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Show CURING CONSUMPTION. Wonderful Result of Qoveinmtnt Eol-diera' Eol-diera' Sanitarium ln New Mexico. Albuquerque, N M, March l-'iou may quoto me as saying that we can cure consumption In etery stage," raid MaJ Appcl chief surgeon at I ort Hay. nrd N M , to a newspaper rorrespon lent 'I hutn net cr before made that slate, ment, but we hate succeeded in demonstrating demon-strating It Iwjond doubt uemon-Gen uemon-Gen MacArihur. who had been nc.com. panted bj j. Aprel from the fort. In. duraed tho stulement and declared ho had neter been so much astonished ant pleased with anything In his lira as the resjlt of careful lutntigailin of tho work at tho Government soldier's sanl-Jarlum sanl-Jarlum M. Fort Bayard, She main lea,. tures of the trentnent Ihat has proven so siccessful In the puro air of the ele tated region aro life out of doors, Ihe most caiefully selected, nutritious diet and absolute rest In tho case ot reduced patients |