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Show I ; NEEDS OF THE WEST H Tlioy arc Elaborated Upon H . at a Banquet. H f TALKS UPON IRRIGATION B t S " e' try of tht Trsatwry Shaw H Speaks to Huslnsss Men nt Btvn- H jut of the National Burtmii JLeigu- in Chicago Hit) Subject I Was ' Commerce and Industry of Hi the West" Judge Gavin of Wew H Mexico Spoke Upon Reclamation of Hj the And Lands. H i . Feb S S crelary of the Hj T nhavt tins ftto Vrfnclpal H it the I' in'iuet or the National H l.ngin ti tonight lit the H V im Mia suhjict vva IJtJln H ml Industries of the West a 1 I utienuicoa were received with R tientlon It Uelnit oh of the B n ) i lu apeechc made by him H Hi appointment to his present fliKt set speech upon the pro- H p ie was liy John W hla of Chi- who spoke upon The League H II d nbod at length the object H i h the league Sought to attain do. I t u that Hn puipose I to keep H ti l u-i cm men thiiiugtiout tin 1 I J c li- t informed as In legislation af K t i tt 'i ih hem and to cnuroiitrntc their J I In the 1 1 motion of menu 1 I it f iv i Inn lunlmss Interests gen 1 c I as dlstliiBUiahid from special In H 1 f in I its fai is possible to take H Im quisllnnH un the pnlltks H t I I t i g Mr Kin mme Hecretai H u") 8hn v hi spoke In part nernllows H U rk iti tii kiiaw s Annm bh H ,n The 1 1 It hope of ti material Im rase In H II s rlctlltinnl irnducla In through Irrlgn B it in or in lit nidi There may I n H I there ui u is nhje. Ilnna us ilnst the M 4 rrai n in r i ui Ih rucuues In su.h M "i w ii nt t itc p-rnuimnt nntKim H ririi ii Mm lu.trlal ir rominrti lal B l enten rla -, I tl no objcillnn to tme irnll-l n that i I i ourag. private cap ,)', Itsl to nlrr w mn be madt a most H Il'J Inn nK Held hi I n mti mo llitai H tin InmuhHU will Plan lhe. B "- I ml up n th" in rk t at '! vi rnnicrt H Pl ' " 'he ""'' 1 lirlaillon mil whr p 1 1 fi r P rmlt Hi l imhimeri. to N im ipirntltp on nm of thr Irrl H M cation 1 1 lit 1 hne lltt r mialh anil H v nt i Hi im nlth tl provliiildllrni H ., Mill h mi- ui I I in "f divploplns any H ' l.nl i f our ointn ti i unto will, h H ' In: It r iol In thr I nr that It will clean H r innpettll n H I It micht not ti to if rnr to nuoir H i . the re rt In kiiiiiiIii Hit .ro" Itlon H ,. ' tli. tilth the rerml il iilnln It thit we H e ' ere loniumlng un enr In. lhhIiik rnpnr 1 i tl ii of our inanufHiiiiri I prodtnts l.'t l ) tut) lntutt he (.n.oiiriiRid lit eer B mtrrprWe tie fnatrreil Irt oer) Intercut iiH be conneried then nhall f Kron arest PC COnFCrim ineil fonii nf H" fav B and UMiiii etrUiil nnd amwInK great 1 shall nrrrene our lu.lin.lrUI and com B inntl.l l.l.lei. M.Ulal and lhil brcomo an ever InirruninK blesslna to the world H r Ham A (Initleld .it Ohio was warm B I) xreel d whrii he ainse to spetik J upon KetirRaiiliatloit n( the United H tllntes Consular HerUe J , Tim next spiul er was Henri Mernti H l'ronch t (.until In (IiIihrii, who dwelt I hrlefl upon ' lteU rtxlt with J Judge C J (In In of New Mexico J spoke of ' Uiclnnmllmi nt thn Atll H UcRlons of the AteHt H mii nttiNS imnrsp J Nearly all Ilie iitiillitlc (Intrrnment n v Innd nflhln tilt rain hell Is zone, mid of H the tenialnlim ki !.. .ift..ofi. Keren R are su. rptlble or Irrlaatlon If m re H taken h the (lnwrmn.nl t . ue the for B ti an I store tin II.hiIh H ttomrthlnit must In- .1 me to aallf the H I Ittinr ft r h mien Ivuvn In Oklahoma U nt the retei t nixmlng- or Indian lamU, there wire about u (nii quarter set tlnns of I ml for .llp mil mil otcr l'Mi... hoi II c nts This lllurtrahM to ton si methliiff ff what this Iniialo .1. Hr, fir Hi. holm l I In the nrllnirt Mil. rl. mi tlllseu I Thn Ootcrnni. nt owns the land the J trr und tho t .rentn It can sae the f r 1 Is ftoro the water an 1 so render aula I bl at d hill Itabl. thi lands to l.i n II It J r tiler and htitnesef kt rs tinier sui h tt 1 strletlnns nnd terinn as arc just an I multible un.i or sith i prlte as will I t t r till expenes of nnderluK the Ian I H llllilil It wttlltl Ih. hIiu.I ItiMntluK 1 ll put of the nttirlt Jf.lt...i.. tin (I. t I ert me it has I en It.. I from tin sale of It B Wislc u lamlM fot the time Iritis until these httlrdy ilonetrs could ia f. r the SJlne cvcr cent the lloternntcnt tx I mi mil site th m an tpimrtiinltt to 1 ulld up an aarkullural emplrt as