Show DEATH ROLL OF A DAY llenrv K Sheldon n well known art connolsseir anl director of the Vnurl an rxchnnan bank Nett ork la d id at I Is lion 1 ii Ilriokl)n Ihtil s llroadttat llouss lied In Ne Aork )nster!a) lie hat suffere 1 from heart Itsease and dr its) heme vears K Mr Itouss become I lln 1 He offered II 01 1 to anv 01m who io ltd restore his sltht hull retvir I was neter suciess fully tlnlne I Cap! I4ei rge C Kilter one of the best-knottn best-knottn life Insuran men In 1 hlengo I dead sgt-d V ears W I en tl e l Itll war I r ke 1 ill he enllsle.1 1 1 oinpan) C nf Mlsworths 7oustes one nt the first companies forme! Ii thi vgo He t ar Urinated In nenrl) Iglil) 1 gagements |