Show MB M'CORNICK SURPRISED. Knew Nothing of the Movement Un. til Yesterday. Mr McCornick had received no definite defi-nite Information In regard to the matter mat-ter when consulted nt a lale hour last night although he admitted that the subject had been broached to him The first Intimation I had thnt anj-thing anj-thing of the kind was being considered consid-ered was when a friend called me up over the telephone jesterdav and Informed In-formed me that a number of my friends In oillclal circles were Interesting themselves in my behalf In the matter mat-ter I had given the matter no thought whatever up to tint time In fact I did not know that Secrelarj Hitch-cork Hitch-cork Intended to resign ' LETTER ON THE WAY Late in the afternoon jesterday ' Mr M l ornir-k continued "I received n teli grim from Senator Kearns thai was somiwhut vague nnd at the time I thought It referred to some business proposition It said In effect that a letter was on the waj. and asked me not to decide on the proposition con talned In It until after giving It careful care-ful consideration ' AS TO ACCEPTANCE Mr McCornick was asked If he woul 1 accept Ihe portfolio of Secretary of the Interior If It were tendered lo him b Piesldent Roosevelt lie laughed In n hearty waj and said .Now you certainly would not expect ex-pect me to nnsvver such a question ns that Dent vou see that It would he verj hnd manners for me to accept nr refuse something that had never been orfeied It will he time enough to discuss that phnse of Ihe subject when something has been offered ' |