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Show GARDENING AND " 1 TRUCK FARMING. I For successful Burdening or truck I farming four thlnRs nre essential I ITrst, a soft, easlls worked nnl rich soil, second, nn abundant and continuous continu-ous wnler suppls, third n location which will Insure reasniuble freedom from lite spring nnl enily fill frosts nnd fourth, a Rood luarkel Will, these fohr requisites RardeiilnR will pny better than nns other form of ngrlriil-ture ngrlriil-ture of which I know, not even eniopt Ipb fruit-growing umler the best of conditions Hut It must be remembere I that tho perfect conditions for gnrelen-Ing gnrelen-Ing are very rarels to be found even III Utah, the best of all States for thla business, and he who would engnge In truck farming must choose carefully his location or nil his most Intelligent nnd best directed labors will be In vnln Vegetables are mostls very shallow shal-low rooted and derive most of thelt living from the surfneo soil For thin reason tho soli must bo of such a na-tuio na-tuio as to be easlls worked Into a fine tilth, must renin moisture well, and the surface must be well enriched Nearly nns soil can lie nindo rich enough but no roll Is rich enough for the best results In lis natural state It will take a liberal application nf stable manure thoroughls worked In eocli senr for nbout Ihiee sears to brlng'a piece of ordlnnrs land up to Its best producing condition, although fair crops can be rilscd of eouise meantime mean-time It Is vers Important that the land should be made to pin lure Its very utmost for a garden requires a blent deil of Itbor on a small piece of ground, and the Ian I which will produce Rreut cropi will require no more labor than that which will produce pro-duce half the amount Mans gardeners are succeeding well on low, rather wet land, but thes have tu make a spec 1 ilty of a few crops, such as onions, cnull rtow or, cabbage and celers, while Iho gardener who has higher, warmer land can Tnlso nil theao nml mans thlngB besides, such ns tomatoes egg plant, melons, etc, if he has Biilllclent water supply, The best water supply for a garden Is thnt from u spring ur Mowing Mow-ing wells The large stream turned from the ordinary irrigating flsstem Is very hard to maunge, Is liable to vvnsl, the soil too much away from the Plants, nnd frequently can not be obtained ob-tained often enough for Rtrden crops nnd can not be applied long enough ut a time The small stream long drawn out and applied for four or five" hours at a time every elBht or len dais Is what counts In a garden Of course somo crops will require water much oflener than others, and It Is absolutely essential to havo water tint can be applied Just when tte crops need It for the best results "he gardener will do best who Is so located that he can raise the greatest vnilets A piece of soft, rich soil at tho mouth of a can son, where Iho canson luceze will keep off Ihe froal, nnd watered bs n spring! ln belonging te, the lind is the ldenl lo- iHKlV cation nu, n truck farm if It hnppend S1! lo lie n, ar n gooel market lrlll Hnpplls while the first three condl- Sti llniM me not pass to nnd In tho proper tlif! combination nns where the fourth th-v mWi market la not hurd to find In this a'ftfilBi State- As n rule pver) thing a gardener fMt can raise will bo inken from his door VfS nt rooI prices bs peddlers who trade MmtAI In the milling; rumps ('JfcTi The man who elepnds on this market; fi should rnlsc the grenlest variety pos- fliflwn . slble as the peddlers ns n rule, takes KMTOfl I ul 11 llttlo at 11 time of nns one thing. (!!r,i but like a Inrpe varlets The largo llHBM towns nfTord n good shipping mnrkotj imMhi for ioin things, such ns c million cr, iftHJliH' e ibliage celers etc tfWi If cholie vegetable nre Rrnvvn care- lfl(l fulls felecled nnd picked caretulls a) iurlav'i Rient many things cnu be sold In H lie iMJH Lake at good prices which many BIraU garden, in suppose to be unsaleable. WUmFM Hi" home in irket In the small towns In nNi nlso much better than mans Btippose. uktM, Ihe writer sold iroul of his produce MI the past season tee peddlers but when 9H nns thing of nns kind was left over It Ai was taken tu the mnrket town and peddled mil I nevor set failed to sell out at Rood prices, often getting. uH pearls nn much far ms Roods ns thn peel Hers receive! for e same thing iaai hauled from the a, me town to mining 9HI camps forts or lifts miles nwns '3ti lour sales will depend larejely on thn Lwl nppciiinncee of sour i.oodn nnd the 1 SPtJW amount of hustling sou nro willing tm JsMIi do to llnd the penile who wnnt to buy. eaMfl The exterlence of the writer has been iiHfl thnt the lirger crops sou rnlse nnd the H?5sl larger the scale on which sour gnrden HEi Ing Is curried on Ihe better sour ninr- MBJal ket will be Ar. to the profits under IranH Ideal conditions gnrden crops should lL1l1L1L1L1L1LH Sleld finin J 1 00 tn iron per acre I HH have known one measured ncro of ! ground tn produce over IfOO worth of H onions fur two sears In succession. ai Cauliflower should sleld SI00 per acre. H From thirty nine square rods of land asi tho wilier saw dug Jt.1 bushels of early 1-otntocH the past season which vvero H sold for S-' rer bushel for seed, or bM nt the rnte of over 11300 per ncre. These things show the possibilities of bB1 Ihe truck business undei conditions such nn we llnd In Utah Tho life of ?sH Ihe gardener Is nlso one of the pleas.- 'JjH nntest on earth While It calls for loner eH hours nnd hard work throiifli all the j planting and growing netson, the )HH gardener to be successful must love his H work anel it will nlwnss be a pleasure H tn him A cardener cm, not keep very H much stock, and while he ran find H I lenty to do, he Is not tied to 1,1s work as closely as the general fanner or H stockman, but will have plenty of time i for leading and study or such rccrea- 'aaaflH tlnna ns mas most nprenl to htm So Vi ho who Is foitunnte enoukh to bo able aiaHi to securo the best conditions for truck Isaflnl farming will llnd 1,1s occupation ns rfll lucrative and much more pleasant than CTl any other In unci, of ngrlcultiiie HF41 j 11 m:vroN SsHBi Mapletnn I'tnl, iP |