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Show INDIAN POLICE IN JAIL. United In the Olrls' Dormitory nt the Lemhi Agency. rrniniM piiciai. rert Hill In II n Vnenrj Mil . .March 1 -Henry Hihsr ird !lrk Hums tno In-xii In-xii of tW reservation who hive been unlrc s rmllrrmrn nt in I cinhl Indlin lutr It l " orttit were recently niH in the Blr ' eiormltor of tho xd loestrJ al I 1 nt.cncj Ihoivvern mini bj I r nt nil placed In Jail l film to b hell for the next term (multilist I onrt These Inrtlnns it alsais lior 'ilr reputations here, end It Is M,f 1 if t seme mistake hns jua mil's srn il-elopmentn will proxj, them not nullty of so Krae"a' Diirlnir tlw atorm perlm of th. n... week consl lrahlo ,now hi" rolleS inP."hi Ll?".".'."; "-nhhl lifn?"ent tr? a.sur an nernRo nmount of ater for ihl lf-snlnit lf-snlnit sen-on Ptockmen Tare let tlni a f of the stronger enitif out on thf ?;" nnd they seem to do well iii ne lontlnufnB to feed "' "" m1""' |