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Show CUBAN TARIFF PROBLEM. Republicans of tho House Hold An. other Caucus to Consider Matter but P.each No Conclusion W nshliigton March 3 bout ro Rv publlcana ntten led a caucus of the rie. jubllcnn member nf the House tonight to consl lcr the Cub in tariff question, Mr Cannon chtlrnnn of the caucuj, presided S enker Henderson was pre, ent but took no art In the proceedlncj. Mr Tnwney of Minnesota whoattht last conference presented the propwi tlon to return to Culnn plnnters a re bite on lutlea collecte I from them got the floor ns soon as the conference tu tailed to order He had modified hi I roposltion to protlde that It shoiMbi retroictlte until November 1901 In or der tn cover nil the present sugar crop nnl Instead of provlllng- that "0 pr cent nf the duties collected should U returned ns hlx former proposition did, that "0 cents on ench ton of cane pro. durcd shoul I he distributed directly t Ihese sugar growers Mr Tnttnc) s proposition was In u. form of n resolution directing; the Wan and Meins committee to enact a bill to piovllo for the pniment to Cuhi fw six months from the pts3agc of tt I III M per cent of nil duties collects In the I nlte 1 states on Cubm Imporu from November 1 1901 If within tit months Cuba enters Into a reclproa. trade tgrecment with the Unite I SUtn. giving this countrv rates ot duty iu Mnntlnll) below the rates collected m like articles from other countries th thei-e rebates tn Cuba shill continue ti be pild for three )eirs from the dn of the reclproclt) ngrcement The Government of Cuba or sucl ngenc) as Ihe President ma) select, to take mone) so pall over to Cut, shall pi) tn the nctlial honr fide cits groters of the Islin 1 "0 centn (er tot for each ton 1 roduc d nnd delivered bj him to the sugar factory and manutic. tured li to sugar from November I INL during Ihe life of the arrangement A 1 during the life of the arrangement Aj balance In the Cuban trensury fromtbj scheme Is to I e nppllc I for the promt tlon of th t,eneral welfare of Cuba. Mr Tiwne) underwent n Bharp t nf questions from Mr Ia)ne of pr ork Mr Lone of Kansas and othtt He was asked whether It una his Into-tlon Into-tlon that the robit" should go to nm resident on ners of sugar Ian Is In Cult nnl he replied In tho negative Judge Morris of Minne ota vihopn-pored vihopn-pored n imposition for nn lncrea the lutles nn 1 n r bate to Cuba sot time ago nUo supported the plan fori relate and Mr I-orlno cf Mlchlrn Mr Miner of Wisconsin nnd other m. bers from tent sugar States read t(V grams from their constituents proles Ing against direct tariff concession! 1 Cuba At II p m the conference adjourn I until n'xt Thursdj) |