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Show Diving in Soot for money. To see. n man Jump hesd llrst Into a Pit lllled with soot and ashes from chlm. ney snirplnRs has been tickling the Mir-quls Mir-quls or Anglesey ns nn act par excellence! In piovoklng amusement, and to this end he his be n throwing nil kbits of money to tho chimney swallows of Anglesey An-glesey caalle Wales Tim other eliey grouping a number of Ids fcucsls near a Rreat pit Into which the copings of tin mstle chlmnos long havo been dumped the snung Mar iUli signaled for the sppenrance of a eloaen sokels wiiom ho had summoned to tho cislle stable As these snung fellows appeared, expectant ex-pectant the MaiqiiM) took aliandful of soverclRns, crowns and half crowns, and threw them broulcast Inlo tbo soft soot, where Ihej sunk out of sight At n bIkiuiI the group of joung cnun-trsmen cnun-trsmen plunged held llrst Into Ihe soot, groilnR blindly and Bputterlng tlni.lls I" appear choklnR Rnsiilng nnd lovered with tho blark ash, but inewt of Ihrm elule hlnr rllher ('old or filler rolna Twelve Welkh sokels, with t s no-eeB mouths and earn choke 1 will, sunt, threw Ihe Mareptls guests inlo such liughter that the sport bus hern adopted as a initio feature which warm wenther prom Ises lo mike more amusing than ever Thl-e soot diving Is a e hinge from the Marquis Je,vel wearing pantnmhnea Ills Rr, at wealth and tiste ror geini hivo caused him In collect stones or fabulous value and adorning himself with these, nnd, taking a leading part In the show, he hied been entrancing his friends with the ellsflas until this leiicllnn In the fn vor or soot diving appealed to his tunes Instead |