft heavy rldgo nolo In -tho ccnlei which was supported at either end b) a bun tiom tho mound $" i ,'f1 ,f,r' " dimly T; ' i '" '' Ln ?, tn ' v , 'o In oh M Pre I . f Uie min A in l ,","" l,l fclu h, '" "' !. r i,1' J ' "le ill'""1 1h i,"1 ' '"l"1' " '"Pin li? ,',',,J '"' ero " " and splk.,1 flame. All thtso beams we. ocaicfuUy u ion the topn of these ,"" W,.T doubled It took all the bo he , 1 jeU pail o( th ufleinoou to get li" " worklnu industriously N" 'ilnp lne cuiti or Hlpsho! m permitted t torge arahnnfs father, o ilf ''! ""S tho wo!k on Tuesday and Evo inucn htlpful advice. v. rtr 'Ihe hockey team wan chosen after tho hoys had stopped nork for the ikkj - iiiiM i,L , M?aB,c' "'KK'i" announced n m ih- lh ,1lle.I",nsel8- ,0 b P'acl oil the Ice In front of the clubhouso ? i5 rMa adde'1 "9t and interest inter-est to the piactlce The boa who had not made the teim formed a scrub learn and made the llrst team hustle, A special mtetlng of the team and scrub was held that eenlne A book of rules was carefully studied by an, an1 th boys found that hockey was much more silentltla than shin-ney shin-ney they had been llajlii?. although a somewhat similar game The worked out a number of comblnitlon plas on the blackboard and agrtcd upon sli,nal On ednesda the beams for the ends of the house were mot Used Into the ground fiame silked to the roof beams and suwed off Hush During the progress of the work proWslon had been undo for the doors and windows specified in the plans Much time was demoted to hockey pricllee, as tho gamo was to come oil on Trlda The treasury had been drawn upon to equip the team with egulatlon hockey sticks and skats, and the boji were neatly nulled In heiy sweaters, football trousers nnd stockings, and stout shlnguards A regular hockc) puck was used Instead ulncs and cover point and shootlntr goaT Bcoie, -1 Jack Hlgglns put the rubber through for another, the result re-sult ot ft lively mlxupat tho goal, and the score was now S 2, During the Intermission Treasurer Char ley tooli up a collection from tho crowd In behalf of the clubhouse fund. She hilf-niiUhed house on the river hnnk had been ndmlred generally, and Charley hal was well filled The sum collected was S3 10, which made a welcome wel-come addition to the treasury In the meantime C'apt Ilex was encouraging his nun lie admitted that there had been too much Individual playing, too much 'grandstand' work, nnd ho told them that IHim work was necessary If Ierse erance was to win The playlns In the secortd half was fast and sclentltlc on both sides Tor ten minutes there was no scoring, then the Hangers' center got the puck on u poor pass and shot It home Bcore 32 I'crsev erance quickly tied the score on a clever combination pla. In which faultless passing b the forwards brought the puck so cloi.e to the goil that Jack Hlgglns had no diniculty In sliding It between tho pnts 'Ihe scoie was now 33, and the crowd cheered enthuslastlcalli. In the excitement excite-ment sceial of the onlookers ventured on the weik Ice near tho north goal, which the Hangers wete defending Hex Tleknor got the puck out of a scrimmage, and was rushing with It for the goal, when the thin Ico nt the side give way nnd a llttlo girl about 10 sears old went through, disappearing In the deep wnter beneath Hex turned In-Mnntly In-Mnntly and raced for the break In tho Ice. The girl came to the surface and ot a rubber ball, as formetlj, and n space SSxll. feet was marked out on Ihe Ice. with goil posts at cither end Hx ft-et apart and Joined by n bar four feet aboe the surface. Terry O Drien did so well on tho 'scrub' team that faptaln IVx put him at cover point on the flrrt team in plice of Wilbur Wheatley. Wilbur was so ongry at this that he wanted to fight Hex on the spot. Hcuben Sajles came forward for-ward as peacemaker, telling Wilbur that eveiy member of the club should forget his own Interests In the efforts to help the team to victory, whereupon the latter repented of his Impulsive action and shook hinds with Hex, much to everyone s relief. Thursday raw most of the weather boaulliir and rart of the roofing In Place The hockey practice consisted mostl In signals, without the 'scrub Bulldlm operations on I rldiy were suspmded, o Ing to the game V II bur Wheatlej had posted tho town with notices of the game nnd a large crowd assembled on the ice A rope had been tlxed to keep the crowd away from the section of Ihe weak ice near the The Perseverance bojs had trained hard for this game and felt that they derved to win The general Impres-slon Impres-slon was one of pluck and l'ersever nnre" They lined up In this order GHdwin. goal, llany point O Urlen. elver point. Tleknor (captain), center, Siiatford Vorvvaid. Sules. left wing, nnd Hlgr.lns, right wing. Two goal umpires and a referee were selected, as well as two timekeepers, and the tame began On the face-off. ihe puck shot into rersevcrnnce tcrrl-or. tcrrl-or. Hex got the rubber In his c uh ind went tearing down the Held Uudlng tho opposlnir point nnd cover point vers skllfuli. Ho made a long lift for goik imsslng byn few tDChe. The d l.k traveled up and down the ico till the Hangers' 'enter secured It In Prese-"erance Prese-"erance territory He stirted for goal, with Tern onrien making desperate Jabs to get the puck awiy from him 'lorn nirry also got In his way, but he cleverly side stepped and droo the bill Into goil Scoie Rangeis, 1, l'erse- It was only n few minutes later when the Hangers' forward got the disk out of ft splilled scrlmmige near Ihe Pejse- . ranre poll and shot the second tally, nuking the score 2-0 Hex took the puck on the tucc-off nnd dashed down the Ice He went through the Mel I of skaters and when within ten ynrds of 'the kal lifted the rubber. The shot went rather high, and the goilkeener slopped the puck with his hani 'lhls was certainly unfortunate. After the square-off the rubber was close lo the I'ersev erance goal Heub I Snsles cleuied tho bunch and was away like n flash He Hoveled through tho center of the field, r lestepplng tho two clutched the Jagged edge of the break H-x dropped flit on his fice about three feet nwa, an I stretched out his stick to th rlrl shouting to her to catch It She took hold ot the stick and climbed out on the Ice, which it first broke be-neith be-neith her weight She was soon In safety and In the enre of wllllu hinds, while Hex was lionised for his courago ond pierence of mind He laughed his admirers aside and went bock to tho gome as if he had lone nothing it nil In the list minute of play liill Stratford Strat-ford got the disk near the center. At a slgnil from Capt Ilex the wings arrayed ar-rayed themselves, ono on either side, nnd the three tore down tho Ice ut lightning speed, with Hex following clotely In the) rear. The formidable quartette took tho Hangers by storm, and soon onlj the goilt'ndcr was to be passed. At this point the real vnlue of the triangular 'orrnatlon was pioed. mound the tire nnd prnnced around, shouting nnd singing, too happy for restraint. re-straint. In the next story we shall learn how the clubhouse was completed and how the boys tried a new and popuin game Indoor baseball. |