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Show DROP LETTER: A RECESS GAME. This Is one of the best and most In-etructlio In-etructlio games wo know, for it teaches tho plasers not only how to form words, but also how to (It them to their definitions. It may be played at reccts, In school or by a compunv of boys nnd girls who wish ecnlns amusement, and It has the advantage of requiring no speclil preparation, except ex-cept the writing of several list, of dellnltlons, one list for each of tho plaers These lists, of course, must be written in advance, and the writer of them should act as the leader In the Here Is a specimen list: you can use It if sou choose, but It would bo good practice for you to make up a list yourself; 1. First In every home Ma-. i Could not live without It L- -e. 3 The more sou take from It, the larger It sets 11 1- 4 All oer tho house -oo-, 8 Found In tho suburbs L,o - -, fl Gives a cold cures a cold, nnd I pass tho doctor D t. 7. What some girls think too much about D - - - s 8 Neir to everybody's heirl L - n - a In all these words you see, the dropped letters ore represented by short dashes, whit the plaser has to do Is to write the proper word In evich case. It Is necessary, therefore, for each pliyer to have a list, ond If sou nro going to pliy Ihe game nt recess the lists should bo prepared the day beforehand. be-forehand. In the list here given there ire sev-eril sev-eril possible answers tn somo of the words, which makes the game all tho mora Interesting The tell answers, however, nro as follows, 1 Mat. 2 Life. 3 Hole. 4 Hoof. 5 Lots 6 Draft. 7. Dress 8 I.ungs. The leadet of the game has a list containing con-taining nil the answers, nnd ns the plJjers hand In their lists to him he checks them off, nwnrdlng tho lctory to the one that his Ihe fewest errors If tho game is pi ''J by n company in the evening a piize should he offered of-fered Xor tho best unswer, and a time limit, say fifteen or twenty minutes, llxcd within which the work must bo done. |