ttiet I . till tifewlitrc in their weatwnrd inurth it Ir m the nitons of Ihe tlmitlt J ' hi .till, u nil .v. r th. cnttntrs I voul 1 feel a tHMlttll from the th tclomuet t I I f til i.t are i tin fill rlis of New J I mJinrt as well im the art at plants of i tht Millie .t noiild all inclta their J I i hurt- of the bualnesii an) oil this nt it B c t to the Qoteritmint f n it one lent but the temporart advamenn nt of monoy I to be lull Uuk lit tlm.e bimlltt I n At preHint lite lantl I ting no rctenuo II to tho Niitlnu nnd the Htate nr i.rr. Ji trrv in which It Is locati I itcrltt n i hen- H till wl itrttr from It It ntilt rten n H a little ftrounl for Ihe tattltmeii and the H eh ii men to set tihl.h will set the must M fir I -.tlilllk- llend r thin lind tlllible mid ptery tfB lirr,. of this I.Oi.O.t.l lures will be , ttle.l tfj) til i ill UuiroMd lit tht homei iker ftftV 1 -. nitd tltl.i. will .rltiK up Ihe it ilth nf our Nnllon IncreiiNe and w-nnt B N .r iter an I Inli.r than all in. ..tH.r I tunltt will le sit. n r.r th. t tt. r d. I t i ment or the ttpliitl Amcrtiaii (III a it n wlo breathtii fit a air on his J Dl H I 1 (HLSI I 1 T KNOUH Till' WhKT H lu t ncliiilliiK his a.llress. Mr (latin J raid The Win! Is ispcilallt r.irliiiutti, I In havlmc n man In tin Presidential I chilr tth In thoiviahlt iiattlsint of Its I icvotl a uid in ssll lllllis Hltd us he tx- rerstd himself In tits mcasiijs to Con. J t isliss U tliot.nshli In tat or of extend' J t lint iloMimnint il I 1 1 the redemption of the . II lands t t ih il tutor In tin. J 'et bi t as a . rt . f n wise Hot em J I' menial m lb t in Hi. lUwIupment of the H , xvhole unlrt 1'resl lint Hiwsetrlt knows the Wist knows Its mntats and lfnllses th t Us i. Hamuli, nt and prosperll Is b I d penrttnt upon the ndni lion niton th j irt of iho liuteiunutit of tho Hilh wi B H nn iiMU'i-.H i iohi:i B The litt site h uf the oM'tilna; wn K j mn. I ii) l MIII un IlHtiKr of f ' th I'nncialty of ( lib ign whose sttl- l Jc t w is The lnl fi -liy in the Corn- R fKVATon NKibONs mxiitKia Hll i H niitor Ivnute NtUon of Minnesota Hl n't the follow Hist lettet of legtct H 1 l'Chicl Mij ninth tl at 1 hall bo un- BB nble ti he ptrstut ai t - punnuot Al BByK thojfth 1 shall not le with ton I ben t) BBbh usuri ou intl the tuemlMirs of the BBbBh 1 agtto th it 1 am dt.tlt 1 ii. rested In the BBBBBn tletcloi ineut of our niinetie and manu BBBBI !aciurt tud r.l thin ir the bill to cs BBIBW . tahllsh tho dttpirtnuul of tointlKrie H 'I whl h has isssi 1 th Kinata becomts a BBbBU ' law It will 1H or ui. at hilp and seittie BJBBBn lo the mniiufacturlns and commercial lu BT9BJI r ma of th. inun'r. Both a depart BHBW ncnl will j uble t n.rt. them as uhl) t I an I iff tlt.lj us ihi Aarkullural d BBbBbB litrltnr.it n itv mti Ihe firmeis nf tin BBbBh I cnuul With our Itnm use mid gromnK BBaBaH rolu tlv. .utn.lij wl ti we need mure BBbBbJ f th in ainthlnu i N t i i r m te . ur sue .sa BBaBn a ll I i tin bj kali Int. la better in I 1' nc - exienslvo niaikttn ibt mil mil t , inslr tmatitullls cutt r ink r so efficlltt t a slman o In this .. i.iilnn 0a t .1. I I rin nt of commerce w. II mu mgid uu i . der a proper head I ItKORKTfl OF PJtlIDls,NT Tho following tcleuiuin was rud V , I regret excoodlnirly mv h tbllliv ti hl- BbBBBU i '. ccpt tho Invitation of the Nt ll nil H lal BBaBaJj , i rtesa lcaituo for Ha bunriuci toiltlt BBaBn ' ll llcaso tonviy my inrdltl Kr. etii i. i BBBpJ j our iruesla and accept mt I at i-.ii 4 BBBf , -J tor tho fucrena of the nctaaion H TUFODOHL. IIUU-'I Mil H fi IMicreai. Tba ixptniln I t BBBJ it ' Ibn of our forelen tr 1 - BBBJ j M .pdvancement of our in 141 1 1 BBH rii t U I l svstemalli ttem f dlsl 115 if n,r msnioTn lor.d prodocts In the I mirk H of the irl I and Wli reus As an nd'OUHle means to tbli ,, l", bill for the Jail n of a dert m ill ' lommene ind I ibnr l-J" ' v Ih" H. nate .f the I tills I Htates I n"Hry "t t'i l now halaeil with Ih. lotnnilltee n I ileratate and I relan 1 ommer. Irt II 1 . of Itepteacntatlv a llKnlorc ' 11". icl That H is Iho aense of tlds le'r. a'.'s l,,1hJ.lhlshV I'lintr wmlid Is,-, be j rti.l It tlti iaa ae if Ihe said bill m ml. . 1 ll'l r ;.ntniles diirtnir th. liresnil a asl n II . naress and the ir iriti irnlion il It department as soon iKuaiur aa .. r im mi will .ermll |