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Show C010MRIA VENEZUELA TROUBLE There is a retolt on the Oulrla coast benor Mai uel A Maios lender of the VenesurUn retoiutl lsl landed on iho islan I if THilda.l irom a small vessel Saturday night The Insurgent Clens Mdal and rer nandea from Ouajana hue Joined Oens Perea and Ritas who hate a large f rce of revolutionists In Maturln A desperate engagement has taken place near 1 arupan V enesi ela den Landete connnaiidli g the Government forces was defvatel (Ten Miriues was killed and Oen Rravo was wounded There has beett- n retolutlonar) out break In tolombln near the capltil ant setere righting In the Immediate nelrh borh il 1 11 g t, 1, 1, ,.rlW ,B and that the revniuti nlsis hate been driven Into the moi ntalns with heaty |