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Show REFUSES THE SWORD. Soldier Declines Present on Account of Insult to President. Tarrenton S. C, March 1. MaJ Ml-cah Ml-cah J. Jenkins haa declined to nccept Hie sword which It wns proposed to present to him nt Charleston, S C, when the President! Mlod that place MaJ Jenkins, who Is a member of the faculty of the Bethel Military academy, acade-my, has sent the following telegram to Lleut.-Oov. Tillman of South Carolina, Caro-lina, lou aro represented In tho press as hat-Ing hat-Ing telegraphed President Roosevelt nt the rcn.uet or stilisirlhers to Ihe sword recently offered mo through sou request-Ing request-Ing him to withdraw arc ptiincn lo i reset re-set t same if this bo so 1 must decline under tneso circumstances lo aiceit sword Thanking nu tor perronal kind-ncss kind-ncss In tha matter. I am trult sours it l. Jenkins. |