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Show WHY CANNIBALS EAT MEN. All children who aro now golns to school hivo read about how Mr. Stanley went Into the Jungles of Africa to hunt M Livingstone, of whom most nil trei ted him very kindly. Now thit Mr. Stanley no longer travels In tho iHo.mHBJ dark wilds nt Africa, thero nro other u BjB itlmHl men who do go, nnd sometimes meet II 3ft Wj, H Just as strnngo things as did Mr. Stan- HHtij Jffi J H lcy- Wt 7t M The party under the command ot Mr. iBMi ii a Km Woelfcll, which recently went into tho 9K ' "iJtI ill same country, tho dense forests back f PR y ' B of Ivory coist. In West Africa, found Kw'S JC ''IeB n number of cannibals of different 3 Hill i1 1nffl tribes They live only about 1:0 miles rtlil J' . 'HBW back from the coast, nnd are quito lifliji) i ntHH neir a Trench post, and It Is strange, ftHS f ! IflH too, that they are so near, for can- . lufC ij ri Ul nlbals have seldom been found In Atrl- . UHt iiliOoVBl ca so near the coist As n rule, they UUyDL'U mH do not live within CM miles of tho ocean ilK&XlfN 1 iliHjl und most of them stay still further Ma ;&? A )H uvvay. t HK Jm 1 1JI1H When tho white men who vvere with mfil fi I WB Mr Woelfcll found these strango black IlKji PL, Wl H men, and askeil them why thev ata IHf :" I1 -43 ' iH human flesh Instead nt heist flesh, tlioy tffi'f (lb 1 : nil replied that 'men usually wash them- Jvji ' jr, I1 MM selves three times a day, nnd, there- HSHS K 3 j HI fore, uie much cleaner than beasts, E?r tl n H which aro never washed" Wmft iFi IH Theso uitlvcs have guns and can get Hmj; 5i It 9H powder from Llnerla, but nB lead In Hut W JS1 iHI most always hard to set, they often Mai K'ii'; ImM use stones und gravel In place of bul- ASai. ') r h-, lets Vijl ' L.xH When Mr Stanley sent Capt, Coqull- LSI kw SSamm hat to garrison the station he had es- JJS'Sliii iiCdHvi tabllshed, he found tlie people alwass ia'R '1? i9flHH ready to defend their practice ot eating HrK fltA lyBHI men Rf1a 'iII'kHHI This Is honlble." slid Mr. Coqull- Pl'i 'MijlBMH hat, one day to a chief who was nt din- nil's' If.. tllW nor- 3tlf iHJilBH ' On .the contrary. It is dellcloAis with, AfW u, Ijfln silt," was tho quick reply. jftMJ 7 ilSfM W L'i.n SilHl |