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Show HAPPENINGS IN WYOMINO. Oil prospectors are working six miles south nf thejenns and lme dlscoerel fiilr Indleallons The belief Is that the lloulder nnd 1 ort Collins oil belt extends Into VVjomlnff limey rrjeberRcr, member nf the Rteets Frjeherper Mercantile compiny of ( hcjenm. and Miss Murj Htecns were mnrrle 1 at the homo of the bride a pt rents In f heyenne O A Hamilton of ltnck Hprllms has nn-nounred nn-nounred Hint ho Is a landl late for United Mates Marshal nml Is circulating a petl linn in tin Iresltnnt renuntlnit that he be a pointed M aliened I A. I In Isell The DouKlas mllltla ijimpany has Issue 1 i rhillence to enter n, tiring contest with licked men fmn nil or the other mllltli cnmpnnles of iho Htnte The ('heenne innipniit has a number of excellent marksmen and will accept the challenge All galnhllnK houses In Kherl lan hac .(li.eed Ihilr games and are awaiting Hi. IdeilKlnn of the court on the Mill llt of thn ami ganil ling law The gnmllers iex reus a wllllnirness to nl Ide slrlctl b Iht law, should the court di clde that It ,1s valid It Is believed that In fheyenne an In-ictndlnrj In-ictndlnrj Is sotting fire to rallwni cars there Tuesdaj mornlni, u iar was buriiel on a sldlnk ncor the Kurllnktnn depot, nnd ycfterdny morning another one was burned within ilfty ftot of tho point nf thn former car VVIlllnm Weaver was brought In to iChejenne from the Charles Woods ranch Ion Hear criek, surfi ring from a broken 'leg eslcida Wenver started in mount his saddle when he tripped nnd Ml and his bono stepped upon him, breaking the left leg neir tho ankle |